《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Two


The office has finally granted my vacation. Today I return home early, feeling like a schoolgirl on her summer break. Much to my surprise, however, I find Sam inside my apartment turning my space into her beauty parlor. This woman! I scoff and step in.

She's busy polishing her long nails with a huge manicure kit on the coffee table. Her short bleached hair cascades freely down her giraffe neck, like a bombshell she is, and I only see a fashion model in her. She's quite a beauty, and she knows that fact so well.

"Hi, Kiki!" She beams, and I hate that name. "You're home early. Let me guess, we're going on that trip." Her eyes flash expectantly.

"How did you get in?" Ignoring her excitement, I close the door behind me.

She frowns, and then drops her long legs from the table. "Kira, I told you to stop hiding your keys under the flowerpot, didn't I? But well, I'm glad you didn't listen."

"Well, I should've guessed," I murmur, pulling a hair clip to free my thick curls. What a day! "When did you get here?" I ask her as I head towards the bedroom, ready to get cozy into something loose.

"About an hour ago," Sam replies, "and I'm fine in case you've forgotten about my health!"

A smile stretches across my lips.

"I'm glad you are. Have you had lunch yet? Or still on a diet?"

"Depends," she says. "Are you going to cook?"

"Lasagna or Spanish omelet?" I glance at her via the wall partition acting as my enormous bookshelf.

"Lasagna, please." She grins from ear to ear.

"As long as you wash the dishes," I mutter.

She chuckles. "Evil witch!"

Moments later I ask Sam about the guy she's supposedly dating. Apparently they met during work, and Sam volunteered to tour him around the city since he's not from L.A. Other intimate details follow that I refuse to listen to, but in a nutshell, she seems to like him.

"He's not just a hang up, Kira. I seriously like him." She sounds sincere.

And it's a first.

"Okay, I'm not arguing. Is he rich? Because I don't think he's a pauper if you're that excited." I lie lazily on the couch, waiting for lasagna to bake properly in the oven.

"No, he's loaded," Sam says, shrugging heedlessly.

As expected.

"Is he handsome? Like . . . enough to make terrific babies?"

Sam stays silent for a second, as if meditating, before saying, "He's breathtaking."


Now I'm curious to meet this amazing man enough to make my the incredible Samantha Ford drool over him. I understand she loves playing big leagues, but she never takes any of those rich boys seriously. But now I think she's serious about this one.

Perhaps he is not just a boy. Maybe he's a real man at last. No? I mentally shrug.

The next morning, a few hours before our flight, I bump into Amelia, my next-door neighbor who never stops talking of aura and energy. She's into Tarot reading, and I'm not a believer. As usual, she smiles jovially, her big green eyes shimmering brighter than the sun above.

"Morning, Kira," she greets with that extra enthusiasm. "You look specifically beautiful today."

I arch my brows, smothering a laugh. "Amelia, I'm wearing my pajamas, and I'm holding a bag of trash. Are you kidding me?"

She waves her chubby hand sassily, her mood still at its sublime. "I'm talking about your inner beauty, dear. I can see luck, luck, luck; you're surrounded with nothing but luck!"


I frown. "What luck, Amelia?"

"Love," she says stoutly. "You'll soon be blessed with lots of love. It may even feel surreal, dear, but you have to be ready to embrace it."

"Excuse me?" I fail to contain my laughter.

Can she tell that dudes hardly visit my house and assume I'm in need of one? Goodness!

Seeing my puzzled expression, Amelia laughs hilariously. "Oh, I'm so excited for you, Kira." She almost jumps.

This is . . . disturbing.

"Okay. Well, I'm going on a vacation for a while, so I hope you stay safe," I inform her, hoping to just end this session of whatever the name is.

Luck? Love? Yeah, right.

"Oh, that's it!" she says stoutly.

"What is?" I ask, grinning bemusedly.

God, I hope this woman is okay in the head.

"No spoiler, Kira," she says. "Just enjoy yourself, dear. And remember, if your head doesn't know the answer, then your heart will." She beams, and disappears, leaving me completely stunned.

What is she talking about?

I shake my head, sighing. Sometimes you just have to take people as they are. With my smile intact, I dispose of the trash bag and slowly climb the stairs back inside.

"Why the bikini?" I ask Sam when I find her putting a disturbing one in my suitcase.

"You may need it." She's seated on the bed with my suitcase, clothes, and other stuff scattered around her.

"Really? And where are we going?" I cross my arms on my chest. "Because I don't think there's an ocean in any ranch."

"Maybe a swimming pool? A river?" Sam shrugs.

"Help me, God," I mutter with a sigh, too exhausted to think further.

We spend some time packing, making sure we haven't forgotten anything important for a vacation. I'm not really excited about the trip, but I do like the idea of traveling outside California for a change.

Good thing I'm so organized that packing doesn't take forever, as Sam is in charge of the department.

to L.A International Airport for our afternoon flight. My friend arranged everything, including the tickets. This ought to go well, damn it. I sigh heavily.

"So, where on Earth are we going again? I mean, which part of Montana?" I ask Sam.

This is by far the most reckless thing I've ever done. I think I've reached a limit in my dull life and I desire some adventure. Maybe this is it. Besides, I know Sam wouldn't plan the trip without a clear map. No, she's not that irresponsible and I trust that she got this.

"You'll see, girl. Calm down!" Sam growls, tying up her hair with a rubber band as we're stuck for security check. "And don't worry, I've got all the information I need about this so it's not a mystery or some horror movie."

"Yeah, right. You've successfully crept my nerves." I huff.


The plane finally lands at Bozeman Yellowstone Airport, at least two hours later. Finally! I feel quite rejuvenated after my long nap. I don't understand how I did it, but I slept almost the entire time.

It's a bright afternoon as we head to the arrival's curb with our suitcases, the weather less scorching in comparison to the burning L.A. In fact, it feels cool and refreshing.

I ask Sam impatiently, "What's next?"

"Wait, Liam said he'd send someone to pick us up." She parades around with her phone. "I just need to wait for his call," she tells me absently while tapping on it.


"Send someone? Just great," I mumble, exhausted in manners.

This is seriously crazy. What am I doing, really? I can't help going back to the part of me that's still conscious. Sam keeps roaming around until I suddenly see her on the phone a minute later. She's grinning so ridiculously that I can't help but wonder what's happening to her.

Is she falling in love or something? I swear I can't tell. But I'm happy for her.

Sometime later a rugged guy approaches us, dressed up in some cowboy attire that speaks loudly of his originality. He must be the one we've been waiting for. I smile when Sam talks to him, and her excitement is beyond explanation.

"No problem, this is all we have," she says, and it's the only thing I manage to hear.

The guy reaches for our suitcases and he finally takes notice of me. He's dark haired, a bit curly, sturdy and . . . serious? He's got an intriguing look that most Southern boys have.

"Hi," he greets me with a curt smile. "I'm Peter; let me help you with these."

"Kira. Pleasure." I let him do his thing before we all head to the van parked outside. "Wow." I'm immediately captured by the wonderful Montana sky.

So smooth, so blue.

"Loving it already?" Sam teases.

"I guess." I suck in a fresh breath.

Peter places our stuff inside the car with ease. I watch his hard, tanned body that seems accustomed to heavy jobs, moving swiftly. He's hot, I guess.

Well, it's impossible not to admire God's creation sometimes.

The van starts right away. Sam strikes a conversation with Peter, and I engage myself with the fascinating view through the half-scrolled window as we slowly dispatch from the airport and urban civilization.

"So, Peter. Are you related to Liam?" Sam asks him.

"No," says Peter. "Sir Liam is my boss."

Sir Liam? Interesting.

Attempting to stay oblivious of the two, I grab my camera from the handbag and start clicking some pictures of whatever that draws my attention.

"How long will the ride take?" Again, she continues tormenting the poor guy.

"About one hour," he answers.

"Oh boy," she mutters, exhaling heavily.

Ignoring their voices, I focus my attention on the enchanting snow-capped mountains, and the enormous landscapes covered with serene shades of green. The sight is extremely breathtaking.

I come across some interesting farmhouses, cows and horses grazing into the pastureland we pass by, and cowboys riding their horses that make me grin like a fool, heart fluttering.

There's something wild about cowboys that I perhaps need to explore. Goodness, what am I thinking now? A sigh lurches out of my lips as I clear my sultry thoughts.

"You seem to like this place already, Ms. Kira," Peter says calmly with a faint smile, handling the steering wheel with so much ease.

"Kira, please." I smile back. "And yes, this place is absolutely splendid." I fail to conceal the excitement, and he seems to quite understand.

"It won't be long, we're almost there," he says.

"Oh, that's great." I hope there'll be food, for I'm starving and I pray my tummy won't shame me as it usually does.

Unfortunately my food goddess is hardly away from her throne.

It takes two or three minutes until I finally see a big and beautiful two-story house, surrounded with a well trimmed garden and trees capable of drawing one's smile without any reason.

Peace, tranquility, and serenity are all that I feel by being here. It smells like home.

"Oh, finally." Sam stretches up, sounding like she'd dodged a bullet. "Are you good, Kiki?" She glances over his shoulder.

"Never been better," I answer while putting my camera inside my shoulder bag.

Peter helps me with the suitcase as I get off, my eyes refusing to stay still in one place. Obeying their wishes, I stare around for a good while until I spot two people emerging from the house, probably to regard our presence.

Breath catching up, I hold my horses.

One of the two people approaching is a guy—a very good-looking guy—wearing a denim shirt and blue jeans. And another one is a woman, dressed elegantly in a scarlet sweater dress and a pair of black wedge boots that complement her glossy, brunette hair.

Sam immediately jogs towards them, or him, smiling like a child facing the Christmas tree full of Santa's treats. The man smiles handsomely at her as their glances collide, but it doesn't last long when his eyes meet mine. His face turns expressionless, momentarily, making me frown a bit.

Bad first impression on my part? Is it the bright yellow sundress I'm wearing? Ugh, whatever.

"Welcome, Samantha," the man says, his voice gentle and deep quite different from Peter's croaky one.

"Thank you, Liam," Sam replies with her best smile.

Oh, he's the famous Sir Liam?

I watch Sam and him exchanging smiley greetings, until the woman throws a mirthful glance my way, a reminder of my impoliteness. I stroll closer toward them.

"I'm so glad to meet you," the woman tells my friend after a brief hug shared.

"Me, too." Sam's grin is impeccable.

"And that pretty one?" the woman queries while staring at me, her smile so bright and genuine that I feel at ease right away.

She's much older than us. Probably my mom's age if she was alive.

"Um . . . Hello." I politely smile back at her.

"Oh, this is my best friend," Sam says pointedly. "Kira, this is Liam and his mother."

"Oh, pleased to meet you." Automatically I saunter toward the mother. "I'm Kira. Thanks for having us here. This place is so beautiful." I fail to hold the compliment.

I love countrysides because they're a direct link to nature.

"Aw, my pleasure, Kira," the woman mutters cordially. "What a lovely name. Welcome to our home, darling, I'm Eleanor." She slowly pulls me into a hug, and it feels so heavenly.

Her warmth is so motherly that it suddenly evokes something inside me.

"Thank you." I pull back awkwardly, trying not to show the aftermath of her gesture.

"Liam Darcy," the man says while moving near. "Welcome." He extends his hand towards me, his gaze piercing through my eyes so intensely.

His emotionless voice makes me gulp tightly, a bit intimidated by his string aura. Ignoring my unhealthy thought, I shake his hand which, astonishingly, sends something like an electric shock.

What the heck! I wince back, and we quickly split hands.

My heart rate speeds up as I stare him in the eyes, and a deep friend flits across his face as he returns my gaze. I quickly smile, trying to ignore whatever has just happened.

"Something wrong?" Eleanor inquires carefully, her eyes gliding between her son and I.

Quite naturally, as though nothing has happened, Liam replies, "Nothing."

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