《Her tutor》12


"Hey baby..." I heard as I was researching on my desk. I saw Jackson come in my room.

"Uhm... look I just wanted to say I'm really...really sorry." He said and I shrugged.

"No wait please hear me out..." He said and I sighed turning my chair around as he sat on my bed.

"I got you a few things..." he said smiling.

"First... I got you this..." he said giving me a stuff animal.

It was a cute raccoon stuff animal.

"And... I got you a gift basket." He said going out of the room and bringing a basket of candy and items.

"Oh... Jackson..." I mumbled getting up.

He sat next to me as I felt him give me small kisses on my neck.

"And... that's not it..." he said as I watched him pull out a box. A small box...

He opened it as I found a silver plain ring. I don't wear rings that much but he slipped it on as I smiled.

I felt him starting to caress my face and he held the side of my neck kissing me. He wanted to go further so I let him... but I wasn't ready to lose it yet...

He turned it into a make out and he started to take off his shirt.

"Jack... I'm not ready... I-Im sorry I don't mean to be this way... I'm just-I don't wanna lose it tonight." I said trying to go the easiest way possible.

He still took off his shirt and laid down before letting out a loud sigh. I felt bad... Im just scared and you know how Jackson can be... rough. I don't want that yet.

"Come here." He said has I laid down on his chest.


"It's okay... I still love you. But I gotta go in like 15 mins." He said and I was curious.

If he thought we were going to have sex does he really think 15 minutes is enough? Or is that just me... I must be dumb... no wait... what if he's cheating.

Pfft no impossible. He'd never do that... I love him and he loves me. Right?

Yeah... plus I have no evidence that he could be cheating on me...

"Hey you okay?" He whispered and I looked at him and nodded.

I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.


"Bye Jack." I said and he smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So... you and him are still together?" I heard Paxton in the kitchen.

"He bought me a ring and a gift basket with a stuff animal." I said and she nodded.

"Peyton... just...be careful okay. And if he hurts you... tell someone. Someone that can protect you just as much as I can." She said rubbing her hand over my arm.

"Uh yeah... I will." I said knowing that wasn't gonna happen.

"Promise?" She asked me.



I was helping Anna when she seemed to be focused on something else.

"Anna? You wanna stop staring at me?" I said and she snapped out of it.

"Uhh yeah! What.. huh? What are we doing?" Anna said and I laughed a little.

"Umm formula for calculus." I said she nodded on confusion.

"Right..." she mumbled.

"You need help?" I asked and she nodded.

While Peyton helped me I couldn't help but look at her... this girl is quite immaculate. I mean her facial features... her hair... her eyes. And just that smiled could brighten anyone's day. Especially mine...


I wouldn't bare to see her cry that'd hurt... I don't get it. If anyone else cried I wouldn't feel effected. I mean I've only known Peyton for what 3 months? No wonder Jackson fell in love with her.

She's just so... pretty and my mind is some reason always thinking about her. Like her skin is soft when she hugged me... and I mean like she is the perfect height to give me hug where I can rest my chin on her head... like if I gave her a hug from behind she'd be the perfect size.

Speaking of me being 5'8 her size is just perfect... and I mean she has this perfect hair with barely in split ends. She has such good clothes style and her personality is just... I can't explain it. She's so innocent...

Why would anyone want to hurt her. She'd look like she'd give a child a bucket of candy... or give 50$ to a homeless person.

"Anna?? Hello?" I heard breaking my thoughts.

"You keep zoning out." She said laughing a little.

God that laugh makes her fucking adorable... she's just cute in general. Oh god what am I doing. Am I really developing feelings for her?

"Uhh yeah just umm... I need help with number 5." I said and she nodded.

"Anna? May I ask you a question?" She asked softly.

That voice... I'm literally gonna melt at her voice and she's so kind...

"Uhh yeah sure." I said and she sat down.

"Why does... Jackson hate you so much." And that question caught me off guard.

"I uhh... We go back... in freshman year." I said.

"We used to be the best friends type... and he fell in love with someone named Kelly." I said and she was listening intently.

"Kelly? Has in Kelly Lincoln?" she asked me and I nodded.

"And than she lied to me saying that they broke up... and then we kinda hooked up..." I said and I could tel she was caught off guard by that.


"Yeah... I thought they truly broke up. That's how Jackson outed me." I said and she frowned.

"Outed you? As in mentioning you are an..?" She questioned.

"Intersex. Yeah..." I said and she nodded.

"I think it's kinda cool you know? Now you don't have to use strap." she said I laughed.

God even her humor is funny.

"Your different from people. That's really cool." She said and I smiled.

"That's the first time someone ever complimented me like that." I said.

"Glad to be the first." She said smiling.

That smile is gonna throw me off so many times... she's so positive about everything even with the negative.

Fuck Cmon Anna get your thoughts


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