《She-Wolf》Lunar Ellipse


Selene runs through the woods as she has done for the past 16 hours. She punches a tree in anger and sighs. She leans with her head against the tree and catches her breath.

"The Nemeton. Okay, it's a beacon for supernatural. You're supernatural. Why can't you find it" She stands up straight with a look of realisation on her face. "Because I'm human" she mutters to herself about her form and she starts to transform into her wolf form.

She starts running again her wolf eyes glowing their brilliant amber colour. Then she picks up on a sound and runs towards the source of the werewolf hunter technology. She finds it, she finds the Nemeton. Behind it is a panel, which she opens with her teeth. She jumps down the stairs dramatically.

"Is that an actual wolf?" Sheriff asks.

"It's Selene" Argent explains and Selene runs up behind him. She bites lose the ropes and does the same with the others.

"Why isn't she changing back?" Sheriff asks.

"She doesn't transform with clothes now, we gotta go" Argent explains and all three of them and the wolf run up the stairs. A storm starts to rage. "We gotta get out of here! Come on!" Argent asks and he starts to run.


After wandering through the woods searching for one of the places she hid clothes, Selene transforms back, gets dressed and then gets a text.

Scott: We're at the abandoned distillery

She reads the message and starts to run towards the distillery. Because of the lunar eclipse, she can't go at superhuman speed. When she arrives, Deucalion is on the ground, a puddle of blood around his head, Derek is being held up by his throat by Jennifer and Scott is scrambling to get up.


"Your fifteen minutes are up" Derek states. His eyes glow blue and he pushes Jennifer away. Jennifer quickly gets up and Scott and Selene run towards her. They stop both right in front of the circle of mountain ash. They look at each other and nod. Selene places her hands on the barrier and starts to push.

"You've tried this before, Selene. I don't remember you having much success" Jennifer taunts.

"She's not alone this time" Scott states. He walks over to Selene's side and starts to push the barrier too. Their eyes glow their amber colour as they put every ounce of power in breaking through that barrier. Jennifer looks determent they won't get through until every bit off determination leaves her face the moment their right arms get through. They push their strength harder and another arm gets through.

Selene locks eyes with Jennifer and her eyes start to change. Both Selene and Scott's amber coloured eyes change to the flaring red of an Alpha. They step forward, still using all the strength they have and the barrier gets destroyed. Jennifer falls to the ground and looks up at them.

"How did you two do that?" she asks.

"We're Alpha's now," Scott says. "Whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop. Or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what is does to the colour of my eyes" Scott threatens while Deucalion gets up behind the two new Alpha's.

"You know I already saved the parents right?" Selene whispers to him and he looks at her shocked.

"It won't save the colour of mine. So allow me" Deucalion says while walking between them before Selene or Scott can respond and slashes Jennifer's throat. She tries desperately to still breath but eventually falls to the ground, her magic stopping. The storm stops and Jennifer's glamour fades, revealing her scarred face as she dies.



Scott calls Stiles to see if everyone is okay and then Selene, Scott and Derek turn to Deucalion.

"My mother told me you were a man of vision once. We're letting you go because we hope you can be that man again" Derek states.

"But if you're not... Then having your eyesight back won't matter, 'cause you'll never see us coming" Scott says. Selene rolls her eyes. The trio then walks away to go their separate paths again.


Derek and Cora leave to go to who knows where. Scott, Stiles and the others continue their lives again. And Selene...

Selene stands in the doorframe of her house. Isaac, Cheryl and Reed in front of her.

"Where are you even going?" Isaac asks and Selene shrugs.

"I'm an Alpha now, the Alpha of my own... old pack wants to teach me about the responsibility's of it" she explains. Cheryl shakes her head and smirks.

"If you come back and suddenly you're gonna boss me around, I'm not responsible for the consequences" Cheryl states and Selene chuckles.

"I know and that's why I love you" Selene says.

"Don't get killed I guess. ANd we'll see you when the B.H.D. starts again" Reed says with a chuckle.

"B.H.D.?" Isaac asks.

"Beacon Hills Drama" Selene explains and hugs Isaac. "I'll see you guys soon. I hope" Selene states and walks over to her car. "Don't burn the house down" she yells while starting the car.

"We will! Bye!" Cheryl and Reed yell in unison while Selene drives away. They get inside and Isaac stares at them and then at where Selene's car was parked.

"This is gonna be interesting" Isaac mumbles to himself while getting inside the house.

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