《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Twenty-One


"Did you get to kiss him?" Sam sits straight in my bed, ready to hear the nonexistent scoop.

"Why would I kiss him?" I chuckle, for it's pretty insane.

Well, at least for my case with Malik as I'm already preoccupied and charmed by the cowboy.

"You didn't?" Sam pouts.

"No! Stop being silly, Samantha Ford!" I scold as it's a bit annoying.

"Gosh, you need to stop being a nun. I can get you a form to join the convent if you want." She laughs, arching my eyebrows in wonder. "I mean, when will you get laid already? Until you get married?"

"I don't know." I sigh heavily, fed up with this same old speech.

"Ugh, you're being boring now!" Sam grunts. "I'm always the one who talks about men, and you say nothing. Do you have a problem, maybe? Are you a les—"

"Sam, stop!" I yell.

"Woah." She winces back, one one eyebrow raised up at me.

I take a deep breath, fixing my composure. "I don't want to talk about sex . . . or men. And I'm pretty certain of my sexuality, so just . . . let's not talk about that, okay?"

Rattled, Sam raises her hands in surrender. "As you wish, ma'am."

"I'm sorry for yelling. But you're just too stubborn and it's getting on my nerves." I sigh tiredly.

"No, I'm not. But I'll soon find you a boyfriend, and your sexual frustration will be over," Sam says with a confident grin.

"Just great," I mutter under my breath, thinking of the 'sexual frustration' she's stubbornly referring to.

Perhaps I am frustrated.

"And what are these?" Sam finally sees what I brought from Big Sky.

"Just some items I bought."

"Let's see." She sits up and starts rummaging through the shopping bags. "Yes! Now we're talking." Her eyes are shining brighter as she throws everything on the bed.

Leaving Sam to her endeavor, I quickly send Malik a 'thank you' text, which he returns with 'Pleasure' and several blushing emojis. I smile gently while depositing my mobile aside.

"That's for Eleanor. Do you think she'll like it?" I ask Sam when she inspects the silver bracelet I bought from a famous local artisan when Malik and I run into his store.

"Thank you Mom?" Sam reads the artistic letters engraved on it. "Kira, don't you think you're getting too attached? Will you be okay when we leave?" She looks worried.

Well . . . I don't know.

"I don't think I'll be totally okay, but I'll be very sorry if I don't use this little chance heaven's given us. I only did what I would've done if my mother was alive." I smile fondly at the thought.

"Of course, who wouldn't wish for a mother like her? I'm sure Eleanor will love this," Sam replies and I'm glad we're on the same page.

"Hopefully," I quip, my lips tight.

Sam starts questioning me about my little getaway with Malik, and I still don't understand why she is so convinced that he has a thing for me. The poor guy has never shown me any sign of the sort, and yet I can't stop hearing Sam's nonsense since day one.


Anyways, I deeply hope she's imagining things because I'm not up for another drama. This one soap opera of a love triangle is already a headache, and certainly enough for a lifetime.

"Well, we just talked, walked around, and it was fun." I smile softly.

"So, you don't like him even a tad?" Sam asks, a hint of doubt crowding her face.

"I do," I reply casually. "I do like him, Sam . . . but as a friend." My gaze is earnest as I say this.

"Ugh, that famous speech." Sam sighs.

"And you? How was your day?"

"Well . . ." She begins with laughter. I crease my eyebrow skyward, curious. "Liam and I made a horrible lunch today."

She's blushing.

"Lunch?" My heart booms at the mention of his name alone.

"Yes. Betty wasn't here; it was just Liam and me in the afternoon. We decided to test our cooking abilities after debating whether to go out or not. I suck in the kitchen, as you already know, and Liam is horrible," she explains fondly, the memory seemingly awesome. "It was half burnt, half undercooked."

"Oh?" I don't know what to feel, so I'm neutral.

"It was so much fun! In the end Liam made amazing sandwiches, and it's what he knows how to make best." Sam giggles. "We chilled with a movie afterwards, so my afternoon was great."

I bet it was. Her ecstatic eyes say so.

"That's good." I suck in whatever I'm feeling.

Maybe that's how things were supposed to be. If I didn't come here with Sam, the chances of Liam being with her would probably be huge. I'm the one ruining things and I need to go.


The following morning, during breakfast, Malik drops a bomb that leaves everyone astounded. He announces blatantly that we're flying to Miami this evening, and he has already made the travel arrangements.

"That's great, Malik. As always, only you know how to have fun," Eleanor says while sipping her tea, a vibrant smile on her face.

I can't believe she seconds the idea, which makes me shift my eyes towards Sam. As expected, my best friend is wiggling in her chair gleefully. But it's understandable, I guess.

I'd love to see Miami.

"And you think you can just plan your trip without consulting us first?" Liam snaps.

God, he is so barbaric. What tree has he fallen from?

Eleanor rolls her eyes, which makes me laugh for real. Malik laughs along, and I love the way he never gets offended by Liam's disturbing remarks.

"Who wants to go swimming in Miami?" His voice is dramatic as he asks us.

"I do." Sam raises her hand immediately.

I follow suit. I do want to see Miami.

Malik smiles triumphantly. "See, Brother? Winner takes all."

Liam rolls his eyes. I chuckle lightly.

"You should loosen up a bit, honey. What's the point of taking a vacation if you're only going to confine yourself in this country house?" Eleanor says smoothly, eyeing her son tenderly with a smile.


"Don't worry, Aunt," Malik says while gobbling a huge piece of sandwich. "I'll just cancel his ticket."

Liam glares at him, and he only giggles at him. I don't know why, but I always find them like two little boys who love bickering to one another.

And it's kind of cute.

Watching Mr. Intense sulking is as if I'm seeing the younger version of himself that I wish I knew. I smile to myself.

"Fine. But this better be the last time you do this," Liam says coolly, and everyone looks relieved.

What a hassle! He could've just accepted without a fuss.

After breakfast I present my little gift to Eleanor, and she seems quite taken aback when she sees it.

"Is this for me?" She sounds exhilarated, eyes gleaming at me.

"Yes?" I nod approvingly.

"Thank you . . . mom?" she reads aloud, and it's a bit embarrassing.

"I know it's nothing much."

"It's wonderful, Kira. I love it!" She's sincerely grateful, I can feel it, and it makes me so happy.

"I'm glad you like it." I grin.

"You know," Eleanor starts, her voice softer and tender as she holds my hands. "I like you a lot, Kira, and . . . I know my son does, too!"

Her son? My heart starts galloping.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I'm caught off guard by her remark.

She chuckles. "You don't need to be wary, Kira. Mothers' hearts never lie. You like him, too, don't you?" she asks with a warm, witting smile.

I swallow nervously, for I don't think I have the right to answer this question—not under these circumstances that I met her son. Lucky for me Mr. Intense appears, and I feel eternally saved.

"I need a moment, Mother," Liam intrudes. "Ms. Jones, do you mind?" He looks serious and urgent.

"Not at all. Excuse me." I use the chance to slip away.

My head is in the clouds as I climb the stairs back to my room. I want some alone time to process everything. However, to make matters worse, I bump into Sam heading to my room as well.

Things can't go any worse, can they?

Sam seems so thrilled and I imagine it's from the Miami trip. Maybe if I were in a different dimension, I would also share the same enthusiasm, but apparently I'm not.

My wish is to disappear and go back in time; to refuse Sam's invitation.

"Have you packed?" she queries.

"Not yet," I breathe.

"Everything okay?" Sam asks worriedly, which destroys me even further.

"Yes, I'm good. I'll just start packing now."

We parade inside, and I do as I said. I'm originally so well organized; hence I don't do much to put all my things in place.

Maybe it's about time everything goes back to where they belong, I decide.

"You heard Malik, right? We're only staying in Miami for a few days." Sam stares at me dubiously as I stuff everything in my suitcase.

"What do you mean? Do you plan to come back here?" I ask, because if that's her plan then good for her.

As for me, this is a one-way ticket.

"I know it's crazy that we return back to Montana, but who cares? Money talks, right?" Sam laughs.

I do care, very much.

"I know, right?" I try showing that I'm following.

I finish by putting my camera inside my shoulder bag, followed by the gift Malik gave me deep into the suitcase. I'm just counting hours so that I can finally leave this place.

What will happen in Florida? I can't help but wonder.

Alone at last, I decide to stroll around the ranch before our departure time. I can't believe it's been a week already, and I'm really leaving this wonderful place and its enchanting nature.

Well, I guess there's an end to every beginning, and it's time I face mine.

Sighing, I keep walking aimlessly, only to end up at the same usual place.

Charlie is eating gracefully. I smile stupidly at the memory of being busted in the river by Mr. Intense himself, and the horseback ride afterwards.

It's been one eventful week that I'll never ever forget.

I move towards Charlie and run a hand on his back with several sighs escaping my lungs. He flexes a bit, but stills afterwards as though enjoying the touch of my hand.

"Are you okay, Ms. Kira?" Julian snaps me from the clouds, and I quickly sniff away the discomfort.

"Yap, kiddo. I was just leaving, by the way," I tell him, and he glares at me as though he doesn't buy my words at all. "Would you like to have this?" I take off my watch that I bought recently.

I noticed him wearing this haggard one that looks at least ten years older than himself.

Julian stares at me wryly. "Why are you giving that to me?" he asks, and I almost roll my eyes.

Of course he is as proud as his boss. But two can play this game.

"Forget it." I start fastening back the straps, and he quickly grabs it.

"I'll take it, thank you," he says dryly.

I smile triumphantly. "Okay, stay well." I pat his head, but he dodges fast, which makes us both laugh. "Good bye, big guy," I whisper to Charlie, and with that I leave them behind.

"Kira," Julian calls after me, just before I get away.

"Yes?" I turn around, smiling.

"He likes you," he says, and I frown a bit. "No, I think he loves you."

"What . . . are you talking about?" I'm stupefied.

Does everyone know about my secret affair with Liam or what?

"Forget it! Just go!" Julian lashes at me. "I knew you were dumb." He dives under the fence.

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