《It's Called Love - A Treegan Fanfic》A plain ticket and a necklace


I decided to open the envelope there so I can thank Keenan for the card. I opened it but there was no card inside. Instead there was a necklace. I took it out and engraved on it was an S and T. A slight smile ran across my face as I ran my fingers across the lettering.

I took out the long strip of paper to see what it was. When I first glanced at it I noticed it was a plane ticket and when I examined it real closely I noticed it was to Paris.

I read the note attached to it. And it read

" I wanted to give you something sentimental but I also wanted to give you something you can wear around town.

Also, get away clear your mind I'll be here when you come back. "

I went to look for Keegan but he had already seemed to slip out the back. I said goodbye to all the cast and crew. Sasha had a few to many drinks so she asked me to take her home and I gladly accepted the gesture knowing that I could rant to her and she wouldn't remember any of it the morning after.

I told her about the gift and everything and she nicely listened

I know if she was sober she would be listening very well.

I pulled up to her house opened up the gate and led her to bed. "don't wait." she said in a loud whisper.

"what?" I responded. "Go to him. He loves you, you love him, don't wait. " she said as I tucked her in.

I took her words into my mind as she fell asleep and I left. I got my car and took what she said and used it. I drove to Keegans house. I drove to north Hollywood and pulled into the tiny village. they let me in because they knew who I was.

I walked into his house I and he....

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