《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Twenty-three


Sam and Malik indulge in a small talk. Being alone with Liam in the backseat is nothing but a recipe for catastrophe. I'm almost yielding to his little enticing plan of playing with my thighs, caressing my skin gently.

I hold my breath, feeling his every move as he wanders his hand over my skin. From my knees he heads up, and when he reaches the summit of my thighs I whine a thin moan and clear my throat at the same time.

"Are you okay, Ms. Jones?" Liam asks.

The audacity he has!

Sam cocks her head back at us but she doesn't seem to see a thing. I'm grateful it's dark in here, or else I wouldn't know where to hide my face.

"Um, yeah." I sit straight, catching my breath while holding Liam's hand tightly so it doesn't go further into my reserves.

"Are you sure, Professor? Because you sound like you've been stung by a bee," Malik enthuses and laughter fills the car.

"Very funny, Malik," I remark dryly.

Liam grins and I throw him a hissing glare. It's all his fault!

"Are you enjoying the sight of Miami, Ms. Jones?" Liam asks out of nowhere, making it sound like a normal conversation.

God, help me.

"Yes, so far so good," I hardly answer, my voice as distracted as my body and mind.

This scheming Englishman! And here I thought he's all decent and grown up. Well, I'm not complaining, am I? I think I do enjoy his ploys.

"Really?" Liam pulls my hand aside and on he proceeds playing with my skin, just an innocent lingering around my inner thighs.

I thaw at his touch, and the devil in me keeps spiraling her sexy belly dance, dressed in a red Arabian costume with a gold chain on her waist.

"Yes, it's not much different from L.A," I reply in a low voice-possibly hoarsely?

I can't even tell.

My breath quickens, feeling him nearing my panties. Holy no! I bind my legs briskly, stopping him, yet wanting him at the same time.

I'd really love to let him be as it already takes me heights, but I'm afraid they may call 911 thinking that I got bitten by a black mamba.

"Stop it," I mouth, staring at him.

"No," Liam returns similarly, and we both laugh in the same style.

for dinner. Great, I'm famished. I always find it difficult eating in motion so I might as well have my fill now.

The tempting aroma makes my mouth watery as we grab the menu. The place is warm and chic-beach style-packed with both the locals and foreigners.

"This looks yummy," Sam mutters greedily, eyeing the pictured menu. "I'll have the dressed crab," she adds, and I don't really understand why people eat something that needs a hammer to break down.

I'm not a seafood enthusiast, I guess.

"I'll have chips and grilled tuna," I say in a similar manner, thanking heavens my tummy is behaving splendidly.

"I'll have the same," Liam says quite casually.

Our eyes meet. His smile is indeed provocative, but I choose to glance away.

Malik prefers meat over fish, so he orders his fair share of a grilled steak with asparagus.

"Oh, with some chips and salad, please." He grins innocently. I huff at him. "Don't judge me, Professor! I'm very hungry," he snaps.

I stifle a chuckle. "I haven't said anything, have I?"


"But you thought. I'm sure of it."

Sam stares at us sideways, taking a break from her phone.

Our dinner goes smoothly amid chatting and laughing. We depart immediately after having a little cocktail for dessert. I don't even realize the time when we finally arrive at Malik's house, somewhere near the ocean. How lovely.

When we finally get out of the car, Jamal greets us once again. Oh, he's fast. I think he had to arrive here first, and that's why he left solo from the airport. He carefully takes our luggage in one go, except Liam's duffel bag which he carries himself.

"Sweetie, what do you have to say about this place?" Sam whispers in my ear, making me shudder in a startle.

Jeez! She needs to stop doing this.

"I can plainly rate it five stars," I whisper back and we share a discreet laughter. I feel five again, eyeing the luxurious modern villa in front of my eyes. "The house is absolutely gorgeous."

It is furnished in white, and half of it is built with glass, which includes the huge ceiling-tall windows and all the front doors. I can almost see the inside and its golden fluorescent lights. Such lavish people live in, huh? I mentally shrug.

Throwing my glance further, there's a vast swimming pool at the front yard, adjoined a very well-mowed garden. Several palm trees from different angles give the place a fine ambience of a tropical paradise, and the scent of fresh air adds much to my serenity.

"Come in, ladies," Malik announces hospitably. "Welcome to Miami!" He dramatically claps his hands.

"Oh, we already are," Sam prompts, and as always, I only smile at the enthusiasm she exudes.

Liam, on the other hand, looks so well acquainted with the place that he's already heading in. He moves graciously whilst on a phone call that's seemingly important. He must've been here before, evidently. I just suck in a fresh breath and push my way inside, following Malik's lead.

Everyone seems worn-out from the flight. We all enter our respective rooms without any further ado. I take a few minutes contemplating the features of my bedroom, a full white, including the beddings, except for the aqua blue plush coach and the ocean painting on the wall.

"Beautiful," I mutter, sauntering towards the wide window to see what lies behind the curtains.

It's incredibly marvelous. There is a splendid beach view coupled with flashy buildings from across ocean. I smile softly, nostalgia surging like a tornado, ready to twirl me around and around with memories of L.A. But why can't I stop thinking of him, anyway? He's stuck in my mind like a little disease.

I hug myself instinctively, suddenly cold and needy of his presence.

"How I wish to feel his arms again," I breathe, shutting my eyes at the fantastic touch of his memory on my skin, imagining him near me.

But no, I need to shut these lewd thoughts, for I'm definitely getting sexually frustrated. Reclaiming my lost sanity, I change into a nightdress and climb on my bed, ready to call it a day. But my endeavor lives only for a heartbeat. There's a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask while fixing myself up.

"It's me." Liam's voice responds.

God, what does he want now?

"Just a sec," I tell him hurriedly, trying hard to wipe off my stupid grin.

How do I look? I run a hand through my curls, fixing them.


Just pathetic and horny! My subconscious answers with glee, enjoying my torments.

With a sigh, I open the door and Liam's eyes regard me. "What are you doing here?" I ask softly.

"May I?" he politely asks, beckoning me to let him in.

"Um, sure." I step aside and he dashes in.

I rub my arm without a word, and frozen I hold my breath as I wait.

"I came to say goodnight," Liam says while shutting the door.

A quiver in my tummy makes me clear my throat for composure.

"Oh really? I hope you do such a nice gesture to everyone, right?" I blush big time, folding my arms across my chest.

He smirks casually.

"Not really. I'm not that generous," he says with an exhausted sigh, seemingly tired and sleepy.

"You're very phony, you know?" I stride closer to him.

"Am I?' He stares down at me ardently, his eyes slightly narrowed with a mischievous gleam, and it's enough to start that smoldering heat I've been trying to undo. "What are you thinking of?" he asks huskily, a tiny smile tugging on his lips at last.

Thinking? Not really. I'm simply undressing you with my eyes.

"Nothing. I'm just happy to see you before I go to sleep," I reply, but deeply I wonder what to do with this mysterious man.

He's really my rollercoaster and I seem to be enthralled at each spin, ignoring the danger, and focus on the fun only. Even this moment here is a danger in disguise.

"Well, I'm hardly content with just seeing you before going to sleep. What do I do with that?" Liam whispers defeatedly.

"Huh?" I know what he's trying to say. "Is there something else you want, maybe?" I ask, trying to bury the longing tension I find in the depth of his ocean-like eyes.

I know he wants me as much as I want him. I'd love to be with him tonight and just not tonight.

"Ms. Jones," Liam utters gently, closing the distance between us. Oh boy! My heart jumps a mile, my breath hitches. "Are you, by any chance, mistaking me for your kindergarten sweetheart?" he seriously asks.

"My kindergarten sweetheart?" I burst into laughter.

He can be a comic!

"Yes, because only he can accept this kind of goodnight arrangement." He laughs along. "Or is it that you are playing hard to get with me?" He proceeds and I laugh even harder, ignoring the time and everything who share this house. "I learned those words from you, if you remember correctly." He grins boyishly, leaning his face closer to mine.

"You've gone crazy," I whisper right near his lips. Where is this going, dammit! "But I don't think it's a bad idea." I try to focus.

"What is?" Liam follows the sight of my playful eyes that are insistently tailing his mouth. I can feel his breathing turning jerky, and no complaints coming from me, for I'm feeling exactly the same.

"This one." I palm his face, and pull his head down for a kiss.

.Wrapping my waist tight, Liam's body crashes mine in a slow move. Our tongues roll and mingle sweetly, kissing each other deeply, and I melt in his furnace. God, this feels right, but why is it still wrong? I flounder inside.

Liam pushes me deftly toward the wall, my back against it. Woah! It's sweet, so delicious, and still so wrong. I feel the red alert in my head, impelling me to not do anything resultant to regrets. But I want more. My body needs more. And he's all I desire.

"Okay, this is enough," I utter breathlessly, chuckling after I pull apart.

Panting, Liam bores his eyes into mine, and smiles broadly. "Evidently this is not enough, but I think you're right. Goodnight, Ms. Jones." He playfully lays another soft kiss on my lips, and my good night is guaranteed.


When the dawn breaks it's another beautiful day. I had a dreamless night, which is always a good thing to me. I stretch up a bit, yawning, before opening the curtains to welcome the smooth sunlight, the beach air blowing gently.

"Buenos Dias, Kira." I grin to myself, eyes on the blue ocean that mirrors the sky above.

No shower gel, no anything useful in the bathroom. I sigh heavily. A quick shower does me wonders, however, but I realize we have a lot to buy in regards to toiletries. I always carry a spare toothbrush and paste, so lucky me on this one.

I put on a pair of black leggings and white sweatshirt. Lazily, my hair stands into a messy bun, tired of pampering it. With my slippers on, I finally leave the room and head straight in the living room where Malik is the only one awake.

He is seated cross-legged on a white sectional couch, absentminded. He is immersed into a tablet, a steamed coffee on the side table. The frown of concentration on his face nearly makes me laugh, for it's rare to see him utterly serious. However, he does look dashing in both forms.

"Good morning," I greet him.

He looks up at me, a bit startled.

"Hey, Professor. Good morning," he replies with a pleasant smile that could pluck a shining star from the sky. "Did you have a nice rest?" he asks tenderly over a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, it was great." I barrel toward him.

"Glad to hear. Want some coffee? Apparently it's the only thing available here. We should probably go out for breakfast, right?"

"Really? Why don't we just restock the kitchen?" I say suggestively as going out for breakfast feels like a terrible errand for me.

"You mean, buying the groceries and stuff?" Malik seems way surprised.

"Yeah, just the basics," I say.

"And who's going to do the cooking? Because I don't even know how to boil an egg."

"Don't worry, I'll do the cooking," I answer laughingly. I miss doing it.

"You will?" he tags. "Wow, you surely know how to surprise me each day, Professor."

"Give me a break, will you?" I ignore his sarcasm.

The kitchen is sullen. I go through the fridge, only to find it totally empty except for the two beer cans. Gosh! Why is the kitchen so lifeless? Oh well, men will always be men.

"It's sad over there, isn't it?" Malik chortles.

"Yeah, very. Can we go buy groceries right now?" I plead, my eyes still empty shelves of the fridge.

"As you wish! I'm always up for a homemade meal." Malik is excited.

I only giggle at his cheerful disposition, exiting the kitchen.

"Okay, give me just a minute." I need to get my wallet.

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