《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Six


The sun grazes my bronze skin warmly, doing away the slight cold that's been enveloping me for a while. Walking around, I end up near the sturdy, old-looking barn.

Everything's so peaceful at the moment and much to my surprise, I'm welcomed by two beautiful horses grazing inside the railing fence.

How I love horses.

Smiling, I grab my old vintage canon and click a few pictures. The horses are both brown, except one has a white patch on the back and neck. I saunter along the fence, nearing them, slowly as though afraid to startle them.

Now this is what I call having fun.

"Hi, there." I lean over the fence, drinking in an unfamiliar scent that puts me at ease nevertheless.

An infantile giggle escapes my mouth as he responds with a neigh. Wait, is it a he or she? It's a bit funny to think of.

"Well, let's pretend you're a boy." I pat his smooth hair with delight.

"Excuse me." A boy's voice snaps me. I quickly whirl my head around. "Who are you?" he inquires as he approaches, holding an empty bucket.

"Uh—" I suddenly lose my voice.

"Oh, are you one of the guests at the big house?" he asks, his voice dry.

"Yeah." I smile with relief. "My name is Kira, a friend of . . . Mr. Darcy? Yeah, something like that." I'm not even sure of how I'm related to our hosts.

The boy bursts out laughing in a seemingly amused manner. I blink cluelessly. "You're dumb, aren't you?" he asks, and momentarily I wonder whether he is being serious or not.

"Why? Do I look dumb?" I ask, my composure disturbed.

"You're not even sure if he's your friend, is he your friend?" he mocks, and I huff exasperatedly. Do I retaliate? I glower at him. "Sir Liam doesn't have lady friends, so are you his girlfriend?" he adds, somewhat curious, judging from the ingenious look of his amber eyes.

"No," I practically snap, and it's he who gapes right now.

Okay, he's just a kid.

"Are you lost, then?"

"Look, kiddo," I start, ignoring his question. "First, work out on your manners—I'm older enough to be your sister. And second, I'm not dumb."

"Okay." He shrugs, but doesn't look affected.

God, kids nowadays need an ass whoop.

"Good. Do you live here?" I ask as my attempt to be on top of the situation fails miserably.

"Over there." He points at the little, well-designed farmhouse from the other side. "But I work here. I'm Julian, by the way." He jumps over the fence.

"I'm Kira," I return.

"You said it already." He keeps gazing around the area as if e's making sure of something.

Jeez! I just let it pass.

"What are you looking for?" Julian asks me, and the answer is . . . I don't know what exactly I want.

I'm always a seeker of the unknown.

"Not sure," I reply while following Julian's moving body. He is young, but quite stout, as though he's been training horses his whole few years of life. He's wearing grey worn-out jeans and a green polo shirt.

"You don't know what you want?" He seems regaled by the allegation, running a hand through his unkempt brunette hair.

Tell me about it! I sigh in a resigned manner. "Well, maybe I do. Can you tell me a nice place to visit around here?" I utter softly.

"Within the estate?"

"Hmm . . . yeah?"


He takes a breath, thinks for a while, and then says, "Maybe you can come with me to watch the cows."

Watching cows? I huff an amused laughter.

"You don't like cows? How about horses? There's more at the stable." He sounds serious.

"I do like horses, Julian. And cows, too, but I want something else," I tell him calmly, pitching my gaze around. "So what's great about this place, other than the animals and people?" I face him.

"I don't know. A river, maybe?"

"Where is it?" I ask quickly, my water goddess aroused.

"About . . . twenty minutes walk from here."

"Where exactly?" I urge.

Julian seems surprised by my enthusiasm, but ends up giving me the direction and an alternative shortcut way through the woods that's only ten-minutes long.

"You're going?" he asks, his sharp gaze quite astute.

"You said it's all within the ranch . . . and safe, right?" I inquire.

"Yeah, but are you sure you'll be fine on your own?"

"Yes, kiddo. Thanks." I wave at him with a smile, and follow the tree-trunk path that leads into the woodland. "This is it! An adventure at last." I smile.

Walking through the tall trees, my ears are filled with the sweet sounds of birds twittering and other wilderness that makes my senses active. I love this feeling of independence, as if I own the world. I think it's the only thing that makes me feel unrestrained and powerful.

scenery of green-yellow grass and grey stones alongside the running water. Other than the woods, it's just an open space with a small Yellowstone river channel. I take my time appreciating the tranquility and solitude that I need right now.

"Ah, this feels good." I stretch my arms, accepting the magnanimous cool air.

It feels so refreshing.

Depositing my camera and shoes on the rock, I head for the water. A smile appears as I slowly place my feet inside, just to taste the feeling of its slight coldness against my toes. It's exquisite. The water is crystal; I can clearly see my reflection. Am I happy? I guess I am.

And when I recall Julian's words that no one comes here, I immediately peel off my jeans and top, leaving my white cotton bra and its matching thong. Done undressing, I throw them on the same rock, feeling that devil in me dancing at this sight of my half-nudity in someone's property.

I hope nobody busts me and starts thinking I'm in the middle of a ritual like some kind of an Amazonian.

An hour goes by, and I realize that it may be enough for a day. I run a hand through my soaked curls, , ready to step out, and that's when I suddenly hear some noises from the woods. I stay alerted, concentrating on the sound. Is somebody approaching?

My whole body tenses when a brown horse emerges a few seconds later.

Good Lord! What's worse is that Liam is the one riding it. What the hell is he doing here? I duck inside the water, covering my nudity. I'm relieved it works, although it doesn't solve a thing as they are approaching too close.

You wanted an adventure of a lifetime? Here it is, girl. The devil in me is smoothly applying her blood red lipstick, watching the show through her bathroom mirror. I swallow hard as Liam ambles his horse. His face is hidden under a big, brown hat, looking so relaxed and . . . hot? Oh no.

Liam streams into proper view at last, holding the reins tightly, sinew lines of muscles rippling on his strong triceps. Damn, he makes my heart flutter—I'm sure any woman would be. And it's as if I'm seeing the Mr. Darcy of Pemberley.


No, what I need is to immediately snap out of this stupidity, because I'm living a real life and not some movie or classic romance novel.

"You never cease to amaze me, Ms. Jones." Liam dismounts the horse in a swift move, quite naturally. It's fascinating. "You're something else, I must confess. Aren't you afraid to be here on your own?"

Not really. This place may be much safer than humans. Liam stares me directly in the eyes, standing on the same position near his horse.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, ignoring his question. In return, he does exactly the same, neglecting my query by marching closer. Gosh! "I'm asking you, Mr. Darcy, why did you follow me here?" I repeat, sternly this time.

"I came to check if you are okay. Your friend is worried," he answers flatly, making a way towards the rock on which all my belongings are.

"Oh," I utter, finding no trifle in his reason. "She could've just called, though," I mutter to myself, still sheltered by the water.

"Only if there's a network around here," Liam replies and returns with my clothes, his eyes so impertinent that I can't understand what's hidden behind his gaze. "And your safety matters, too. I'm unsure why you believe you are secured here, but frankly speaking I doubt you are."

Really, now? "Is that supposed to be a threat or warning?" I quiz, my eyes squinted at his towering frame.

He smirks, amused I believe. "Depends on how you deem to find my act of humanity, Ms. Jones. It is quite easy for anyone to expound words as they see fit. But it doesn't necessarily mean their translations are correct."

Boy! Does he hold a degree in self-defense with words? I'm almost amazed at his quipping ability.

"You may be right. I do have the right, however, to construe any word in the fashion I desire because you could've been clearer if you didn't intend to sound ambiguous with your words, Mr. Darcy," I retort.

His eyes are instantly pooled with mockery, smiling faintly as he abandons the horse so as to march closer. My heart trots at his stride.

What is he up to? And why bring my clothes when I'm not done swimming? I pout.

"Aren't you going to get out?" Liam asks coolly, standing firmly closer to the riverbank.

Fuck, I'm sure he can clearly see my reserves.

"No?" I blurt out.

Liam's eyes widen slightly. "Will you stay in there forever?" He stands at ease, staring at me in a condescending manner.

"I'm not done, though. Must I go right now?"

He smirks. "You are truly a resemblance of a child at this particular moment, Ms. Jones. Would you like me to sit here and wait for your tantrum to pass before you finally decide to finish your endeavor? Or should I just leave now that I am certain you are onto something of your delight?"

A child? Should I be offended? I glare at him undecided.

"Okay, I think it's enough for today so you have no reason to keep patronizing me!" I utter with menace, and to my dismay he only sighs. Jerk! "Well, would you mind turning around, maybe? I can't simply do it if you're doing that."

"Why would I?"

"What the fu—" I halt, pressing my lips together. He's definitely challenging my good manners. I mean . . . Why does he always stir my agitation? And why do I always yield to it? Why can't I simply ignore him? I grunt mentally.

Liam smiles with delight. He turns his head to another side and extends a hand that's holding my clothes. Finally! He could've done this sooner.

As fast as I can I emerge from the water, making sure he's not going to shift his head, and grab them. I try hard to slip into my tight jeans, while eyeing him, and as treacherous as my momentum could ever be, I suddenly trip on them.

"Aargh!" I scream pathetically.

I'm almost flat on the ground, if not into the water, when I feel a pair of strong hands holding me by the waist. My heart skips a beat and I gulp at this weird feeling of Deja vu that I can't quite understand.

It's a new feeling, but not foreign . . . It's almost unnerving.

Snap out of it, Kira. My subconscious warns, and I just stare as Liam's eyes search mine as though we're doing a flipping move in a salsa dance.

My breathing gets jerky, and so does his. Oh God! His gaze trails down my caramel skin, from the neck to my cleavage, my brassiere wet and revealing. Stop staring, please.

Liam looks hypnotized for a moment, but shortly after he raises his gaze back to my face, and I'm slowly out of his grip. What the heck!

I feel hot as I clear my throat, Liam's tempestuous eyes still on me. Do I need a fan? That devil in me whistles inside, utterly happy to feel the damn muscles.

"Thank you," I utter, my voice barely audible.

"I'll wait over there, hurry up," Liam instructs. I nod slightly. While leaving, he glances down on my bottom, and I could swear to have seen a cynic smirk at the corner of his peach lips.

Ugh, men are just perverts.

My eyes shut from embarrassment. Out of all the days, why did I succumb to that little devil in me and wear this disturbing pair of underwear today?

Once I'm done dressing up, I follow Liam and find him fastening the reins of his horse. He looks so serious that I wonder what's on his mind.

However, my face lights up immediately when I discern that the horse is the brown one I saw earlier. I forget all the mishaps as my brain turns jolly at the sight.

"Oh, it's you again." I run quickly towards the beautiful Mr. Horse, who at least seems to have some manners compared to his owner.

Liam looks surprised at the gesture, as I slowly pat the horse's head, a ridiculous grin on my lips. He's almost amused, from the look of his terrific face. He suddenly seems relaxed, warm . . . a little bright to say the least.

Bipolar much? I mentally roll my eyes.

"You've met Charlie?" he asks fondly. We're standing across from one another, the horse in between.

"Charlie? Is that his name?" I quiz.

"Yeah," Liam answers.

"Hey, Charlie, remember me?" I ignore Liam and continue pet-whispering the big guy, who apparently seems to like me better. Liam seems enthralled at the sight, watching me from the corner of his eyes. ''Hey, talk to me!" I blurt and the horse kicks his foot in the air. I burst out laughing.

Wait, did I just see Mr. Intense laughing as well?

"Are you a fan of horses?" he asks casually, his guards lowered a bit.

"I guess," I breathe dreamingly, my eyes at Charlie. "They are . . . enchanting, I think. Big animals who feel small at heart." I chuckle lightly.

Again, I see a very faint smile coming from someone's lips. My, oh my! Why can't he just smile nonchalantly and let the flowers bloom at the sight of it?

"Let's go," Liam snaps, and I take back what I just thought.

"Yeah sure, Sir." I nearly roll my eyes. Jeez, how can a gorgeous person like him be this grumpy, hot-and-cold, something so unpredictable? Is this a new trend?

Leaving me stuck to my thoughts, Liam jumps on Charlie's back so easily.

Wow! Am I going to ride with him?

"Aren't you coming?" Liam asks, pulling me back from my careless trance.

"I'm coming." I wear the strap of my camera around my neck and try to climb up. Apparently it's not as easy as it looks. "Help me," I beg.

Liam offers me his hand, and I grab it without fretting. In a blink, I'm seated on the saddle, ready for my first horseback ride. Oh yeah! Dreams do come true, after all. Here I am, ready to live one of my lifelong dreams. Who would've thought?

"Hold me," Liam says.

"What?" I gasp, somehow dazzled by the statement.

"Are you listening, Ms. Jones? I said hold me," he snaps, "so that you won't fall."

"Uh, okay," I answer.

He should've said hold onto me, right? Why confuse me with the hold-me kind of thing? I wrap my arms around his waist as the horse starts moving. I think I love this, nevertheless.

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