《A King's Queen: a Harry X Voldemort|Tom》Learning...


Hadrian Riddle née Preverell - The Queen

Lucius Malfoy - The Dark Lord's Right Hand

Narcissa Malfoy née Black - Healer

Bellatrix LeStrange née Black - Torturer

Rodolphus LeStrange - Torturer

Rabastan LeStrange - Torturer

Evan Rosier - Ministry Informant and Interrogator

Tadeus Nott - Ministry Informant and Interrogator

Bartemius Crouch Jr. - Interrogator

Xenophilius Lovegood- Publicist and Researcher

Severus Snape - Potions Master and Order Insider and Hogwarts Insider

Narrator's POV

It was midnight.

The town of Little Hangleton was usually quiet at this time, save the occasional drunken teenager, but on this cool autumn night it was quiet.

The citizens of Little Hangleton knew that the old Riddles were dead, supposedly killed by their gardener —that hadn't been seen for awhile, so they assumed the manor was empty, but that was not the case.

The manor actually had a very special ward around it, only those with the Dark Mark —or the occasional new recruit but they had to have a Death Eater with them— could cross.

The ward also made the manor look old and falling apart to those outside of the ward, but once inside the ward you could see that it had been repaired.

But in the large manor, only one room was in use by a human at the moment: the master bedroom.

The master bedroom itself was large, with its two walk in closets, luxurious bathroom, balcony.

But laying in bed, was the Lord and Lady —or more accurately, King and Queen— of the house, covered in black silk sheets.

The Queen lay peacefully asleep, wrapped in both silk covers and his King's arms.

And beside him was the King, looking deadly even in his sleep and fiercely protective over his newly found Queen.

Curled up upon herself, sleeping at the foot of the bed as if protecting her master and his mate, was Nagini.


But inside a bedside drawer, was a simple black leather bound book that had the words Tom Marvolo Riddle engraved in gold on it, and it was definitely not resting on this sleepy autumn night.


Several hours later, when the sun was starting to shine, the masters of the house awoke.

After showers were taken (A/N: separately you kinky idiots) and breakfasts were eaten, the King gave his beloved the book that had been hidden in his beside drawer with one simple instruction: to drop one droplet on it.


After poking his finger with a needle he had found, Hadrian opened the book to a random page and spilt a droplet of blood onto it.

For a second, nothing happened, but Hadrian gasped as he felt his world go black.

When he awoke, he quickly realized that he was no longer sitting on a chair, but instead laying on a cold stone floor.

He confusedly sat up, wondering where on Earth he was, when suddenly a familiar voice spoke behind him.

"Who are you?" The voice asked

Hadrian turned around, shocked at the sight in front of him.

Why was he socked you may wonder, but he was shocked because he saw a younger version of his soulmate, dressed in a Slytherin uniform and with blue eyes instead of their familiar red.

"My name is Hadrian Preverell," Hadrian answered, then adding upon seeing Tom's confusion look "but you might know me as Harry Potter."

Tom smiled slightly before whispering to himself "You're even more beautiful than I imagined."

(A/N: Sorry for the intrusion, but I just imaged a tiny Tom wondering what his soulmate was going to look like and what he'd like to do, but having to wait 54 years for him to be born; uggg.)


Hadrian blushed at that before asking "What is this place?"

"It's a memory, I imprinted myself onto theses pages when I was 16, well when he was." Tom explained

"Who's 'he'?" Hadrian asked

"My other self, the one you know." The Slytherin explained

"Oh." Hadrian answered, still confused

"Well, love," Tom started "not that I don't appreciate your company, but why are you here?"

"I don't really know, Tom -er your other self just told me to drop some blood on the book he gave me and I just appeared here." Hadrian answered

"Ok, how about you give me the rundown of your life and we'll go from there." Tom said, motioning him out from from what he would learn was the main chamber of the Chamber of Secrets into a small library and onto a sofa

So that's what Hadrian did, he told Tom everything, and by the end of the tale Hadrian and Tom were both cuddling on the sofa.

"So, you have a wand now, but you didn't go to Hogwarts?" Tom asked

"Yeah, I got it yesterday." Hadrian answered

"Can I see?" Tom asked

Hadrian pulled out his wand and showed it and told him what kind it was.

"The same phoenix, huh, interesting." Tom muttered, examine the wand

"And you don't know any magic?" Tom asked

"Yeah." Hadrian admitted

"Well maybe that's what he sent you to me for, to teach you." Tom suggested

"I'd like that." Hadrian said


For several hours, Tom took Hadrian around the castle, showing him how to brew potions in the Potions classroom, perform different types of spells in random classrooms, and explaining magical theory.

By noon, Hadrian had mastered 'Lumos' and semi-successfully created a Herbicide Potion that they had tested in the Herbology classroom and it had managed to somewhat wither the plant, but Tom had kissed his cheek and said he had done well for a first attempt.

But now, they lay cuddled together on a couch in the Slytherin Common Room while Tom explained the magical theory to a different spell since they had completed Lumos earlier.

Occasionally and randomly, Tom would ask Hadrian a question and if Hadrian got it right he was rewarded with a kiss.

Needless to say, Hadrian enjoyed learning this way.

But soon one came far too quickly and Hadrian had to leave for lunch, but he knew he would return tomorrow and the day after and the day after that...

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