《the mangled monster; improved.》How It Started;


I heard muffled voices from outside my location.

"The monster's in there! Don't go too close, she might bite!" Toy Freddy laughed hysterically.

I listened to the shrill, fake laughter of Toy Bonnie & Toy Chica, as a single tear fell down my cheek.

I wanted to shout: 'I have ears you know!', but the last time I did that it ended with Toy Freddy pulling my arm off, so I stayed silent.

I'd do anything for them to be my friends again. The four of us used to be inseparable. The 4 musketeers! But ever since those kids ripped me apart, it's all changed, and it's the 3 musketeers, and me, the take-apart-and-put-back-together attraction.


"Hey kids! Im Toy Foxy! You can play games with me, sing with me, dance with me, and do anything you want! Now how about you all line up in a row and tell me your names!"

As the four and five year olds lined up, I took a deep breath and smiled at them all. This was my job! Life couldn't be better!!

There was Lilly, Billy, Tom, Katie, Sophie, Kelly, Ben, Milly, Matthew and Jay.

I suggested that we should play tag, and the children all clapped there hands in agreement.

I told Millie and Jay that they were going to be on, and they were both very happy about it. And with that, me and the other kids ran off. I ran slowly, wanting to get tagged because I hated running. Millie caught me, grabbing my arm.

"Got you Toy Foxy!" She giggled.

"Oh no! Well done Millie, you're really good at tag!" I laughed, pretending to be sad that I was out.

Millie was still holding onto my arm tightly. She tried to drag me over to the corner where we had to go when we were out, but instead, she yanked my arm straight off!

"Ow!" I yelped in pain.

"I'm sorry Toy Foxy, it was an accident." Millie gasped.

"Hey, be careful kid, Toy Foxy is very delicate!" A member of staff shouted, pulling Millie off me.

After that, seeing as I was so fragile and every time someone touched me I fell apart, I was made into a take-apart-and-put-back-together attraction. And life couldn't get much worse.

*flashback ends*.

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