《Off Camera / A Treegan Love Story》Dinner For Three


Three Days Later

"Wake up sleepy head." I wake up to the sound of Keegan's voice. It's Saturday morning and tonight we are having my mom over for dinner. We had to reschedule with everything that had been going on. I pull him toward me and for a few minutes we make out in our bed.

I begin to start putting on some sweat pants when I get out of bed.

"I already took the dogs out. I was thinking of making blueberry pancakes for breakfast."

"Yummy!" Before I can say anything else Keegan picks me up bridal style and begins to carry me toward the staircase. I start laughing.

"Keegs put me down!" I shout.

"Never!" He replies with a laugh.


An hour later

Troian and I have both finished breakfast and now I'm cleaning up the house and watching the dogs. Troian has a morning session with her personal trainer Mark Wildman.

Once I'm done with the vacuuming I begin to dust. I'm starting to find it really boring so I crank up some Radiohead.

Downtown Los Angeles

Aerial felt so great today. I say bye to Mark and tell him I'll see him next Saturday. It's been hard to fit in sessions with him however, filming for season 6 was wrapping up shortly and I was looking forward to spending more time here.

As soon as I get back to my place, I find a dancing Keegan dusting our living room.

"Oh my god!" I burst out laughing. I find Charlie and Bella looking at him as if he's crazy. "I think my dogs think you lost it!" I tell Keegan as I make my way into our kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. When I turn around Keegan is standing there I pull him in for a hug.

"I love you." I say looking into his eyes.

The next few hours I help Keegan clean up our house. After we both shower I help him prepare dinner. When we're finished we head upstairs to our bedroom to get dressed.

After we both get dressed we make our way downstairs. I look at my Apple Watch on my wrist once we're by the front door.

"She should be here any minute." I tell Keegan. We go and sit down on the couch. Keegan turns on the news but I don't watch. I don't know why I'm so nervous. My mom has met Keegan plenty of times. I just wasn't sure what she would think of us a a couple.

I have my arm wrapped around Troian and I can tell she looks lost. I pull her in closer. "What's wrong? You look so nervous." "I'm fine." She replies.


I'm not sure I believe her but we continue to watch tv for the next twenty minutes until we hear the doorbell. Assuming it's Troian's mom, we both get up and make our way over to the door to answer it. Apart of me starting to feel a bit nervous. I had met Troian's mom plenty of times at various cast events, and parties/dinners that Troian would have. She knew we were dating and even came to visit me in the hospital after I was shot. I just wasn't sure how she felt about me dating her daughter yet.

Troian opens the door to reveal her mom. "Hi mom! It's so good to see you!" Troian smiles and gives her mom a hug.

"Hello Deborah. Welcome to our home." I say once we are all standing in the front foyer. Troian closes the front door and we all walk to the living room.

"It's nice to see you Keegan." Troian's mom says to me with a smile.

"I brought dessert." Deborah tells us handing Troian a chocolate cake.

"That is so thoughtful. Seriously though, you didn't have to mom."

"I love you, you're my daughter and you just moved into a new home with your boyfriend. I didn't have to but I wanted to." Deborah tells Troian who I notice is smiling. She gives her mom a hug and kiss and then we all make our way to the kitchen.

Taking the cake from Deborah Troian asks her mom if she would like the grand tour of our house.

"That's would be lovely." She agrees.

We all make our way through the home and I can tell her mom really likes it. When we are finished we all sit down on a couch in the living room. I sit beside Troian and her mom sits on a couch across from us.

"What do you think of our place?" I ask my mom.

"I love it!" My mom replies with a smile. Keegan begins pouring some wine into glasses that are sitting on the coffee table in front of us.

"It's a little smaller than your other place, Troian."

After taking a sip of my wine I answer her. "I know. I wanted something a bit more cozy. It's still big enough to have all my friends over and family... I just didn't...I didn't need all the extra space."

"How is the wine Deborah?" Keegan asks my mom. "Troian told me this is your favourite kind." Keegan looks at me and I smile at him.

"Did she? It's perfect!" My mom quickly finishes her wine and we all talk some more. Keegan gets up and tells us he's going to finish with dinner and when I offer to help him he turns me down.


"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods his head and smiles.

"What's for dinner?" My mom asks with sudden curiosity.

"Vegetable lasagna. It's a Keegan special." I laugh as I use air quotes around the words "Keegan Special." I roll my eyes. All of a sudden Keegan comes back into the room with a bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you." He hands them to my mom and she smiles.

"Thank you! They're gorgeous!" My mom replies. She gets up to give Keegan a hug.

10 minutes later we're sitting outside on our back deck. Keegan sets the lasagna and salad along with dinner rolls in the middle of the table. After sitting down himself we all begin to help ourselves to the food.

I begin to let myself relax throughout dinner as we all enjoy the food and talk. I can tell by looking at Troian that she looks a lot less nervous now than she did earlier today. We begin talking about a different topic. In two weeks when filming is done on Pretty Little Liars Troian begins filming her movie Feed. The two of us will be spending some time in downtown Los Angeles while Troian's mom stays at our house and watches the dogs along with Dan.

I tell Deborah and Troian that I will be right back. I make my way into the kitchen and get the cake out of the fridge. I place the cake on the island in the centre of the kitchen and I see Troian talking to her mom through the window above the sink.

"So what do you think of him?" I ask my mom. I figured since Keegan stepped into the kitchen now would be the best time to have some girl talk with her.

"Troian, I can tell he really loves you!" My mom beams. "I'm so happy for you honey!"

"Aww thanks mom! I was a bit worried."

"About what I would think? As long as you're happy I'm happy. I was devastated when you ended things with Pa...with him. It broke my heart. You planned such a lovely wedding. After how he treated you though, you were right to give him his ring back."

"It's ok mom. You can say his name. It doesn't sting quite as much like it did in the beginning. I love Keegan. I can't imagine not being with him now."

"I could tell for a while that he's had his eye on you." My mom whispers as she leans across the table. "You two make a cute couple!" I beam as she says this.

A few minutes later Keegan brings out the cake along with some cutlery. I get up and grab the plates and forks from him and set it all down on the table. Keegan begins to cut the cake and gives the first piece to my mom.

After finishing the delicious cake, we all talk a bit more and finally go inside as it's starting to get chilly out. My mom stays for another half an hour before leaving for the night.

"Bye. It was good to see you!" I say as I'm hugging her.

"Same to you honey!" My mom kisses me on the cheek and then says bye to Keegan.

Before my mom leaves Keegan hands her the bottle of wine and flowers he bought for her. We stand at the door and smile and wave to her before she gets into her car.

When we close the door I kiss Keegan and pull him in for a hug.

"I love you!" I tell him. We stand there for a few minutes just looking at each other.

"Who's night is it to clean up the kitchen?" He asks playfully.

"Mine." I groan as we walk away from the front door. Keegan begins to argue and tells me that he will do it instead but I don't let him. He has been such a gentleman to me and my mom tonight. He deserves a night off.

After loading the dishes into the dishwasher and cleaning up the kitchen, I make us some tea and go and join Keegan on the couch.

"I'm having the ladies over tomorrow night." I tell him after taking a sip of my tea and putting my mug down on the coffee table. Keegan looks up at me.

Lucy, Shay, Ashley, Lulu, and Sasha were coming over. Along with my friend and filmmaker Cheryl and makeup artist friend Rebecca. It was going to be a great Sunday evening.

"I should text Tyler, Ian and Ben." Keegan mentioned to me earlier that he was going to see if the guys felt like going out tomorrow night while I was at the house with my friends.

I nod my head agreeing with him.

"My mom really likes you!" I tell him changing the subject.

Keegan beams as I say this.

"Oh yeah?" I nod my head again.

For a little while we just make out on the couch completely forgetting that our tea is getting cold on the coffee table in our mugs. I cherish these moments we spend together and I never want to stop once we have started. Kissing Keegan and simply just being with him is the best thing ever.

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