

Selene doesn't go to school for days and ignores Scott and Stiles' calls. She does listen to the messages they leave so she knows Matt got killed by Gerard, Gerard threatened Scott's mom which left him to explain everything and then now that Jackson is going to the game tonight. That message was interesting, Scott found out why I was ignoring him through Cheryl, who got kicked out of Devenford together with Reed and are now going to BHHS and the message went like this:

"Uhm so, I know why you're ignoring me now. I'm sorry okay, he just threatened, ugh, you probably don't care. But I am sorry and I know you. I know that you won't let innocents die so, please. You don't have to talk to me but please come to the game. Jackson is going to be there and you're the only one who really did something to him so please.-" And then the beep cuts him off.


Selene runs on the field right before the game starts and runs over to Coach, in full gear.

"Sorry, I'm late Coach" Selene apologises.

"Yeah Vulpes! Get your ass on the field!" Coach yells happily. Selene smirks.

"Selene? I know you can hear me. Thank you" Scott whispers.

"I'm not doing this for you" Selene whispers back and puts on her helmet.


In the middle of the game, Selene just scored again and Jackson is in the middle.

"Scott, you hear me?" Selene whispers and looks over to the bench, with a glare to not raise suspicion. Scott nods almost unnoticeable. Selene looks back in front of her. "I don't think Gerard is going to kill someone on the field or the crowd, well, uh, I think he's going to make Jackson kill himself" Selene reveals. The referee blows his whistle and the game continues.



Meanwhile, in the woods, Erica and Boyd are running for their lives. Someone knocks them off of the path and drags them somewhere.

"Who are you?" Erica asks scared.

"Shh," the girl who's pulling Erica answers. Because of the dark none of her features can be seen, same counts for the guy dragging Boyd behind them. Both their eyes glow yellow and they stop. The girl pulls up a wooden hatch.

"Come on, we don't have any time. Do you two want to die?" the guy asks. All four of them get inside the whole and it reveals to be all sorts of tunnels.

"Who are you?" Erica asks again. They step in the light and the features of Cheryl and Reed become evident.

"I'm Reed and that's Cheryl. Now before you ask, we're helping you because a friend of ours-" Reed starts to explain but Cheryl rolls her eyes and cuts him off.

"We heard you were looking for a pack and the Argents may have tricked you but there really is one out there. Ours and the one of Selene Vulpes" Cheryl explains.

"Selene? She's a werewolf. She always helped me when I had one of my episodes" Erica confesses.

"Isaac told me that she also helped him with his father and his cuts and bruises" Boyd adds.

"That's who she is. Always helping people" Reed admits.

"Fine, we were looking for a pack anyway" Erica admits and Reed nods.

"Good, come with us" Reed says and starts walking.


Back at the game, number 14 showed up, Isaac Lahey. And he's kicking his own teammates' asses.

"Lahey! Seriously! What the hell is your problem!?" Coach yells. A little later Jackson charges at Isaac and Selene actually break Jackson's arm. He needs to get checked out.


"How in God's name did none of you think of that?" Selene asks Isaac.

"Wait but if he's-" Isaac says and Selene nods. "I don't understand you" Isaac adds and Selene smirks.

"Good" she replies and puts her helmet back on.


They win the game and Selene immediately runs inside. She sees a Jackson, laying on the floor, claws ripped through his shirt and he's dead. Isaac, Scott and Stiles come running in while she punches a wall.

"Sel-" Scott starts.

"DON'T. Don't talk to me, this, this your fault, you should've never helped him in the first place!" She yells as tears sting her eyes again. She lets one silently fall down her face. She pushes past the three of them and leaves.

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