《Just Friends》22. Spots On


A/N: this was what you weren't ready for, sorry for making y'all wait. Don't hate me!


I had multiple nightmares of Chat blanc last night, and all of them ended with an undecided fate.

"It was our love that did this to the world." Was the key phrase in every single one of our fights, and I couldn't help but think that whatever bond Adrien and I had, was useless.

I had just had another nightmare, making me decide to stay up till the sun naturally wakes up Adrien. It was tempting to wake him up myself, but I decided against the thought and began to feel annoyed, drowning in my own thoughts.

I turned the TV on, flicking through channels before a sudden splotch of red caught my eye. Making me quickly realize that there was a picture of Ladybug and another picture of myself next to each other. "They did not-!" I almost yelled, ignoring the fact that I had probably woke up Adrien.

I looked over to my phone which was resting on Adrien's night stand, and grabbed it quickly to check for any notifications. It wasn't surprising when I saw about a million notifications from my mom, making me want to to throw up.

I already knew that if I called her back, it would not be good.

"Adrien." I called out as I looked over to the boy on the bed. He woke up, seemingly unfazed causing me to wonder if he was really asleep. "You heard that didn't you?" I asked, my voice soft to hide my internal rage. "I'm screwed." I said before throwing around a bunch of curses.

Adrien lifted his body up a bit quickly before spitting out, "We can fix this, I promise Mari."

"We can't fix this, I have no idea what your talking about. All of Paris knows now, my identity is gone, thrown away like the wind. And Tikki... now my miraculous is in danger." I stated before getting up, not caring that I was just walking around in underwear.

I started to get dressed before I was stopped by Adrien talking, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

I felt my eyes water but held on to a brave face. "I can't get a whole city to forget my identity, but yours is safe. Take my miraculous box." I stated while keeping my head down.

"What the- no. We can figure this out Marinette. I-I love you." The sad tone in his voice felt like it shattered my heart, but I chose to ignore his words, and hit him back where it hurt so he would no longer be involved in whatever we had. Because what we had was dangerous.


"Well I don't love you."

My voice was harsh and direct, striking Adrien in the core. His eyes visibly broke before he stared at me with a harsh glare.

"You don't mean that Marinette." He said, but it seemed like he was trying to convince himself instead. "You wouldn't mean that unless... who is Chat blanc?" He asked.

Who did he think Chat blanc was? It wasn't some random guy that I could have a hookup with in the middle of the night, it was a villain. The villain form of Adrien.

"Are you kidding me! Chat blanc?! That doesn't even matter. I just told you that I don't love you, why don't you believe it?!" I yelled at him, although I was trying to convince myself that whatever I was doing was for the best.

"Chat Blanc has to be me, I heard you yelling about it the whole night, did you really think I was asleep, I mean how could I go to sleep with a sleeping beauty crying next to me. I could never." He came closer to me, and I took a step away.

"I'm not telling you, knowing you, you wouldn't even care." I sniffled, looking around for my purse. Maybe I'd just take my miraculous and do the job myself?

"Your telling me Marinette. I deserve to know." His glare became impossibly harsher, and his voice was dark and daring.

"You really think I want to relive Chat Blanc. It was you, you asshole." I began to ramble, "It was you, akumatized because of f-ing Hawkmoth, destroying the world. You killed me, had to wait on the edge of the Eiffel Tower for me for a long time to somehow re-appear because of bunnix, where I had to somehow reverse everything back to normal."


"The world was destroyed, everything was a waste land covered in water. And the saying that you apparently loved to say was 'Our love did this to the world!' So I think it would make sense for me to not be involved with you." I stared him right into his watery eyes. "Because it was our love that apperently literally destroyed the world. And if that was going to happen, then I quite literally cannot be with you."

My arms were folded in frustration from the truth that was just unveiled to Adrien. "One little mistake Adrien, one little Mistake, and the whole world comes crashing down. That one incident that, by the way, was supposed to happen in the future because we simply loved eachother, has haunted me for over 2 years." I took a small breath. "And yeah, for you it might be small, but for me, I had to take on fighting you while you retold the love we shared in a crazed shape, because of our love for one another."


My head was all the way up as I took a look at his awkward posture. "So excuse me for saying that I don't love you, when it's simply to protect this whole planet like I have to do every damn day as a teenager, a teenager! I am doing everything that I can to let you be happy and not have to worry about an incident just like your akumitization, so there, now you have it, now I can finally breathe!" I concluded.

"Now you have the reason of why I can not love you, and why I have nightmares that plague my dreams." When I spotted my purse, I quickly grabbed it, reached into it, then plopped on my earrings. "Now goodbye!"

"W-what? You think I'd just let you leave?" Adrien said. "That-That whole story doesn't make sense. How could I- How could I have possibly been akumatized." His voice broke as he stared out into space. "How could I have killed you?" He wondered aloud.

"I don't know, Adrien. Hence the reason I must leave you here, I can not love you, and now that Paris knows who I am I only have one goal to finally achieve before it is too late." I sighed, ready to recite the words to pool on my miraculous.

"And what is your remarkable goal, how would you ever be able to do that without me?" He glared harshly. "I'm a part of the team too you know, we could figure this all out together-."

"I'm tired of having to figure things out, what do you not understand?! The whole world knows of my identity, I cannot be Ladybug anymore." My hands went flying throughout the air. "Can you get that through your thick skull!?"

"My Thick skull? your the one trying to become a one man team and do it all yourself. We are a Team! The least you could do is trust me?" He yelled back.

"How am I supposed to trust you when you've been akumatized? In the future? I will do whatever I need to do, and then give you the miraculous before leaving town."

"Your just gonna leave, runaway, be gone like the wind? Why does every little thing have to deal with you running away Marinette! And why can't you just trust me to be your partner, you know I could help you know I could-."

I cut him off.

"I will tell you this one more damn time Adrien, I do not and will not, ever need you." I decided to hit him where it hurts with the words that came spurring like acid out of my mouth. My mind was clouded with the constant reminder of that what I had just told Adrien, is not and would never be true.

It was true that I do love Adrien, and I should've realized it sooner instead of trying to shut down my feelings for him before, even if those feelings brought me no where in the past.

Adrien's eyes turned glossy as his mouth opened ajar and he nodded his head softly. He was obviously holding in the raging feelings inside. "Well If that's how you feel Princess, then go on, run away with your ladybug earrings and try to do a two person job all by yourself."

By now I felt horrible about what I had just said, but knew that it was the only way to do what was right for Adrien.

"You bet my ass I will." My voice was strong, unwavering of any emotion. In fact, it was like I had turned my emotions all off. I then began to chant, "Tikki, Spots on!"


A/N: Are you mad at me? Anyway, this book, as you should know, is a slow burner. Editing will happen after I post each chapter and then I will edit again once the book is done. I think this book will be ending soon and I might be starting the second one, or I might just put it all in here, that's undecided though. What are your thoughts?

Anyway, Love you and make sure to comment and vote if you liked it. Leave any constructive criticism you have please!

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