《She-Wolf》Alpha Pact


Selene goes to the hospital with Lydia and then brings her home. She stays the night too, not letting Lydia out of her sight, also checking up on Allison who informs them about Scott going with Deucalion after Jennifer took his mom and Stiles' dad. Right now Lydia, Selene and Lydia's mom are sitting in front of a mirror and looking at the bruise which is the only evidence of someone trying to strangle Lydia.

"Okay sweetheart, this is not a problem. Having had my fair share of hickeys in high school, I developed some patented cover-up methods" Lydia's mom explains while opening the concealer. Lydia stops her mom and they both look at each other in the mirror. Selene takes Lydia's other hand in hers "If you don't wanna go to school, you don't have too" Her mother reassures her.

"That's not it" Lydia says and squeezes Selene's hand. "It's just... someone tried to strangle me, and I survived. I don't need to hide that" Lydia explained and both Lydia's mother and Selene smile proudly.

"No. No, you don't" Lydia's mother agrees and strokes her daughter's hair. She kisses the side of Lydia's cheek.

"But we're still gonna do your hair right?" Her mother then asks.

"Of course we're still gonna do my hair" Lydia answers.


Selene and Lydia are done getting ready and Selene is driving them to school.

"Selene. I just want you to know that I trust you to protect her" Lydia's mom says to Selene while Lydia waits at the car. Selene looks at Lydia, at her best friend, and simply smiles.

"Always," Selene tells Miss Martin and gets to her car.


At school, Selene gets a text from Allison that they need her help at the bank.


"Okay, Lydia. Find Stiles. Tell him that Jennifer has all three now" Selene explains and Lydia nods and leaves to find Stiles. Selene runs outside to her car.

She arrives at the vault and finds Isaac on the ground and Allison handcuffed to a bar.

"Oh God" She mutters and walks over to Allison. She starts to pull at the handcuffs and after some effort, they break loose. She pulls Isaac up and everyone is breathing heavily.

"Why did he do that?" Allison asks.

"He probably thinks he can get loose and free the others. We need to go. You guys go to Deaton. I have an idea and we're gonna need Scott" Selene explains and Allison and Isaac nod and leave.


Selene runs through the woods trying to catch up with Scott and the Alpha Pack.

"The lies people tell when they're begging for their lives" She hears Deucalion says and sees Morrel in a circle of Mountain Ash and the whole pack surrounding her.

"Ask him" Morrel then orders. Deucalion removes the top of his cane and throws the now spear-like thing at Morrel. Selene does a somersault and lands in front of Deucalion and Scott, catching the cane before it can hit Morrel. Her eyes glow amber and her wolf-like features are showing.

"Selene? What are you doing here?" Scott asks.

"I have a way to find the Nemeton. It's where she's keeping your mom, Stiles' dad and now also Allison's dad. It's also her source of power. I just need you to come with me" Selene explains.

"You and Scott can go if you come back and fight with us" Deucalion proposes. Selene looks at Scott.

"It's your call" Selene gives him the choice for both of them.


"Okay," Scott says and he and Selene leave to go to the animal clinic.


"How do we find this place" Isaac asks and Selene and Scott walk in.

"I have a terrible idea" Selene explains.

"I was thinking the same" Deaton admits.

"It's dangerous" Selene shows her doubts. "Not to mention what may come after" She adds and Deaton nods in thought.

"We don't have any other options" Deaton admits and Selene sighs.

"I'll get the ice bags and bads" She gives in and leaves the room while Deaton explains what they're gonna do.

Selene puts the ice, some water and a few branches of mistletoe in the bads while Deaton continues explaining everything.

"Lydia you go with Stiles" Deaton pairs them up. The person to push you under is supposed to be the person that can pull you back.

"But Scott and I are both going under" Allison questions and then looks at Selene. "Ow. Right" She mutters. So Selene with Allison and Deaton is the one to push Scott under.

Allison, Stiles and Scott get in the bathtub.

"If I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something. Your dad's in town" Stiles tells Scott. Everyone looks at each other for a few seconds and then at the same time Deaton, Lydia and Selene push Scott, Stiles and Allison under.

After a minute Selene, Deaton and Lydia let go and dry their hands.

"And now?" Isaac asks.

"I'm not gonna sit around. I'm gonna go through to woods maybe I can find Jennifer" Selene explains and leaves the room.

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