《Red Strings And Markers》t w e l v e
Ladybug couldn't believe it, both she and Chat Noir were in London.
Marinette and the rest of the class had finally made it back to the hotel as the sun started to set. Marinette had said she was going to shower before she met Alya and Nino downstairs for dinner. When she arrived in the room, she noticed that the room was a two bedroom suite, a small living in between the two rooms.
She had gone into her bedroom and looked out the window, expecting to see the pink skies when instead she was greeted by a rumble of thunder and an ominously dark sky.
"Marinette." Tikki came out of Marinette's purse, floating to the window and putting her small hands to the window. "There's danger outside..." The small kwami said, evidently worried. Marinette nodded and transformed into Ladybug.
Almost seconds after, Ladybug's yoyo started to ring, notifying her of a call from the one and only Chat Noir.
Now, she was zipping across the dark skies of London, towards the infamous clock tower, the rain hitting her hard in the face but her armor keeping her figure dry. She landed on the roof of a building surrounding the large clock tower, seconds after, she heard the sounds of another pair of feet land behind her.
"Fancy meeting you here, my Lady."
Ladybug turned, it was difficult to see the black cat as any light that was cast wasn't traveling at all.
"What brings you to London?" He asked, coming closer to her, his hair sticking to his face as the rain poured around them.
"A family vacation. What about you?" Ladybug asked him.
"A class field trip. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Chat asked.
She looked up at his shadowed green eyes and she looked away, instantly feeling guilty that she didn't tell him.
"I didn't want to worry you. I thought you'd be able to handle Paris on your own for a weekend. Besides, if I would have told you, I feel like you would have followed me to the ends of the earth."
He shrugged. "Well, you're not wrong." He mumbled, moving some hair that was beginning to stick to her forehead to the side.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, looking up at him.
"I didn't want to bother you with my mortal issues."
She let out a sigh. "Chat..." She was about to start scolding him when a loud rumble of thunder struck the top of Big Ben, making the clock tower shake as a figure appeared in the light provided by the lightning.
"I see you've brought a pest." The Phantom was floating before them, an evil smirk on his face.
"Ladybug, run!"
The Phantom rose his cane into the sky before pointing it to the two, sending a wave of hail at them. Chat blocked it by spinning his baton with enough force to stop the hail before running to catch up with Ladybug.
"Chat, fill me in." Ladybug called over the loud rain.
"He can cause disasters. He's the one who caused the sudden darkening of the skies, the thunder, the wind and the rain. He can fly and he has a cane and that mask. I feel like his mask holds the akuma though." Chat told her as they ran towards the end of the building.
"You can run all you want but nothing will ever get you away from me." He laughed darkly and a large gust of wind blew them both back towards him. Even with the armor, Ladybug was the lighter one of the two, and she was lifted off the ground. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and brought her back down to ground and she looked up at Chat, his baton extended and anchored into a roof shingle.
"Sorry to be the bearer of un-fur-tunate news, but I'm the only one that can sweep you off your feet." He gave Ladybug a teasing wink and Ladybug gave a chuckle.
"Thanks kitty." She unraveled her yoyo around her waist and she swung and latched to a light pole. "Hang on." Chat nodded and he unhooked his baton from the roof shingle, swinging against the wind away from the Phantom.
The Phantom angered, the thunder in the skies up above growing louder.
"Such a peculiar event, both Ladybug and Chat Noir are in London." Papillon was intrigued that both of them were in London, an evil smile growing along his face. "Phantom, while you destroy the rest of London, get me two things. Ladybug and Chat Noir, if you can get me their miraculouses, I will give you unlimited power." The Phantom scoffed.
"Unlimited power... I am no pawn of yours." The Phantom spat and Papillon narrowed his eyes, Phantom receiving what felt like an electric shock through his body.
"You do as I say or I will force you to do as I say, understood?"
The Phantom was hesitant to reply but did, leaving Papillon somewhat content and cutting their conversation.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were standing on the top most gondola of the shaking London Eye, looking at the damage dealt around the city. The downpour had caused the Thames to overflow and fill the nearby streets.
"There's so much damage." Ladybug said worriedly. The water vortex that had risen from the River Thames when Chat had first encountered the Phantom was running along the other side of the river, bringing floods. Tree branches were strewn everywhere and in some places, the ground was started to fall apart. "Natural disasters? Bringing London to it's end?"
"It brings up the question as to why Papillion is here. A strange coincidence, isn't it?"
Ladybug met Chat's green eyes and turned towards the direction of the hotel. She hoped that Adrien was somewhere safe while Chat was hoping the same regarding Marinette.
"We should help everyone to higher ground. Getting caught up in the flood was be dangerous."
Chat nodded as he looked down at the flooded London streets. They had quickly become rapids and carried anything with them, chairs and tables, including cars.
"Let's split up." Ladybug turned to look at Chat's back now, the feelings Marinette had for Chat biting at her. Without thinking, she slipped her hand in his. He looked down at his hand before looking up at her questionably.
"Be safe." Ladybug whispered.
Chat stared at her features, wishing she could kiss the girl behind the mask. "Always." He cracked a soft smile and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, bringing her hand to his lips and kissed her hand softly. "See you soon." Chat's hand slipped out of hers and he extended his baton, going back towards the Big Ben clock tower.
Ladybug decided she would go check up in the direction of the hotel her class was staying at.
"Help!" Came a cry from a female voice as Ladybug zipped towards the Corinthia. She stopped, looking towards the sounds of the voice. Chloé Bourgeois. Ladybug went to her, water at her knees.
"Are you okay?" Ladybug asked as she pulled her out of the water and to higher ground.
"No! My hair is all wet and my designer clothes are soaked! Thid is dry clean only!" Chloé huffed. Ladybug rolled her eyes and considered dropping her in the rising water.
"Ladybug!" She turned to the sound of her name and saw the owner of the Ladyblog standing behind the blonde, phone in hand, recording, Nino at her side. "Why are you London? Is Chat here? Who's watching Paris?" Alya asked quickly.
Ladybug gave a nervous chuckle, ignoring her questions for the moment. "Alya, I need a favor of you, tell everyone to move to higher ground. Can you do that for me?"
Alya's sparkled as she got a mission for her favorite super hero.
"Well, you heard the Ladybug! Everyone go to higher ground!" Nino called out for her. Just as they were about to move up the stairs, Alya grabbed Nino's arm and Ladybug's wrist.
"But wait," She said to Ladybug and looked back at Nino. "Marinette is still in her room."
Ladybug almost cringed. "What floor is she staying in? I can stop by her window and let her know to go up to higher ground."
Alya told her what floor that her normal counterpart was staying and she waved the two upstairs before zipping out towards the Thames. She was sure that whenever the akuma is gone, Marinette would place herself along with the rest of the crowd.
"Everything okay?" Chat Noir had met up with Ladybug on top of the London Eye as it swayed in the horrible winds.
"Yes, everything's fine." She mumbled. "You know, I've always thought that London would be quite beautiful. I'd actually like to come and sit in one of the gondolas during the sunset." Ladybug sighed as she looked at the partially destroyed city before her.
"We have to get this done and over with." Chat said.
"I couldn't have said it any better myself." The two turned to see the Phantom floating before them. "I think it's time that I take the spotlight."
The Phantom rose his cane up to the sky, a purple jet of light shooting straight into the skies. The clouds split apart for the ray and closed again, Ladybug looking to the Phantom warily.
"What did you do?" She asked him. The Phantom gave a dark chuckle.
"It's time for the finale. I think it would be best to go out with a 'boom', don't you think?" There was a rumble that shook the ground and the ferris wheel. Ladybug looked up at the clouds and they split apart once again, showing off a monstrous sized rock. "With an out of this world exit!"
"A meteor?" Chat cried.
"Give me your miraculous and I'll consider sparing you your lives." The Phantom extended his hand towards the two of them.
Although the feeling of impending doom was growing extensive, Ladybug wouldn't back down.
"Not an option Phantom!" Ladybug called to him. The Phantom narrowed his eyes at the two of them, clenching his fist.
"Fine! Then you will end up like the rest of this stupid city, buried in rubble! But your miraculous will be mine!" The meteor slowly lowered through the clouds and Ladybug looked at Chat.
"What are we going to do, my Lady?" Chat asked, worry lining his words.
Ladybug looked up at the meteor before clenching her fist. "I didn't come to vacation in London to have it destroyed by that Papillion." She spat, glancing over at the Phantom. "Chat, we have to get rid of that meteor. It's rock so using cataclysm will turn it to dust before it can destroy all of London. I'll stall the Phantom."
Chat clenched his fists with a nod and was about to leave, but stopped, cupping Ladybug's cheek. "Be careful."
Ladybug smiled. "Always."
Chat smirked and they went their separate ways.
Although their suits protected them from being wet aside from their hair, Ladybug could feel the cold seeping into her bones. Fear was starting to grip at her, biting her stomach, but she shook it away. "Sorry to cut you short of your act Phantom, but we aren't going to let you have your way!"
The Phantom growled. "You will curse the day that you did not do all that the Phantom asked from you!" The Phantom charged at Ladybug with his cane and dodged it while Chat Noir jumped from roof to roof to get closer to the meteor.
Chat noticed that ferris wheel was still turning, however much more faster than usual. He figured that with the momentum of the spinning wheel, he could propel himself towards the meteor and use his cataclysm.
Phantom noticed this and used his cane to summon a hail storm towards Ladybug, hoping that will entertain her long enough for him to go after Chat. Ladybug had to deflect the balls of ice with her yoyo.
Just as Chat was about to get his leap ready, the gondola he was standing on shook, making Chat look back, barely having enough time to avoid the cane that was swung at him. It became a game of cat and mouse, where Chat was ironically the mouse as Ladybug came to assist him.
As the Chat jumped from gondola to gondola, she threw her yoyo at the unsuspecting Phantom, pulling him down to a gondola before her.
"Chat, do it now!" Ladybug called out to him up above.
"Cataclysm!" The black, rustic magic started to form into Chat's clawed hand and with the momentum of the Phantom's fall, he extended his baton and practically vaulted into the sky. Chat got up to level with the meteor and swiped his hand across it, the black magic seeping into the rock and shattering it to dust.
Ladybug heaved a sigh of relief as the dust fell before them, not noticing the Phantom rising behind her.
"It's over." The Phantom whispered darkly as he was going to attack Ladybug from behind but his cane hit hard against the sound of metal as Chat had made it on time to protect his lady.
The two began a baton versus cane battle, metal clashing against metal as Chat tried to reach for the mask.
Ladybug moved to another gondola, calling out her lucky charm, providing her with some very heavy stage curtains.
"Guess it's time to close the curtains on this show!" Chat called. Even in the middle of the heat of a battle, Chat was still able to provide his crappy puns.
The fight between Chat and the Phantom went on, until a strong gust of wind almost knocked Ladybug off the gondola, her balance severely hindered by the stage curtains.
"My lady!"
"Look out!" Plagg shouted as Chat's attention had been diverted from the Phantom. Seeing a chance, the Phantom took a swing, making impact with Chat's head, knocking him out cold.
Ladybug's heart froze as she saw Chat fall limp, feeling the blow to her head herself, however dulled due to the adrenaline coursing through her body. The curtains slipped from her hands and off the gondola. The gondola she was standing on was just above the one Chat and the Phantom were standing on, so by a chance of luck, the curtains knocked down the Phantom.
Ladybug quickly went to him and removed his mask, stomping on it and quickly cleansing the akuma and allowing her magic to fix literally all of London, bringing the black skies to the last twilight.
Ladybug's magic went to Chat, fixing any superficial injuries he had sustained. Ladybug was quick to get to him, bringing him off the gondolas and onto the ground.
"Chat, Chat." She shook his figure gently, desperately as she quietly begged for him to wake. The pain was beginning to increase, it was like an excruciating migraine that she was beginning to make her feel faint, but she shook away the feeling. "Wake up Chat, please..." He felt cold and looked pale and she was beginning to believe that she was going to lose him.
The magic coursed through Chat's veins, his injuries feeling warmth as they were slowly getting healed. All he could remember was the image of his lady almost falling, before things went dark.
Chat felt cold, freezing although he was dry. He began to notice that there was a warmth growing on him, holding him and welcoming him. He rose his heavy arm, holding the warmth closer to him. His eyes fluttered open, focusing on a figure leaning over him.
"My Lady?"
Her head jerked up, looking at the slit eyes starting down at her. The feeling of horror and loss had immediately dispersed within Ladybug's stomach as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Thank goodness!" She cried, quietly sobbing. Chat was surprised by her sudden embrace, but accepted it, inhaling her scent. "I was so afraid... I thought... I had lost you." Her voice was soft and broken, fear had settled in and she couldn't stop the tears that pricked her cheeks and affected her voice.
"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't anticipating the blow." Ladybug slowly helped Chat sit up. "I just couldn't have you hurt, so I-"
Ladybug had had enough of his talking and pressed her lips against his, silencing him.
Chat was more than surprised but slowly melted into the kiss, temporarily forgetting his pain.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, you stupid cat."
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