《She-Wolf》Code Breaker


"You're going to fight me in heels?" Peter asks mockingly.

"Careful, they hurt even more when they get in your eye," She says while swinging her leg to his face but he ducks. She takes off her shoe and throws it at his head. "What? I may be able to fight in those but I can't do anything else in them" Cheryl explains while taking off her other shoe. Peter charges at her and she sticks the heel in his eye. "Told you," She says and runs off. "Scott! Come on, we need to get out of here" Cheryl yells at Scott and he quickly joins her in her run.

"Where are your shoes?" Scott asks.

"One is somewhere on the lacrosse field and the other is in Peter's eye," Cheryl says while quickening her pace.

"Ow. Wait, what!?" Scott yells.


Scott and Cheryl arrive at Scott's house.

"What are we going to do?" Scott asks.

"I'm going to call someone" Cheryl replies and takes out her phone.

"What?" Scott asks confused.

"Hey, sweetie. I need a favour. Could you track Selene's phone for me? Yeah, she kind of got herself in some kind of trouble" Cheryl explains. "Some kind of trouble. Okay, bye" Cheryl quickly says and hangs up. "That's going to be a very awkward conversation when I have to explain that" Cheryl admits.

Scott and Cheryl make their way over to the place the girl described.

"Are you sure?" Scott asks.

"Duh," Cheryl smiles and runs over to an entrance to under the building.


Scott and Cheryl run inside and see two doors.

"Derek's over there and Selene over- Oh my God" Cheryl stops midsentence because she picks up on a sent.


"What? What is it?" Scott asks concerned.

"I don't know what I smell but it's not good. Scott, I'm getting her out of here" Cheryl explains and for the first time since Scott saw her, she doesn't have that cold or annoyed look on her face. That look that says I don't care about anything. No, she has tears slightly stinging her eyes and complete concern written on her face.

"Yeah, I'll get Derek" Scott reassures her and Cheryl smiles faintly. They both open the doors and Cheryl covers her mouth as she sees Selene.

"Oh God" she chokes out and Scott looks over to what's going on.

Selene's body is full with slowly healing wounds, she's covered in blood, which, believing the smell, is all hers and she has a wound where purple smoke is rising up from.

Cheryl runs over to her friend and breaks the chains that are holding her to the metal gate. "Hang on in there. Reed'll patch you up. Come on" Cheryl tries to encourage Selene but her voice doesn't sound that confident, it sounds like she's about to break down in tears, which she is. Cheryl takes out her phone and calls someone.

"Hey man, Selene needs your help. Hunters, they tortured her and-" Cheryl starts. "Okay, we're at the Hale house ruins" Cheryl answers after being cut off. The person on the other ends says something else and then hangs up.

Scott comes into Cheryl's view.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks.

"Our medic told me not to move her and that he's on his way" Cheryl explains and Scott nods. Cheryl puts Selene down on a chair and she groans.

"Okay, stay with her-" Scott starts.

"Is she going to be okay?" Derek asks.


"I don't know. What I do know is Kate Argent is going to die tonight and I don't care who does it" Cheryl says, her cold side is clearly back.

"Why did you say it like that?" Scott asks scared.

"Because she just arrived for the party" Cheryl explains and a little, creepy smile grows on her face.

They go outside and out of nowhere an arrow flies by but Cheryl catches it. She wolfs out and growls. Another arrow flies by and she catches it again right in front of her face. She drops the arrows.

Out of nowhere, a large... something knocks her over.

Allison and Kate jog into the middle and the same thing that knocked Cheryl over starts circling Allison, Kate, Derek and Scott. It knocks over Scott, then Derek, then Allison and lastly it grabs Kate at the throat and starts dragging her into the Hale house. Allison scrambles up and runs inside.


No one knows what happened in the house, how Kate was killed but right when Peter is about to kill Allison too... Selene shows up. Even wounded she will not allow her friends to die.

"Don't think I won't kill you too" Peter warns. Selene gets in a fighting stance and smirks.

"Good luck" she replies. Peter charges at her.

"Run" She orders Allison and Allison quickly gets out the house. Peter runs at her and Selene jumps up and makes a somersault over his head. She turns around and her eyes are glowing their amber colour. She coughs up blood but still stands up straight, ignoring all difficulty in that. Peter charges at her again and she takes out two knives. She slides over the ground and sticks the knives in his Achilles tendon. Peter falls forward while screaming in pain. Selene gets up and Peter takes out the knives. Peter smirks and starts to change into his beast self. Derek and Scott run in, followed by Cheryl.

"Outside! OUT NOW!" Selene yells and everyone starts to run outside.


While outside they stop and Peter charges through the wall. Suddenly a car honks and two car lights become visible. Stiles and Jackson step out Stiles throws something at Peter, which he catches.

"Oooh, damn" Stiles reacts, clearly thinking that would've worked.

"What now?" Scott yells.

"Now this" Selene says while throwing another knife. It hits the bottle and what was in the bottle becomes fire. The fire spreads over Peter's arm and he desperately tries to get it out. Jackson throws another bottle and it sets aflame Peter's whole body. Peter starts to walk around and eventually turns back human. He drops to his knees and the fire is all out. He's covered in burns and looks at what happened to him.

Derek walks over to him and keels down. Peter tries to apologise but Derek slashes his throat. Derek gets back up and his eyes are glowing red.

"It doesn't suit him" Cheryl whispers to Selene and pulls her up. Clearly, the adrenaline to save Allison is gone and she's still wounded. A van stops close by and Cheryl quickly walks over.

"Get her inside" Reed's familiar voice orders from behind the steering wheel and Chery does so. "Let's get her patched up," Reed says to himself as he starts the gas and starts driving her out of there.

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