《Red Strings And Markers》e i g h t e e n
Marinette's dreams were restless. And by restless, it meant that two specific boys invaded her dreams. Her dreams were almost always pure and this dream followed the same path for the most part, until a particular black cat showed up.
The dream took a sharp turn into sin and Marinette couldn't decide whether or not she liked it.
Whenever it was time to go to class, Adrien was walking to school, a tired look on his face.
"G-Good morning. Are you okay?" Marinette asked, worried as he was doubled over and taking in deep breaths.
"Good morning. I'm just... a little tired out. Nathalie has me running laps in the morning as 'punishment' for breaking my eating regime."
Marinette instantly felt guilty and was about to start apologizing when Adrien held his hand up. "Nope, don't you dare apologize."
"B-But Adrien..."
"No, I knew what I was doing so don't worry about it." Adrien flashed her a smile and she gave up with a sigh. He straightened and he was about to wrap his arms around Marinette when the two of them received a text. They both opened their phones and read it.
"From: Alya
Mariette let out a little annoyed huff and Adrien chuckled. "What, did you want some PDA?" Adrien got close to her with a raised eyebrow and Marinette rolled her eyes with a laugh.
"Oh you wish." She rose her hand up between then and took a step back.
"Oh I know." He whispered, a seductive look to his eyes.
"Mother Alya said no PDA until we arrive, so the least you could do is wait for them to arrive."
Adrien let out a small groan and agreed, the two going to the stairs to wait for Alya and Nino to arrive. Once they did, they said their hellos.
"Is PDA allowed now, Mother Alya?" Adrien asked and Marinette laughed.
"Needy now, aren't you?" Alya said with a sly smile. "Who knew your best friend was such a slick dude?"
"You don't even know." Nino chuckled and Adrien finally allowed himself to hug Marinette, pressing her close to him.
Memories of last night flitted his mind and he wanted nothing more than to continue that, but being sane and not having the cat within him made him feel guilty.
Adrien held her tight and close, feeling her body heat, feeling the way her breaths pushed against his own, until a shrill scream made them jump.
Everyone looked to the source of the scream, Marinette and Adrien both scanning the environment for an attack. But nothing was found, only a Chloé, who was about to start hyperventilating soon.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! How dare you have your arms around my Adrien Agreste!" She cried at the bottom of the staircase.
Alya tried to contain her laughter. "Nino, it's time. Hell's dog has been let loose. Shit. Is about. To go. Down." Alya was quick to pull out her phone and start recording as Chloé started going up the staircase.
"Chloé -" Adrien sighed but Marinette stopped him.
"Let me take care of this."
Adrien was surprised, but if wanted to step up to her, he wasn't going to stop her.
"Better start talking Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Why were your arms all over my Adrikins?" Chloé was finally face to face with Marinette, her arms crossed and her foot tapping.
"Well, if I remember correctly, it was his arms that were around me. Also, you might want to get your facts straight on who Adrien belongs to, because last I know, he is mine." Marinette turned on her feet, looking back at the blond behind her. "Not that I'm saying that you're property but, you're mine."
"Oh really? Prove it." Chloé said, disbelieving it. Marinette let out a laugh and turned to Adrien.
"Wanna do the honors?" Nino added his two cents and Adrien couldn't help the smirk on his lips.
"Gladly." He wrapped his arms around Marinette's waist and French dipped her, planting his lips on hers, a mischievous smile against hers.
Any of the students that were around cheered while Chloé gasped and stomped her foot, storming inside the school, Sabrina following behind her.
Adrien released Marinette and pulled her up, a satisfied smile on his face and a blush on Marinette's.
"Was it necessary to be so extravagant?" She said, putting some hair behind her ear.
Adrien smirked and took her hand, kissing the back gently. "For my princess, of course."
Alya cheered and she and Nino joined their sides, starting a group hug because they had finally put a stop to Chloé's reign of terror.
Chloé was in the girl's restroom, sobbing over a toilet with Sabrina hovering over her.
"D-Don't be sad Chloé! Your soul mate pretended to be who he thought he was to please you! He wanted you to be happy!" Sabrina stammered.
"What do you know?" She cried. "Get out of here!" Chloé pushed Sabrina out of the restroom stall and slammed the door after her, shutting herself in.
Chloé sat back on the toilet, pulling out her compact mirror out of her purse and looked at herself, her makeup streaking down her eyes.
"What does that crazy cat lady have that I don't? Compared to that, I'm a queen!" She said, rubbing her makeup off her cheeks.
Chloé set the mirror on her lap and pulled out a pen from her bag, scribbling on her arm terribly. For the lies, for all the hopes that her other half had given her. Scribbling so much, so hard that she didn't noticed the black-violet butterfly that covered her compact mirror.
"Evil Queen, I am Papillion. Your Prince Charming didn't see your beauty, choosing some other girl over you. In exchange for this power that I give to you, find me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous, everyone will love you and treat you as the queen you are."
Chloé held the compact mirror to her chest as the dark magic enveloped her, releasing the Evil Queen with a deep violet ripped gown and a tipped crown. She stood and looked up, the violet shape of a butterfly outlining her eyes.
"My pleasure, Papillion."
"You think Chloé's going to come to class?" Nino asked Alya as they walked in the classroom.
"I doubt it." Alya scoffed. "She got told off so bad by the two lovebirds, I'm sure she's devastated." Alya was right, Chloé was probably devastated but she had it coming to her.
Marinette did feel guilty for making her cry, but it had to be one day or another. "I do feel kind of bad." She admitted, rubbing her arm.
Adrien looked back at her as they entered the classroom, rubbing her shoulder encouragingly. "It's okay, don't worry."
Marinette was about to heed his words when they heard screams coming from outside. They rushed out of the classroom and looked down to the basketball court before them, seeing Sabrina on the floor, backing away from the locker rooms.
"Chloé? W-Wait! P-Please, don't hurt me!" A blinding flash made the students cover their eyes, before looking back at Sabrina, who was now standing. "My Queen." She kneeled and put a hand to her chest, bowing her head. Out of the locker rooms came out Evil Queen, a shrill laughter echoing through the open court.
"All you fools will be my slaves. Bow down to the Queen!" The Evil Queen aimed her compact mirror at any students that were nearby, the flash of light that enveloped them making them bow down to her and mumbling the same thing.
"An akuma attack?" Alya questioned.
"Holy shit, I caused that." Marinette said, gripping the railing. She had transform into Ladybug. "I-I didn't mean to-"
"Go find some place to hide!" Adrien pushed mostly Alya and Nino away, knowing that Marinette had to find some place secret to transform.
The two nodded and were joined by the rest of the students, trying to find somewhere to hide. He went into an empty classroom and Plagg transformed him.
Chat Noir jumped out of a window and came over the roof of the building, looking down at the chaos that Chloé had started.
Many people had bowed before her and she continued to beam those who weren't able to find a safe hiding spot. Nino was just about to get beamed, but Chat rushed in, saving Nino from getting hit.
"Chat Noir!"
"Be careful kid. She uses her mirror to make others her spawn. Avoid her mirror beams at all costs!" Chat jumped out of the way as Evil Queen realized his presence. Nino ran off to a safe hiding spot, Chat jumping out into the court, looking at Evil Queen.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Evil Queen spoke sweetly and all her kneeled pawns before her chanted,
"You are, my Queen." This made her smile.
"Sorry to ruin your paw-rade, but I actually think that Ladybug is the fairest of them all."
A frown immediately bloomed on the Evil Queen's lips and she snarled. "My lovely workers, get that black cat and give me his miraculous!" She pointed a gloved finger at him and the people kneeled before her slowly stood up, turning like zombies to face him.
"Need a paw?" Ladybug was on the second story and offered her yoyo for Chat to grab on and he did, tugging on it and being pulled up to Ladybug.
"Get them!" Evil Queen barked and her servants began running after them.
"Good morning Bugaboo." He wrapped an arm round her waist and pulled her close. She reveled in his proximity but now was not the time for it.
"Another time, another time kitty." She pushed him away just in time to avoid a beam from the Evil Queen's mirror.
"Looks like there's an ugly bug in my castle..." Evil Queen's lip twitched. "Grab that stink bug and the black cat!"
More servants began to flood the second floor, to the point that they had almost cornered Ladybug and Chat. The two wanted to use their weapons against them but they couldn't bring themselves to do it as these people were their own classmates.
Chat was quick to grab onto Ladybug's waist and extend his baton, taking them out of the opening of the roof and the two began running.
"Seize them!" Evil Queen called after them.
"Her akuma is in her compact mirror!" Chat told Ladybug as they ran. She nodded and they made it to the park, where some Parisians were walking around, enjoying the sunny day.
"We have to get ahold of that mirror before she starts zapping everyone." Ladybug rubbing her hand across her face with a sigh. "This is all my fault." She mumbled.
"Don't fret my lady, we will fix this issue. After all, you are the fairest of them all." Chat gave her a smirk.
"Not for long though!" A cackle rose from the skies and the two were blinded by a strong light. "It's too bad for you that you're going to meet your doom today. Chat Blanc, Lady Beetle, I call upon you to take Chat Noir and Ladybug's miraculouses!"
Whenever the light faded, Chat Noir and Ladybug were faced with identical copies of themselves, however Chat was white and Ladybug was Chloé's version of Antibug.
"You've made the Queen very upset Ladybug." Lady Beetle had the same voice as her.
"Un-fur-tunately fur you, you're going to meet your doom today." Chat Blanc added.
Ladybug let out a surprised sigh. "Even he has the shitty puns too, oh my god."
Chat Noir snickered before the two engaged into battle with themselves, leaving Evil Queen to go to the Eiffel Tower with plans to have all of Paris under her will.
Battle tactics were exactly the same, the four were equal in combat. Ladybug and Chat Noir were to their limits almost, Lady Beetle and Chat Blanc just about the same.
"Lucky Charm!"
"Luckless Charm!"
For Ladybug came out a compact mirror while Lady Beetle a sabre.
"What? How come they get a sabre?" Chat Noir pouted and Ladybug shrugged.
Lady Beetle passed the sabre off to Chat Blanc and an evil smirk possessed his lips as he started heading for Chat Noir.
Chat Noir stood defensively with his baton in hand, taking steps back as Chat Blanc took steps forward. "It's unethical to attack your opponent when they're not properly equipped."
"I'm paw-fully sorry, but the rules of fencing don't apply to me." He paused before giving the cat-like signature grin. "En garde!" Chat Blanc started to attack and Chat Noir had no choice but to play the offensive, trying to avoid getting touched by the seemingly real blade.
While Lady Beetle was distracted by the two Chat's fight, Ladybug had the time to see what she could use the compact mirror for.
When she opened it, it had two mirrors on each side, the sun catching on one of them and reflecting the sun into her eyes. She flinched and closed it quickly, rubbing her eyes.
"That's it." Lady Beetle turned her attention to Ladybug, prepping herself for an attack.
Instead of engaging in a yoyo to yoyo battle, Ladybug decided to go in head on, surprising Lady Beetle with the start of a hand to hand combat. Lady Beetle tried to avoid Ladybug as much as she could and while all of the shuffling around brought up a small dust cloud, Ladybug opened the compact mirror and shone the sunlight into Lady Beetle's eyes.
Lady Beetle hissed and covered her eyes with her arm, Ladybug seizing the opportunity to wrap her yoyo around Lady Beetle and swinging her over to an unsuspecting Chat Blanc.
If Ladybug knew better, Chat Blanc would immediately drop everything to help Lady Beetle. And to her expectancies, Chat Blanc did just exactly, dropping the sabre and was quick to help Lady Beetle, Chat finding the opportunity to grab the sabre.
As Chat Blanc was reassuring if Lady Beetle was okay with some shitty pun, Ladybug wrapped them in her yoyo, trapping them together.
"I hate to bearer of bad news, but un-fur-tunately, we have to go."
Chat Blanc looked at the Ladybug standing before him, his eyes sparkling. "Did you just make a cat pun?"
Lady Beetle scoffed. "You're supposed to be in love with me." She elbowed Chat Blanc and the white cat couldn't help the embarrassed chuckle.
"Sorry lover boy, but this Ladybug is mine." Chat Noir came to stand beside Ladybug and held onto her chin, planting a kiss on her lips tenderly.
Chat Blanc's jaw dropped. "Why couldn't we be like that?" He whined and Lady Beetle groaned.
"Just get this over with."
Ladybug chuckled. "My pleasure." Ladybug stepped closer to the two and removed Lady Beetle's earrings and Chat Blanc's ring. "Chat?"
"My lady. Cataclysm." The black magic rose in Chat Noir's open palm and Ladybug put the two pieces of jewelry in Chat's palm and he closed his hand.
"Bye bye Lady Beetle."
"Maybe you'll get lucky next time." Chat winked to his white counterpart and the two disappeared.
"Let's hope we don't meet them again." Ladybug sighed and looked at Chat's hand. "You were able to keep it."
"The sabre, it didn't disappear." He held it in his hands, also looking down at Ladybug's compact mirror. "Well with these two, we should be able to do some damage to Evil Queen and cleanse her."
Ladybug nodded and the two headed towards the Eiffel Tower.
Evil Queen was at the top of the tower, taking in a deep breath and the view. "This is the view a Queen should have." She let out a happy sigh. "From here, I can make everyone my trusty servant."
"Sorry Evil Queen, but that won't be happening today." Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared just below where she was standing, Evil Queen glaring at the two of them.
"I see that Chat Blanc and Lady Beetle were useless." She snarled and she opened her mirror, pointing it towards the two of them. The two of them split ways, avoiding Evil Queen's beams.
"What's the plan my lady?" Chat called.
"Distract her while you can!" Ladybug called back and Chat nodded, jumping up to Evil Queen's level.
"Excuse me, my Queen, but it looks like I'm going to disrespect you. En garde." Chat positioned himself and began to attack Evil Queen consecutively.
"You disrespectful feline!" Evil Queen spat as she tried to avoid his attacks.
"Evil Queen!" She turned to the sound of her name being called and Ladybug was able to angle her compact mirror to reflect the sunlight into Evil Queen's eyes, blinding her.
As she rose her arms to shield herself from the bright light, Ladybug found her chance. "Chat, knock the mirror out of her hand!" Chat leaned in with his whole body and managed to pry the compact mirror out of Evil Queen's hand, toward Ladybug. She caught it and threw it on the ground, stomping on it, releasing the black akuma.
The akuma was cleansed, the pure white butterfly floating into the skies. The two knelt by the tired Chloé, who recalled none of the recent events.
"Chloé, sometimes... Sometimes we get our heart broken by people we like." Ladybug started.
"But there's always someone who will always stand by your side whenever you need to vent to someone." Chat Noir pointed to the fainted scribbles on her arm.
"All they wanted was for you to be happy."
Chloé looked at the scribbles on her arm and began tearing up, finally coming to terms that Adrien Agreste wasn't her significant other and that there was someone out there who truly cared about her.
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A short story based on the songs "August" and "Betty" from Taylor Swift's "Folklore" album.
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| His Secretary | KTH ✔️
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