《She-Wolf》Magic Bullet


(The events of 'Pack Mentality' happened but nothing changed)

After skipping school for a day Selene is back again. Scott comes up to her immediately.

"Yes?" Selene asks.

"You missed a lot. And why weren't you at school yesterday?" Scott asks.

"Familial reasons" she says shortly.

"Derek and I are working together now to figure out who bit me" Scott explains and Selene nods.

"Can we talk later? I, uh, I need to get to, I, I uh. Look Scott, just. Ugh! I don't know" Selene says. It's now that Scott realises how tired she actually looks.

"Hey, are you okay?" Scott asks and Selene nods.

"Just tired. I bearly slept last night. Thanks for the concern" Selene smiles weakly and enters the school building.


In class, Selene has trouble staying awake. Until she smells it. That one sent that puts her on edge. After class, she quickly gets up and leaves. She tries to locate the source of that smell and finds it with a tall, young man that's talking to Jackson.

"Derek?" Selene calls out which draws both of their attention.

"Selene? You know this dude?" Jackson asks.

"Yeah, sort of. Derek, why are you here?" Selene answers and asks. Derek looks at Jackson signalling he can't say it with him there. "Jackson, I'll handle this. Bye" Selene says Jackson rolls his eyes and leaves. "Now, why do you smell like wolfsbane?" Selene asks Derek through gritted teeth as she helps him to her car.

"I was shot. Kate Argent is back in town" Derek explains and it's like something pops into Selene's head. "What?" Derek asks.

"Nothing. I heard the bus driver died" Selene changes the subject as they get in the car.


"I went to see him. I asked him about the attack and I think he remembered me. He said "Hale" and then repeated that he was sorry. And then he died" Derek explains.

"Weird" Selene says clearly thinking about something.

"Where are we going?" Derek asks.

"My house. We need to cure that wound before it kills you" Selene explains.


The rest of the drive is quiet.

"Why do you even-" Derek starts and Selene cuts him off.

"I have every kind of wolfsbane. You gotta know your weaknesses" Selene explained. They get inside and upstairs. They go to a lab like room.

"What are you doing?" Derek asks. Selene rolls her eyes and turns back around.

"Give me your arm. I need to figure out which kind it is" Selene explains and Derek does so. "Nordic Blue Monkshood" she mumbles. "I can't burn this out," she says her eyes meeting Derek's.

"Then what are you going to do?" He asks confused and annoyed and she rolls her eyes again. She gets up and walks over to a cabinet. She opens the cabinet and its full of kinds of wolfsbane. She picks up a box with a flower stamped on it and opens the box. She takes some of the powder out and flinches a little. "This is going to hurt" she warns Derek and rubs the powder into the wound on his arm.


A few screams of agonizing pain later the wound is healed. Selene helps Derek up again and puts him down on a chair. They hear the door downstairs open and close with a loud 'Bang!'. They look at each other, both alarmed.

"Selene!" a male voice yells and Selene immediately starts to run down the stairs. Derek sighs and runs down the stairs too. "Thank heaven, you're home," the man says right before he falls forward but Selene quickens her pace and catches him.


"What the hell happened?" She asks. The man looks up at her and his eyes glow blue. "Oh God" Selene mumbles to herself and put the man on the couch. "Derek! Get the lighter! It's in the cabinet!" Selene yells. The man's shirt is ripped and Selene rips it open totally. The blood is black and Selene leans a little back, her hand under her nose. "What happened?" she asks again. It's clear he doesn't want to answer by the way he's avoiding eye contact "Elias!" she yells and he meets her eyes.

"Hunters. They got Meera, Logan and I tried to get her out of there. Did they make it?" he explains.

"Logan's out of town again after I patched him up but... I- I, I couldn't. I couldn't save her" Selene explains, tears streaming down her eyes.

"It's not your fault-" Elias starts.

"She was TEN YEARS OLD!" Selene yells. "She was just starting to develop her powers and they did that to her" she sobs out. She sighs and wipes away her tears. She straightens her stance and puts her hair in a ponytail. Derek runs back down and tosses her the lighter. "Thanks," Selene says and sits down in front of Elias. "This is going to hurt" she warns.

"I'm aware," He says.


After again a few screams the wounds are gone again.

"Was it him?" Selene asks and Elias averts his gaze again.

"Who?" Derek asks.

"You know it was" Elias answers and Selene shakes her head.

"I'll kill him," Selene says and Elias shakes his head.

"I know-" he starts but stops when she glares at him.

"You have no idea" she states. A single tear slides down her face as she makes her way back upstairs. Derek's eyes follow her curiously.

"You're Derek Hale, right?" Elias asks. Derek nods, his face serious as ever. "I heard about all the things happening in Beacon Hills. You know who's after it?" Elias asks.

"No" Derek answers shortly and leaves. Elias rolls his eyes. He sighs and gets up from the couch. He looks at the stairs, shakes his head in thought and slowly walks up them.

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