《Her tutor》3


"Bye... baby. I have to go to the library and tutor someone." I said giving him a peck on the lips.

"Ooh who you tutoring now?" He asked me.

"A... foreign student... they didn't tell me their name." I said and he nodded.

I knew if I had told him I was tutoring Anna he'd go ballistic.

"Have fun." He said kissing my forehead before leaving.

I reached the library and waited for Anna to come.


It was 30 mins and Anna still didn't come. I was beginning to give up. I'm not gonna tutor someone who's not gonna show up or be late.

I looked at my watch and gave her another minute. After the minute past I put my bag on my shoulder and started to walk.

"Woah Woah Woah... where do you think your going?" I heard seeing Anna.

She took my hand and pulled me to a table that was in the corner which was filled with library shelves.

"Now you show up? Your late.." I said and she looked at me.

She got closer before I backed myself into a library shelf.

"I come when I want." She said practically glaring at me.

"Than I won't tutor you... it's your choice." I said confidently and she looked at me.

"Fine.." she mumbled getting her books out.

"That's what I thought." I said before feeling Anna's hand wrap around my wrist.

"You don't get to use that tone with me." She said holding on tightly.

"I use whatever tone I want. Sit down. And get your damn books out." I said jerking my hand away.

I don't know where I got the confidence to tell her that.

"Oh... so we're playing that game now..." she said.

She looked at me with anger and I was ready for whatever physical threat she was throwing at me.


All the sudden her eyes soften... she sat down and pulled her books out. I sat down across from her has she looked at me.

"Don't think you get the upper hand here..." she said as she got out today's homework.

I worked with her on the geometry homework that was due tomorrow. She had to retake multiple tests has I showed her multiple formulas.

She started to get frustrated with me and I looked at her.

"Do this question and I'll correct you. You look like you need to blow off steam." I said giving her the problem I wrote down that was similar to the question on the test.

She looked at me and sighed but nodded.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said getting up.

I worked on the problem she gave me but had trouble on the problem. I kept erasing and erasing until the paper ripped...

"goddamnit." I mumbled putting my head down.

"You okay?" I heard behind me seeing Peyton as she looked down at the paper.

"This problem is fucking stupid." I said Scribbling over the problem dark.

"Oh- okay well let's just do another one?" She said and I shook my head no.

"I'm not doing this."

I packed my things and left her sitting in the library alone. I knew I shouldn't have done that but I was tired of doing the same problem over and over again

I drove home in practical anger and was impatient with the traffic. Once I made it home I finally had enough and went in.

"Mom! Im home!" I yelled but got no response.

"shes probably out having sex with a another man... of course..." I mumbled looking at the fridge.

"There's no food..." I whispered going into the pantry looking for food.

"Of course... just great she didn't get any food." I said going to my room slamming the door.


"Anna?" I heard seeing Brandon.

"What?" I said not in the mood.

"I'm kinda hungry..." he said and I looked at him.

I let out a sigh and took my keys. I checked my wallet to find a 12 dollars in my wallet.

"We can go get some fast food." I said and he smiled.

We went to Canes as he sat down while I

I ordered the food.

I saw a couple people in the corner where I saw Peyton with her boyfriend and a couple of other people.

I got the food sitting down with Brandon as I looked back to see Peyton eyes reach mine.

She looked away quickly as I looked away as well. I felt embarrassed after leaving her in the library.

"Peyton... what are you even staring at." I heard my sister speak up.

"What- nothing." I mumbled playing with my food.

"You okay?" Jackson asked me and I nodded.

He put his arm around me as he continued to talk with Paxton's boyfriend.

"Oh and Peyton had a tutor student. What was the name of the student again?"

"She didn't show up." I said looking at Jackson.

"Oh sucks for them they won't get an A." He said and I smiled.

I looked over at Paxton who was staring at Anna.

"Stop it." I whispered and she looked at me.

"Isn't that the student your-" she was saying before I hit her leg hard.

"No its someone different. Not her." I said shaking my head no. She realized and shut up.

We were done with our food before I ran into someone again. My soda spilled all over my sweatshirt before I looked up to see Anna.

"Oh... I'm sorry." I said.

"What the fuck." I heard Jackson say starting to go off on Anna.

I looked at Anna who has frustrated expression. The exact one that was on when we were in the library.

"Just shut up!" I said and Anna and Jackson both looked at me.

"You can't solve your problems by being mad all the goddamn time." I said passing both of them.

I went out to my car grabbing a sweatshirt I had for a backup and changed.

"Apologize! Now!" Jackson yelled at me.

I went out to where I saw Peyton changing.

"Peyton..." I whispered and she looked at me.

"Sorry for spilling the drink on you." I said and she looked at me.

"Doesn't matter anymore. It's over." She said and I let out a relief.

"Now your gonna go inside and buy her another one." I heard Jackson behind me.

I didn't have enough money to buy another drink. I used it all on the food I got for both Brandon and me.

"Go! Now!" He yelled at me and I just stared at him.

I felt a air rise by me seeing his arm raising up.

"Jackson... What the hell?! Go and get in the car! I'm done with your shit for the night." Peyton yelled out.

Peyton looked at me before pulling a 20 out.

"Look I only have a 20... get yourself another drink." She said but she left before I could say anything.

I watched her drive off as I saw someone behind me.

"Wow... she's never given me a 20... usually gives me a dollar." I heard as she laughed with her boyfriend.

"Yeah whatever." I said walking off to my car where Brandon was.

"I didn't mean to create a problem... I was just hungry." I heard Brandon say.

"It's okay... let's just go home and we can play video games." I said and he smiled at me.

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