《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Fifteen


"Lights off, please." Liam points at the bedside lamp.

I comply, a smile on my face. Liam holds me gently when I return to his side. With cheek against his cheek, he wraps his strong arms around my body. I hear his heartbeat, and it's a very soothing song to my ears. It's pure bliss lying next to someone your heart desires—now I know.

"I said to sleep, Ms. Jones," Liam urges, dissolving me from my sweet reverie.

"Yes, Mr. Darcy," I reply with rolled-eyes.

How grumpy can he get?

I don't mind, however, I just can't help but wonder about his personality at times. We stay in silence, and I can't say I'm sleepy at all.

This is so new to me.

"Your body feels warm," I think out loud, hoping he's fast asleep.

But hell no.

"And so does yours," he answers, his voice hoarse and soothing. He plants a brisk kiss on top of my head. "You're perfect," he adds.

"Oh my." I bite my lip, my heart fluttered.

Silence stretches between us in a fleeting moment.

"It may sound very pathetic," Liam starts, making me frown attentively, "what I'm about to ask you." He glances down at me through the pair of his blue orbs piercing through the darkness.

"Um, why don't you go ahead and be a little pathetic?" I remark, and a little laugh from him draws my lips into a sweet smile. "I mean, it's only human to be pathetic sometimes . . . So go on and ask me."

Oh, my curiosity knows no bounds.

Liam chuckles lightly. "You're something else, Ms. Jones," he says with a sigh. My smile broadens. "Well, do you have a boyfriend?" he finally asks, and I nearly laugh aloud.

Seriously, Mr. Darcy?

"If I had one," I answer haltingly while rolling myself so that I face him, "I wouldn't be in your arms right now."

"I see." I sense a reprieve, his body more relaxed as he says this.

I smile. "And what about you? Do you have anyone special in your life?"

Am I ready to hear his personal details?

"You know what?" I say stoutly before he opens his mouth. "Don't answer that."

"Why?" he quizzes, a small laughter lingering in his voice. "Why don't you want me to answer, Ms. Jones?"

Because I don't want to give myself some hopes that shouldn't dwell in my heart. I better assume this is just a summer fling—something temporary—that when the dawn breaks I'll go to my senses. No expectations, no disappointment.

"I'd rather not hear about it." is my simple reply, and he doesn't press further.

Another silence follows, feeling each other's breath. Could anything else feel this good?

Well . . . maybe. Maybe there is still a lot to discover in this world of emotional attachments.

"What are you thinking of?" Liam croaks his voice a bit groggy, sexy, unleashing unbidden desires from my cooled body. "Because you think a lot, Ms. Jones."

"Maybe something weird," I confess.

"Weird? How weird?" He chuckles.

"Utterly weird, but not really weird."

"Now you are being weird." He sighs and I gently run my fingers on his chest, drawing in the smooth scent of him while thinking of how I can deliver my thoughts. "Say it. Whatever it is." He sounds curious to know what's on my mind.

"It's crazy how you meet someone new, someone you totally know nothing about, and yet you feel like you know everything about them. You feel connected to them as though you're a part of them," I say in a smooth whisper, feeling Liam's heart beating softly against his chest.


Am I even making sense? Well, it's how I feel anyway.

"What if you are the other half of them?" Liam asks, lifting his head to meet my face. He then smiles at my befuddled look. "They say nothing happens by chance, don't they?"

I know, but . . . well, I don't know.

"Listen," I breathe, trying to clarify my point. "I'm talking about something serious. I'm not kidding."

"That's interesting. What do you mean? If I may ask. Do you feel that way about someone?" He looks bemused, or amused—I can't tell. "Who is it?" he adds.

"You," I answer.


"Us. Being here with you feels like Deja vu."


"Nothing." I smile, for I'm afraid he may start thinking I'm crazy. "Can we kiss, Mr. Darcy." I change the topic, teasing him.

"Ms. Jones," Liam utters with gleaming eyes, highly amused at last. "If we go on that road I may lose my gentleman title."

"Your what?" I laugh hard, utterly entranced by his dry humor. He laughs along, looking at ease. "Just a goodnight kiss, please." My voice is imploring, and so is my sex goddess, who's currently feeling shortchanged.

Liam sighs heavily. I purse my lips. Does he find it that hard? Or playing hard to get?

"I can try to make an exception," he says with a big smile filled with mischief. Man!

"You're so full of yourself," I mutter.

"I guess I am. But believe me, I never intend it to be that way," Liam enunciates, and it kind of makes me feel bad from the way he lets it out. "It's quite easy for someone to misjudge the one they don't really know, so I've come to accept it as my flaw."

Oh no.

"I've never really thought of you that way," I tell him truthfully.

He's complex, yes, but it never occurred to me that he's obnoxious or anything similar.

"Maybe I felt you'd understand me," Liam interrupts my thoughts, "from the very first time I saw you."


"Let's have that goodnight kiss and sleep now, Ms. Jones." He now changes the music. "And I promise you are going to sleep well tonight."

"Oh, yeah?" I chuckle with much delight, wishing every night would be like this.

"I can feel it." He's so boastful right now, and hell I love this version of him, too. "Kissing your lips is something I can do all night long, Ms. Jones. You're that addictive." This gentle whisper is followed by his lips on mine, a very slow kiss that makes me crave for more.


The sun rays pierce viciously through the window, making my eyes squint despite my lazy slumber. Is it morning already? I frown begrudgingly, coming to terms with reality. I can feel from somewhere deep in my imagination that someone is stretching the window curtains apart.

Is it Liam? I slept with him, didn't I?

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" Sam's voice booms in my ears.

I sit up instantly, eyes wide awake.

"Sam?" I'm shocked to see her, my gaze scanning the room for something only God knows.

Yes, I indeed slept with Liam. I wonder when he left my room.

"What did you do last night, Kiki?" Sam asks me as she scurries over. My eyes widen at her detective look, suspicion painted all over her face.

Panic swallows my demeanor, my heart pounding heavily.

"What do you mean?" I utter, staring firmly at her.


Does she know something? It suddenly jumps in my mind.

Casually, Sam sits down next to me. "I mean, how on Earth did you oversleep? Do you know it's almost twelve in the afternoon? I've never seen you sleep like this. Are you okay?" She touches my forehead.

A soft sigh of relief escapes my lungs at the sound of her words.

"Of course I'm okay." I remove her hand and quickly get myself away from the bed. "I just slept well, I guess, because I was kind of tired." I slip my feet breezily into slippers so I jog to the bathroom.

"Really? Well, that's good," Sam answers with a sigh. She makes herself more comfortable on the bed and I'm way more relieved that she decides to drop it.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her as I dart inside the bathroom.

"Yeah. I ate so much that I can't even breathe properly. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Not really. I'm not hungry," I reply from inside the bathroom, sucking in a deep breath.

What was I thinking? is the only question in my head.

When I look at myself in the mirror, my reflection disgusts me. I'm suddenly feeling guilty from all the treacherous things I keep doing in the dark, behind closed doors—behind Sam's back.

I'm such a traitor, backstabber, and I wonder how I can stop.

"I've made up my mind, Kira," Sam shouts enough to give me a startle. "I'm going to tell Liam everything today." Her voice echoes just behind the bathroom door.

Again with that? I feel more awful. She sounds pretty much excited, however, and what I see for myself in the mirror isn't what to call bliss.

"Really? That's good." I sigh.

I finish my business and step out of the bathroom. As I sit down in bed, Sam goes on telling me about her plans for the day, and it seems like she's so determined to finally ask Liam out.

"Do you think he'll reject me?" she asks casually. I swallow hard, not knowing what to say. What can I possibly say? Her laughter plucks me from the trance of horror. "Oh, I guess I shouldn't ask my little nerdy about this stuff, right?" she adds upon my silence.

"You're right, what do I know?" I remark.

"Well, I'll see what happens," she says with another sigh, a sound one. "But honestly, do you think I have a chance with him?" Her hopeful gaze is heart-aching for me.

"Um—'' I end up clearing my throat, unsure how to respond, yet again. This is a pure, undiluted torture. "Maybe you do, and maybe you don't."

Why can't you just tell her? My subconscious rumbles inside.

"What does that mean?" Sam huffs incredulously, pitching me a not-so-pleased look.

"I mean, you should be prepared for anything." I shrug, guising my true thoughts. "From what I've learned, Liam is kind of unpredictable. He's not like your average guys who clearly show their likes and desires openly." I just blurt out whatever comes to mind.

"Meaning?" Sam sits more comfortably, her brows crunched.

"I mean, you shouldn't hope too much, in case things don't work out as you want them to. If he had the same feelings, he'd have made it clear to you, no?" I say.

Sam gives me intense scrutiny. My breath hitches.

"This is strange," she utters.

"What is?"

"You . . . Acting all pessimistic."

"Well, you wanted my honest opinion, right?" I query. She nods, looking undecided. "There. I think you should be ready for anything so that you won't be too disappointed in case things fall apart."

Sam sighs heavily, before saying, "I guess you're right."

I only hope this ends well. I'd love to tell her the truth but damn my guts! How do I even start?

Will she understand? This is the worst situation I've ever been in as far as our friendship is concerned.

Between talking and laughing casually, Sam stays with me while I fix my bed, and offers to bring me breakfast once again, which I refuse. I don't feel like eating anything at the moment. At last she leaves me alone, and I take the most of this privacy to think things through.

The short moment I shared with Liam has become very special to me; I felt happy, and mostly very alive. It's something inexplicably sweet, and I've never felt it before. Moreover, it's amazing I slept peacefully by his side—something science has failed to accomplish so far. Sighing, I hug myself while sitting on the couch, facing outside through the window.

How do I solve this situation? And that . . . without hurting anyone. Can I face my best friend and tell her everything? I decide to put this matter pending and take a shower.

in the garden, feeling the soft summer breeze regaling my face. And Liam pops in my head, quite uncalled for. I haven't gotten to see him since last night and I gather it's best this way.

I lazily pace alongside the fence, which leads me to the barn. I find Julian tending the horses, oblivious of everything. I dive under the fence and Julian regards me with a startled look.

"Are you talking to them?" I grin.

"Ms. Kira?" Julian looks startled. I chuckle when he frowns instantly at the sight of me. "Talking to the horses?" He scoffs.

"Yeah. I thought you're good at talking to them as well." I move closer.

"Are you angry because I told Sir Liam that you went to the woods by yourself?" He looks a bit remorseful, and I squint at the sight. What is he talking about? "Well, I've never seen a girl taking that path so easily; so I was—"

"Wait," I interrupt. "So Liam went to look for me because you told him I walked through the woods?" I ask in what sounds like a grand hunger for information.

What a lost cause! my subconscious murmurs with the I-knew-it tone of voice, shaking her head with a sigh. And do I even care? Not really.

"Yes, that's what I said," Julian snorts. "He was very mad at me, so don't add to it."

I smile indulgently, my heart appeased. "No, I'm not mad at you."

"Oh, thank heavens!" The young man sighs with relief, and my eyes narrow in wonder. Did something good happen to him overnight? ''Are you his girlfriend?" he suddenly asks while pumping something with whatever he's holding.

"What?" My eyes widen.

"His girlfriend, are you?"

"Um, no."


"Absolutely," I laugh heartily. "Why? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Not anymore," Julian answers.

"Oh." My smile fades.

So, he had someone. Did they break up recently? I'm curious.

"I know you and your friend with weird hair want to be his girlfriend," Julian utters with a smirk.

"Wh-what?" I gasp.

This kid!

"Wait." He pauses as two men emerge from inside the barn.

Peter and Liam, to be very precise.

"Um, have a nice day, Julian," I whisper, ready to leave, but I think it's too late for me to do that as the person I'm trying to avoid has already seen me.

"Why don't you help us, since you're already here, Ms. Jones?" Liam asks me aloud.

Somebody pinch me.

"Well—'' I stutter, and he raises an eyebrow at me, amused. Damn him! "How can I help?" I boldly ask.

"What else is to be done here, Peter?" with a smile, Liam asks Peter who looks a bit startled.

"Um, not much, boss. Julian and I can finish it all," Peter answers reverently.

"Good. You two can go ahead and do something else," Liam says, ignoring Peter's plea. "Ms. Jones and I will finish the painting," he adds while eyeing me intensively, mocking me.

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