《Red Strings And Markers》f i f t e e n
"You have got to be kidding me. I can't believe it."
"I'm not kitten around. I'm dead serious, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." The two of them sat next to each other, looking at each other with straight faces.
"Really?" Marinette asked after a moment of silence and he smiled.
"Really. So what do you say? A Harry Potter Marathon when we get back to the hotel?"
"Adrien, that's practically less than a whole day, if we do it non-stop." Marinette said after thinking, his smile widening.
"That's a challenge I'm willing to take." Adrien put his closed fist in his open palm, looking determined. "Besides, even if we pull an all-nighter, we can just sleep on the train ride home tomorrow."
Marinette giggled, shaking her head. "You're unbelievable."
The two were on the train ride back to the hotel, the last bit of twilight disappearing into the night. It wasn't too late and Marinette thought that maybe, they could fit in two or three movies before it got really late. She wasn't necessarily planning on spending the whole night with Adrien – she would probably lose it by the end of The Sorcerer's Stone.
Adrien jumped giddily in the seat. "So, what house are you sorted in? I would be sorted in Hufflepuff! Big traits are loyalty, dedication and patience."
Marinette chuckled. "I'm a Slytherin."
Adrien gasped. "A Slytherin?" He exclaimed.
"Now, before you start assuming the 'nothing good comes out of Slytherin' talk, I'll have you know that one of the top, greatest wizard, Merlin, came out of Slytherin." Marinette stated as a matter-of-factly. "Not all Slytherins are bad."
"Wait until my father hears about this." Adrien crossed his arms in a posh manner and turned his head, Marinette bursting into laughter.
"Please, stop it! Draco Malfoy does not suit you at all!"
"He was an incessant douche, but all he wanted was to make his father proud. So I wouldn't say that we are that different from each other." Adrien's playful manner ceased, a frown settling on his lips.
Marinette noticed and settled down herself, nudging Adrien's shoulder with her own. "Hey. We're proud of you."
He looked over at her. "We?"
"Alya and Nino. And me, I'm proud of you."
His eyes glazed over with an emotion that Marinette wasn't able to detect, but Adrien looked away, letting out a sound that was like a chuckle of disbelief. Disbelief that he was letting himself go weak before Marinette and disbelief that someone, someone, was proud of him.
"Thank you, Marinette." He spoke quietly as he brought his hand up to his eyes.
Marinette simply nodded and considered her next action.
"Well, today has been a hell of a Rollercoaster ride, so... what's there to lose?" She shook her screaming thoughts out of her head and leaned towards Adrien, placing the most chaste of kisses on his cheek.
Adrien's face flushed at the feel of her cool breath on his cheek, surprised.
"You're welcome." She spoke quietly. They remained silent for the rest of the train ride back to the Corinthia.
As the two made it back to the hotel, the two of them grabbed some dinner and some bags of popcorn to start their marathon. They ran into Professor Bustier and Principal Damocles at the bar, relaxing. It seems that they were the first two back, which meant that everyone was still out.
"You two are more than welcome to retreat for the rest of the night." Principle Damocles waved them away.
The two nodded and turned out of the hotel restaurant, going towards the elevator. Once they made it inside, Adrien leaned towards Marinette's ear.
"You know what that means right?" He let out in a whisper.
Marinette flushed at his sudden whisper and close proximity, realizing that even though it was them two in the elevator, he was whispering.
"U-Um... Uninterrupted movie marathon?" Marinette stammered.
Adrien smiled and straightened, nodding. "That's right!"
Marinette rolled her eyes, trying to settle her heart.
So many things had happened today between Marinette and Adrien that she didn't know what to expect anymore.
First, Adrien kisses her in the public transport, then they're holding hands in the planetarium and he says the stars remind him of her.
Then, she had the guts to kiss him. If Marinette had been left alone, she probably would have melted on the spot.
The two ate dinner at the sofa, making their way through the first movie. They were at the part where a troll got into the dungeons when they heard a really loud blast and the room tremble. Both of them looked around, startled.
"That was... Oddly realistic." Marinette noted, eyeing a window behind them.
"Hidden surround sound?"
Marinette stood from the couch, going to the window of the living room. As she looked out of the window, she saw a small paper crane that flapped in the light of street lamp.
"Do you see anything?" Adrien called from the couch.
"There's... Origami. A paper crane..." Marinette spoke, striking Adrien's curiosity.
He began to stand as well, when a sudden sharp rap came to their door. The two of them jumped, looking at the door.
"I'll get it." Adrien spoke up and Marinette nodded, looking at the floating paper under the light.
Alya was at the other end of the door, looking out of breath. "Hey dude, you'll never guess it. Another akuma appeared in London. Ladybug and Chat are gonna come!" She spoke excitedly.
Adrien felt his kwami wiggle in his shirt. "Why are you so out of breath?" Adrien asked, worry lacing his words as Alya put her hands to her knees.
"Don't... Don't worry about me, I just sprinted up the stairs to come get you guys." She straightened. "Come on!" She said before she headed across to her room.
"Yeah... I'll uh... Be right there." Adrien called to Alya. How the hell was he going to escape this one?
"An Akuma attack?" Marinette whispered.
She turned to look at him before looking towards her room. "I, uh... I'll be right there. I need to use the restroom real quick." Marinette headed into her bedroom and closed the door behind her, leaving Adrien confused in her dust. "Sorry Adrien." She said quietly as Tikki appeared beside her.
"Don't worry! Adrien will be fine!" Tikki reassured her and Marinette smiled.
"You're right. Ready?" Marinette asked and Tikki nodded. "Tikki, transform me!"
Marinette welcomed the feeling of the tight fitting costume and the spots, picking her yoyo in her hand and going to the window. Ladybug opened it up and swung herself to the roof, letting out a sigh.
Yesterday, the city was being destroyed by The Phantom.
"What's tonight's issue?" She asked herself. She was still looking at the paper crane that was floating under the street lamp, not noticing the presence behind her.
Arms slicked around her waist and she immediately tensed and shot her elbow back into her perpetrator, grabbing one of their arms and tossing them over her shoulder.
"W-Well, I'm glad you're on your toes, my lady." Immediately after, she kneeled next to the boy, feeling the blow to her gut.
"Chat! I'm so sorry, I just didn't-"
Chat Noir held up his hand up to stop her as he sat up, shooting her a smile. "Don't worry about it, my lady. I deserved that one." He chuckled and Ladybug held her hand out to help him stand and he took it, standing. But he didn't let go of her hand, he pulled her into his embrace, the smell of grapefruit filling his nose. "The odds must be in our favor if we keep meeting up like this."
Ladybug let out a small chuckle and pushed Chat away slightly. "Another time kitty cat, another time." She bopped his nose with a smile and he let out a smirk, rubbing his nose against hers.
"I'll keep you to those words Bugaboo." He whispered before parting.
The two heard the flapping of wings and looked up at the night sky, seeing many origami cranes flying towards the Big Ben tower.
"At least they're not actual birds."
"Luckily. If not my pigeon-radar would be on high." The irony of it all, the black cat was allergic to birds.
"What harm could a paper bird do?"
The two started to go towards the Big Ben tower and noticed all the birds congregating around the base of it, flying in circles in a swirl of colors.
"Art is truly underappreciated. It's a shame that I'm going to have to take over London to show these poor imbeciles. Surely, my army of origami cranes will take over the world."
Ladybug and Chat stood before the swirl of birds until they ceased to spin, settling besides their master. A young man with tight fitting clothing of grayscale colors shapes and figures all around his costume. The signature moth shaped mask adorned the boy's face, in his hand was a large stack of colorful folding paper that was magically folding into more paper cranes.
"Well, if it isn't Ladybug and Chat Noir. I've heard about you."
Chat extended his baton long enough that he could lean on it, Ladybug leaning on him.
"I'm paw-sitively sure you've heard miraculous things about us." Chat smirked.
The boy scoffed. "Atrocities. Papillion tells me that the two of you don't appreciate art. Art is an explosion of creativity and emotions that Papillion creates and that you two always seem to crush. As Papillion's new apprentice, I, Kirigami, will be the ones to crush you."
Ladybug let out a chuckle. "You sure are paw-simistic about that." Ladybug said and Chat looked at her.
"Did you just-"
"Yup. A play on optimistic. Get it?"
"This is why I love you."
"You dare mock Kirigami?" The cranes that had been floating alongside of the boy were almost buzzing now, trembling and ready to attack. "You will rue the day that the two of you mocked my art and I. Attack, my children!" On cue, the cranes flew towards Ladybug and Chat Noir, sending the two flying in different directions.
Ladybug was able to fend off several cranes by hitting them with her yoyo while Chat would use his baton like a bat.
Kirigami had disappeared while they were entertained, working on another piece of origami, one that was done by black paper and was slithering along the shadows to Ladybug. It was slow moving, but once it latched onto her leg, it quickly wrapped around her legs, constricting her to the ground.
"A fucking snake, are you kidding me?" Ladybug cursed as she fell. Avoiding the snapping head, she tried to pull out of its grip, but the even with the thick paper was stubborn and unnaturally hard to rip. "Chat! Lend me a paw, would ya?" The black cat was soon to her side, avoiding the snapping head.
"You're not injured, are you?" He asked, also batting away at cranes flying to him.
"Cut the stupid snake off of me." Chat nodded, his claws glimmering in the light. He dodged a couple of cranes that came his way and used his baton to close the mouth of the snapping snake. With his claws, he ripped through the paper, the snake hissing and the paper ripping to shreds. "Shouldn't be too hard to win this one, right?"
"I was thinking the same thing."
Kirigami jumped out from out of the shadows with his own baton, Chat countering it with his, noticing a peculiar brown leather necklace with a silver ring hanging from his neck. Chat tried to reach for it and Kirigami noticed this, letting out an irritated sound.
Kirigami leaned onto his baton and brought a leg up, kicking Chat in the stomach, setting some distance between them. Chat groaned and Ladybug felt the dull kick in her own stomach, turning to look at them.
"I'm tired of these damn birds." Ladybug muttered. "Lucky Charm!" She tossed her yoyo into the sky and as it came down, a closed can of paint materialized and landed in Ladybug's hand.
"Time for action, Ladybug Da Vinci?" Chat called as he went into a hand to hand combat with Kirigami after he had knocked Chat's baton out of his hand. Ladybug smirked and she jumped out of the way of some oncoming straight slips of paper, some still slicing into her suit, barely giving her the smallest of paper cuts.
Ladybug winced and cursed under her breath, looking of at Chat. His baton had been kicked towards the middle of the road and a swarm of cranes were gathering around it, possibly trying to take it to their master.
"Not today." Ladybug sprinted towards the direction of the baton and swung her yoyo to the floating cranes, being crushed by the speed the yoyo was swung, falling to the ground in a crumple.
Ladybug picked up the baton and she extended the length, vaulting in between the unfair fight Kirigami was having with the weaponless Chat. Ladybug landed on Kirigami's horizontal baton, catching him off guard. "Surprise!"
"What the-"
"What? Ladybug got your tongue?" She smirked and pressed her weight on the opposite side of the baton, making him let go of it.
Kirigami let out a tsk and jumped back, extending an open hand to the two of them, sending straight paper to catch Chat and Ladybug in a vortex. Occasionally, the two would wince with the sting of a paper cut, but Chat grabbed ahold of Ladybug and extended with his baton over to a safe distance.
"What's the plan my lady?" Chat asked, batting away some cranes. Straight paper flied around them and in Kirigami's hands started forming the shape of a long paper sword.
"My Lucky Charm is a can of paint. The best thing I'm thinking of is that I toss the can of paint above him and you use Cataclysm, sending the paint everywhere. If art is his main priority, paint on his costume will probably strike some reaction off of him. With this baton I snatched, I should be able to hook the ring off his neck and smash it."
"Sounds like a plan Bugaboo." The two watched as Kirigami held the paper sword in his hands and had a smirk. Towards the hilt of the sword, he peeled the paper and it unraveled, revealing a very real long sword.
"Holy shit." Ladybug brought a hand to her lips, not wanting to have cursed so loudly in front of Chat, but Chat only snickered.
"We got this." As if their luck couldn't get any better, Kirigami put some distance between the two of them, going to Ladybug. Ladybug hooked the can of paint onto her yoyo string and went into a baton versus sword fight. She had to admit, she wasn't used to this type of combat and was trying to block to the best of her abilities.
The blade hit the baton, causing sparks to fly. Ladybug tried to shield her eyes from the flying sparks and Kirigami saw the chance to turn the sword and hit her with the hilt of the sword on her head. Ladybug fell back, white fireworks popping in her head and she blinked away the black spots that were growing in her eyes.
Chat immediately looked over once feeling the blow, completely ignoring the papers that cut into him.
"Chat, now!" Ladybug unhooked the can of paint and tossed it in the air. Chat summoned out his black magic and jumped into the air, swiping his hand across the can of paint, splattering everywhere.
Kirigami gave a loud gasp, looking down at his now red-stained costume. Ladybug found the chance to take the ring off of him and tossing it to the ground, stepping on it. A velvet butterfly emerged from the ring and Ladybug cleansed it, releasing it into the night.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" Most of their injuries were healed and any damage sustained by the paper birds disappeared, except for Ladybug's throbbing head. Chat was quick to go to her side, holding her up as she almost stumbled.
"Are you alright Bugaboo?" He placed a soft kiss on her pain, Ladybug letting out a groan.
"I'll be alright. You... Go back to your place and I'll be fine." She said. Chat refused. "I'm going home tomorrow. Are you?"
He nodded and she sighed of relief. "Bugaboo, please take care of yourself tonight... I'll see you when we get back, alright?" Chat pressed his lips against her forehead and she cupped his cheek.
"Of course." She bid him goodbye and Chat watched as she left, before deciding to go back to the hotel.
Adrien opened the door of his bedroom, still seeing Marinette's bedroom door closed. He went and knocked on her door, wondering if she was okay. Marinette opened the door and she looked a little dazed, fresh out of the shower, but before Adrien could say anything, their front door was opened.
"Where were you two?" Alya asked, Nino coming in behind her.
Marinette and Adrien were still standing before Marinette's door, startled.
Both Marinette and Adrien froze. They both gave the same excuse and now they knew they were in trouble because Alya rose an eyebrow.
"Together?" They both stammered for a response but Alya simply rose her hand, silencing the both of them. "Excuses, excuses. Let's go Nino." She left, shaking her head as if disappointed, but looked back at them with a mischievous wink. Marinette sighed and went to plop down into the couch.
"Shall we continue?"
Adrien eyed her for a moment, shaking his head. "I think you should be getting to bed. You look like you've just had the longest day Marinette."
She gave a soft chuckle, draping her arms over her eyes. Just the light from the bedroom was making her head throb.
"Well, I did, although I thoroughly enjoyed myself." She looked from under her arm, shooting him a smile and he couldn't help the smile that crossed his lips as well.
"I can't say you're wrong. Still, go to bed." Adrien pulled her off of the couch and pushed her into her bedroom. "Good night Marinette."
Marinette mumbled a 'thank you', retreating to her bed.
As soon as he closed her door, Adrien pulled the green marker he slipped into his pocket and scribbled onto his arm.
"Feeling better my lady?" There was a delayed reply, but there was one.
"My head is killing me."
"Get some rest. Good night Bugaboo." There wasn't a response for several minutes and Adrien finished watching the rest of The Sorcerer's Stone, leaving the ink on his arm, in hopes that she would see it when she wakes.
Adrien finished watching the first movie and turned the lights off, heading to his bedroom, until he heard a door open.
He turned, watching Marinette sleepily stumble out of her bedroom and navigate through the dark towards the kitchen. Being used to seeing in the dark all the time with Plagg, he watched her quietly, not wanting to startle her.
Marinette made it into the kitchen, opening cabinets for cups. As she did, Adrien noticed something that was on Marinette's left arm. Green writing.
Adrien hummed to himself; he had never seen Marinette talking to her other half, now that he thought about it.
"Whoever it is, they're lucky to have a girl like her." Adrien thought to himself. He focused back on Marinette who had grabbed some pain killers and was now drinking a glass of water. He didn't mean to, but he unintentionally read the message that was on her arm.
"Get some rest. Good night Bugaboo." Adrien tilted his head to the side, focusing in on the green ink on her arm, before looking down at his own. It was the same exact message he wrote to Ladybug.
Adrien rose two fingers to his arm, swiping his fingers across the "Get some rest" piece. Just as he did that, he glanced at Marinette's arm and it disappeared as well.
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