《She-Wolf》Master Plan


Chris Argent, Scott and Isaac arrive in Argent's car at Beacon Hills Warehouse District.

"I think he stopped moving" Isaac states about Jackson's body.

"Where's Derek?" Argent asks.

"Waiting to make a dramatic entrance" Selene answers as she emerges from the shadows.

"So, you're not angry anymore?" Scott asks.

"Ow but I am. My hatred for Gerard is just bigger" Selene explains and smirks. As Selene said Derek comes running in the alley on hands and feet, does a flip and lands in a superhero pose, his eyes glowing red. You can basically hear Peter's eyes roll a little further away.

"I'm here for Jackson. Not you" Argent explains.

"Somehow I don't find that very comforting" Derek replies. Selene snorts.

"I'm pretty sure no one here is comfortable" She states and no one really disagrees.


Everyone gets inside one of the buildings and stand around the body bag with Jackson in.

"Where are they?" Scott asks.

"Who?" Derek asks in return.

"Peter and Lydia" Scott yells. Derek goes to stand over Jackson, most likely to slash his throat.

"Wait" Selene orders and Derek stops. Everyone looks at her expectingly. "You're doing exactly what Gerard wants you to do" Selene realises. Derek raises an eyebrow.

"I'm doing exactly what he wants by killing his guard dog? Yeah sure" Derek replies.

"She's right. If Jackson's a dog, he's turning rabid. And my father would never let a rabid dog live" Chris admits.

"Of course not. Anything that dangerous, that out of control... is better of dead" Gerard reveals himself. Derek is about to slash Jackson's throat but Selene pushes him back, right on time. Jackson gets back up and hisses.

"Isaac, Scott, duck" Selene says and they listen right on time to miss one of Allison's arrows.

Selene rolls out her sword again and Jackson looks at her. She lets her eyes glow their amber colour and her claws emerge. Jackson hisses again and she growls in response.

Chris shoots Jackson, making him jump up on the car and behind it. When he comes back up he's full-on Kanima. Selene transforms in full wolf as response and growls again. The Kanima jumps towards Chris and she jumps too, meeting it in the middle and pushing it out of its course. They have a wrestling out of everyone's view and then the Kanima comes back into view.

Isaac, Scott and Derek get in their werewolf form and Chris tries to shoot the thing again but it uses its tail to throw away his gun. Chris backs away a little and then takes out a knife. The Kanima charges at him and throws him on his back. It paralyses him and gets up.

It screeches at Derek and the others and they growl in response. Derek charges towards it and head bumps it. He blocks the Kanima's arm with his own and hits it with his other. The Kanima pushes him back, making him twirl over a truck.


Scott sticks his claws in the Kanima's back and it pushes him away.

Right after Isaac hits it across the head using his body weight as extra strength with a jump attack. Then it's unclear whose arm is holding back whose.

Meanwhile, Derek climbs up a rail. The Kanima pushes Isaac back and he lands in a few planks. Derek jumps on the Kanima's back also using his body weight. Derek tries to use his claws and the Kanima grabs his arm. The Kanima uses his other arm and takes ahold of Derek's shoulder.

It throws Derek away from him but he runs up a plank and makes a backflip. Derek tries to punch it but it catches his fist. It takes ahold of his throat and pushes him against the plank again. Derek rolls away from the plank and Scott comes up behind it. He pushes it against to plank itself. It turns around and kicks Scott back all across the room.

Derek tries to attack again but the Kanima uses his claws and slices through his chest.

Isaac gets back up but Allison now joins the fight and uses her knives to put him out. She doesn't kill him but still severely wounds him. Allison and Derek make eye contact and she starts walking over to him with a determinant look on her face. Then the Kanima is behind her and holds her arms, making her drop the knives. It pushes her back and holds her at her throat.

"Not yet sweetheart" Gerard explains emerging from the shadows.

"What are you doing?" Allison asks confused, shocked and slightly scared.

"He's doing what he came here to do" Scott explains.

"Then you know" Gerard sounds slightly surprised.

"What's he talking about?" Allison asks. Gerard looks at her and then back at Scott.

"It was that night at the hospital, wasn't it? When I threatened your mother? I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it, couldn't you?" Gerard asks. Meanwhile, Isaac looks up, finally starting to understand.

"He's dying" Isaac explains to everyone.

"I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But... the supernatural does" Gerard admits and looks at Derek while the Kanima tightens its grip on Allison's throat.

"You monster" Chris comments.

"Not yet" Gerard corrects.

"What're you doing?" Allison asks, confused he would do something like this. Again the Kanima tightens his grip.

"You'll kill her too?" Chris asks.

"When it comes to survival... I'd kill my own son!" Gerard admits and still, his expression hasn't changed to show any emotion.

Gerard moves his gaze to Scott.

"Scott" Gerard signals. Scott moves his own gaze, that was fixated on Allison and the Kanima, to Derek who's still on the ground. There is an intense stare moment between everyone. Scott walks over to Derek and pulls him up by his neck.


"Scott, don't. You know he's gonna kill me right after. He'll be an alpha" Derek reminds them.

"That's true. But I think he already knows that. Don't you, Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me and they can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit Derek. And in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love" Gerard reveals his plan.

"Scott, don't. Don't!" Derek yells.

"I'm sorry. But I have too" Scott admits looking at Allison. He pulls Derek's head back which forces his mouth open. Gerard already rolled his sleeve up and now places his arm into Derek's mouth. (That sounds so gross but is literally what happens.) Derek (against his will) bites down in Gerard's arm, who screams in pain. Gerard pulls his arm out (ieuw again) and Scott drops Derek. Gerard holds up his arm triumphantly.

Out of view, a pair of heels click against the ground, coming towards the scene. That's when the still open wound from the bite begins to bleed black. Gerard notices the reaction he didn't expect and looks down to his arm.

"What, is this? What, did, you, do?" Gerard asks Scott.

"Everyone said Gerard always had a plan. We had a plan too" Scott reveals just as Selene walks back into the room, revealing it were her heels clacking against the stone ground. She walks over next to Scott and smirks. Gerard looks down to the wound and scrambles in his pocket. He takes out his pillbox and empties it on his hand. He crushes the pills while yelling:

"Mountain Ash!". He drops down to the ground as the black liquid starts to come out of his nose. Selene walks over to him and crouches down.

"You probably don't remember me but I just wanted to let you know that you killed a few too many of the people I care about" She gets up and turns around. Then she turns around again "Ow and, if I ever see you again, I don't care under what circumstances I will cut you in half with your own sword" She adds.

"Kill them! Kill them all!" Gerard yells in response.

Selene makes her way over to Allison and the Kanima. There is an intense stare thing going on between her and the Kanima and then she moves to break the arm that's holding Allison's throat, push her behind herself and push the Kanima back. Right on cue, Stiles and Lydia come in with his Jeep and hit it.

"Did I get him?!" Stiles asks.

"Yes! Now get out of the Jeep!" Selene yells in response. They do so just as the Kanima jumps up the Jeep.

"Jackson" Lydia yells and draws everyone's attention. She holds up a key and the Kanima looks at it. It seems to remember it and starts to turn back to Jackson. It's like Jackson with scales now. He takes the key in his hand and keeps looking at it. Then he looks at Lydia herself and seems to remember her too. Jackson slowly walks away and seems to be aware of Derek and Peter's desire to kill him.

Selene quickly moves over to Lydia as she screams because Derek and Peter stick their claws into Jackson. She holds Lydia back from falling to the ground while she cries. She lets Lydia go so she can catch Jackson before he falls to the ground. They (Jackson and Lydia) slowly move to the ground and Jackson rest his head on her shoulder.

"Do you-- Do you still-" Jackson chokes out with one of his last breaths.

"I do. I do still love you" Lydia cuts him of nodding furiously. She keeps repeating it while tears fall down her face. Jackson takes his last breath and falls on her shoulder, letting go of the key.

Everyone comes closer to the scene. Allison and Scott intertwine their fingers and Lydia puts Jackson down on the ground. The last scales disappear from his face as he lays there peacefully. Lydia stands up and Selene comes closer to her. Lydia turns around and continues sobbing on Selene's shoulder.

Claws scrape the floor and Lydia and Selene exhale and turn around to see what's happening. Jackson opens his eye and they're blue. Jackson gets up, reveals he's now a werewolf and roars. He turns back human and looks at Lydia. She runs towards him and embraces him tightly, which he returns.


After all that everyone goes their own ways. Allison and her dad go to France, Jackson goes to Londen, and the others stay in Beacon Hills. Scott and Stiles try to focus more on school and lacrosse again while Isaac, Selene, Derek and Peter discover something.

They go to the burned down Hale house to find a symbol on the door.

"You haven't told him everything yet, have you?" Peter asks and leans against a tree.

"What do you mean?" Isaac asks in return.

"That symbol. It stands for an Alpha pack, it signals they're here. And that's not good news" Selene doesn't beat around the bush.

"That's an understatement" Peter adds.

"True" Selene admits.

"Now I'm disturbed" Isaac states and Selene chuckles.

"You do realise that you signed his dead certificate?" Peter asks Derek about Isaac.

"Wait, what?" Isaac asks.

"Only if they want him to join" Selene adds ignoring Isaac's question.

"And if I want to" Derek adds and Peter and Selene raise an eyebrow. "

You really think they give a shit about that?" Selene asks Derek.

"Is that why your friends stole my Beta's, huh?" Derek asks.

"Yes, to save their lives. Fuck you" Selene explains and walks away. Isaac looks at the direction she went in.

"Don't even think about it" Derek warns and Isaac raises his hands innocently.

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