《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Nine


Around five Eleanor and I arrive at the boutique where her office resides. Sam has gone to a spa after our late lunch, and I still have to deal with my fashion emergency—as referred to by Eleanor—as soon as possible. This ordeal always gives me a headache, so I literally can't wait for this day to come to an end.

Lurking my eyes around this nicely decorated office, I can't cease wondering how a classy woman like Eleanor could be this nice to some poor strangers coming from some other part of the country. Maybe not all rich people are as conceited as I normally believe.

I should really graduate from the prejudice school.

"Just a moment, Kira. I need to confirm my flight," Eleanor tells me, holding a telephone receiver.

"Sure," I easily oblige.

A few minutes later we head for the main task. The boutique has two sections, ladies and gents, separated by a gorgeous lounging area. We go to our respective section, and my eyebrows arch at the sight of all the stocks inside the place.

Modernly furnished in white and cream, the boutique surely looks fancy and feminine. Shoes, clothes, and jewels are professionally displayed.

Eleanor goes through a few dresses in the racks, as though searching for the particular one among the others. She does it so elegantly as she moves slowly while measuring me with her eyes from time to time. Frankly all the dresses look like designer brands.

Can I do any of it justice?

"This . . ." Eleanor frowns, undecided. "No, not good." She tosses it aside, then wanders around and plucks another one.

Thank God! I suck in a deep breath of relief, for the first one wasn't my scene at all.

After catching and discarding, Eleanor finds an interesting dress at last. It is an off-shoulder burgundy dress, cascading up to above the knees when she vaguely lays it on me.

Kind of my scene, I guess.

"I'm sure this one will do," says Eleanor, then looks at me expectantly. "What do you think?"

"I think . . . I like it." My smile is bright.

"Okay, go ahead and try it. And this one, too." She hands me another one, a black high-slit maxi dress. "I'll be back in a minute; I'm expecting one more important call," she says smilingly.

I slip into the fitting room and take a moment eyeing my reflection through a full-length mirror. It refuses to say a word; it just stares back at me with a pitiful expression. I can't even tell my current demeanor, for it's like I'm living different lifetimes at once.

I feel happy, and then I'm not sure if I am when a strange fright seems to be lurking around, like a smoldering heat ready to turn into dangerous flames. It's overwhelming. Sighing, I take off the caftan I'm wearing so as to try the new dresses.

The black one looks very fancy on me—royal-like fancy—and it's a bit too much for a simple evening I'm looking forward to. Turning my body left and right, eyes on the mirror, I decide to go on to the next one. I put the black one off, and on follows the burgundy one.

It's simple yet elegant, and goes well with my thick curls; it's exactly what I need, I decide. The silky fabric slides smoothly as I fit in the dress. I like it already. However, the horror starts when I try to zip it up. Ugh, I hate this job!

It's always a hassle in my case, which makes me despise dresses with back zippers. I'm about to pull it forcefully when I recall that I must treat this dress with utmost respect. Sighing, I suddenly hear some footsteps approaching and I know I can use some help.


"Can you help me with the zipper, Mrs. Eleanor?" I shout amidst my despair, but Eleanor doesn't respond. Is it not her? I wonder. "Anyone there?" I ask again, still struggling.

Yet, no answer.

I'm about to give up the whole thing when the curtains split open, and Liam walks in.

What the heck!

I freeze. Taciturn, Liam watches me for a second, and then he shifts his intense blue eyes towards my bare back. I feel mute, unable to even ask what he's doing here. Gosh, why can't I get used to his mien? I grumble inwardly, swallowing tightly.

Liam moves closer and shuts the distance between us.

I hold my breath, feeling his strong presence behind me. Gingerly, his scent splendid and familiar by now, he takes hold of the mass of my hair and flips it to one side. Cool air hits my skin as my back stays exposed, naked. It's a very simple and normal action, but it's still arresting.

I close my eyes when Liam's warm fingers graze my skin. He slowly zips up my dress, and I hold his every trail, relishing the feel. It's not even a hard task that takes hours to complete, but it feels like eternity until the fabric wraps my lower back up to the mid.

"It looks good." His voice makes me wake up immediately.

It's warm, gentle, yet imperious.

"Eh?" I'm prompt.

"The dress . . . it looks good," he repeats, his eyes gleaming succulently through the mirror.

"I see." A small hint of disappointment crosses my face.

I mean the dress? My subconscious sulks.

"And you look remarkably beautiful in it." Liam smiles in a discerning manner, and I can't refrain myself from turning towards him.

Does he read minds?

"Thanks," I hardly voice out, and a tiny silence reigns. I realize that we're alone, behind a small closed room, and for the first time I fail to take charge of my composure.

I feel stirred, both physically and emotionally.

Slowly, our eyes lock, transfixed. Boy, I feel hot! Liam reaches for my hair and replaces it back to its original free-form. I flex, my insides quiver at this contact, and my skin shudders..

I suck in a deep breath. "What are—"

"And I do like your hair, Ms. Jones," Liam says in a very gentle, hoarse voice. "It smells specifically divine today." My heart beats fast as his words pierce in my eardrums. He only touches my hair, but the entire body responds to his advances. He doesn't leave my sight as we slowly close the safe distance between us.

Damn, Kira, aren't you supposed to move away from him? I can clearly hear the yell, and I know it's a red alarm, screaming danger, yet there's a rebel in me who seems to be quite keen with perils, loving the unknown.

My mouth and his stay an inch apart.

Nothing else seems to matter at present, and I feel like I'm living that same dream I've been having. His presence right now, so close to me, is not something new at all. We're almost lost into a deep emotional bond, when I hear a very familiar voice.

"Kira?" Sam calls after me. I pull back as fast as all my five senses reactivate. "Kira, are you there?" Sam's voice keeps approaching, and I fall in a panic.


I look at Liam, who is surprisingly calm as though nothing is the matter. His eyes shift towards the exit, then back at me. I blaze, panic sweeping over me. Liam scowls at the sight, and my lips tremble as my voice stops at the mouth.


And suddenly he tries to get out of the fitting room, but I pull him back with all my strengths. I warn him to stay put with my eyes, and he stares back, clueless. He's nearly smiling at my serious face, and I'm freaked.

"Over here! I'm trying on a dress!" I speak aloud, responding at Sam's call.

"Oh you! What took you so long to respond?" I feel Sam's steps getting closer, and I must think fast.

"DON'T COME IN!" I snap, and she halts right before the curtains. "I'm still changing, Sam," I add.

Why am I lying? I'm disgusted with myself.

"And so what if you're changing?" Sam chuckles lightly.

"Um, I'm kind of naked?" I say desperately.

"And since when do you care about that? You always strip without a warning," she casually remarks.

Liam shoots me an inquiring eyebrow at this little piece of information.

God! This is not going well, and I wonder what this Englishman is imagining right now.

I decide to reveal my head through the curtains. "I'm trying on the new dress and I don't want anyone to see me yet," I tell Sam.

"Wow, your hair looks nice." She beams jovially, and it breaks my heart that I'm nearly a traitor. "Well, have you seen Liam?"

Oh no! Well, he's right beside me, making fun of the situation like a naughty little boy.

"Um, no, I haven't seen Liam," I reply, and again he lifts another eyebrow.

"Really? That's strange. I thought he came here," Sam mutters, and I sigh remorsefully. I'm such a bitch! "Okay, I'll go look for her," she says, and before leaving she adds, "Oh, Eleanor asked you to wait for her."

"Okay," I answer and thankfully she leaves.

Half-relieved, I face Liam, whose face is now blank; it refuses to give out anything. How does he even do it? He stares intently at me.

"Why did you lie?" he asks me all of a sudden, with mixed emotions registered on his face. And I just hate that he takes pity on the matter. "You weren't doing anything wrong, right?" he adds.

Maybe not practically, but deep down I know I've sinned with my thoughts.

"I don't know." I sigh, frustrated somehow. "Maybe I'm a horrible person, and a terrible friend, and I think you should go!" I run a hand through my curls, oblivious of the party awaiting and that I need to stay neat.

"No, you're not," Liam says calmly, shifting towards the exit. "But perhaps you should be true to yourself at the very least, Ms. Jones. You look guilty, and I don't understand why."

What is he insinuating now?

"No, I don't," I argue.

He smiles faintly. "There's a mirror right in front of you, look at it." And he leaves.

Like a baby I do as he's just said, staring at my own reflection. It's disgusting. "I just didn't want any misunderstanding," I utter under my breath, suddenly afraid of my immediate future.

It's almost eerie, the thought of staying in this place any longer. Should I just run away while I still can? I ponder, my eyes tentative at the mirror.

The sound of high heels echoes in my ears. "Hey there? Everything okay?" Eleanor's voice cracks my mind open.

"Yeah. I'm done." I fix myself and quickly step out of the fitting room.

Eleanor approves my dress right away, and we are finally done with the charade. For shoes, I only go with black pumps that come with a matching clutch. She also does my makeup, and for a moment I can't help but wonder if there's anything she cannot do.

"I used to work at the salon before marrying Liam's father," Eleanor says proudly as she applies some blush on my cheeks. She's smiling brightly, her eyes gleaming with pleasure.

"Really? That explains your talents then." I'm dolled up like a beauty pageant.

"Some lipstick?" Eleanor wriggles her eyebrows, searching for the suitable color in the collection.

I don't usually wear lipstick but today I put on an outstanding one, the same color as my dress. I feel so very beautiful when I check myself in the end.

"You look magnificent, dear," Eleanor says while standing right beside me, happy with the result.

"Yeah, I'm looking but I can't believe it's me," I tease, and we share a long laugh.

Oh, these moments are precious. The reminder that I'll soon leave this place and return to my humble abode somehow makes my heart cringe.

"Wait, something is missing," Eleanor utters as we both agree that we're done. She then disappears for a minute and returns with a shiny silver choker and its earrings. "Now this will finalize the magic." Her smile brightens.

"No, Eleanor. This is too much already." I stare at the piece of jewelry.

"No, it's not," she says insistently, undoing the necklace so as to round it in my neck. "In fact, it's been here for a while so don't give me that."

"Oh my." I feel burdened by this kindness.

"Kira, I've always wanted to do this," she tells me warmly after noticing my slight discomfort. "If I had a daughter, this is what I would've done on her first outing, or party, or anything. Can't you consider me your mother and just accept it?"

My breath turns ragged, my heart pounding amorously at these touching words.

I feel like tearing up but I conceal my tears with a sniff.

"Okay, I promise to treat them with care." I beam and her face lights up.

When done we head out to join the others. I feel sexy, lively, and confident, as I find Liam, Malik and Sam in the middle of sharing a laugh.

"Oh my God!" Sam exclaims as soon as I become visible.

"Oh my," Malik utters, his brown eyes shining as he walks around the couch, and reaches before me. "You look beautiful, Kira." He dramatically kisses my knuckles.

"Thanks, Malik." I smile.

I'm slightly nervous. I think it's a bit terrifying when you look too good to be real, and that's exactly how I feel at present.

Malik gentlemanly offers me his left hand. "Shall we?" He smiles deliciously.

"Yes, please," I reply.

Evidently I should've seen this coming. I'm naturally his date tonight, and Sam is Liam's.

Catching Liam's eye, I'm surprised to see a little smile in my direction. And it's quite enough.

Both boys look breathtaking. Malik is wearing a black tuxedo that compliments his dark hair quite well, and Liam is into a navy blue suit that makes me wish to trade places with Sam.

"Okay, my children." Eleanor clasps her hands abruptly, making us all turn to her like children indeed. "The car is waiting outside, and I hope you have great fun tonight." She smiles brightly.

"And when are you leaving?" Liam asks her.

"Soon," Eleanor prompts. "Peter will take me to the airport, that's why I've booked a limo."

"Wow!" Sam squeaks with excitement. She loves riding in style and I'm not even sure if she's finished paying the mortgage of her red Audi that she was dying to have since we were eighteen.

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