《She-Wolf》Second Chance at First Line


Back at school, Selene is almost too late for practice. Scott and Stiles follow her with their eyes. She looks at them and they quickly avert their gaze. She chuckles to herself and gets in line. It's like she zones out again and only snaps back when she hears Coach yell "McCall's gonna do it again" two times in a mocking voice.

Scott starts running and knocks Jackson over.

"Oh God" Selene whispers to herself and runs towards them. She helps Jackson up and then turns to look for Scott but he and Stiles are gone.

"Okay give him here" Coach says and Selene complies while still looking for the two guys. Her eyes fall on a young man with black hair and green-brown eyes.

Their eyes meet and both hear Scott yell "Get away from me" and turn their attention to the source. They look back at each other and then Selene starts to run towards the locker room.

"Scott!" She yells which gets the attention of both the boys.

"Selene?" Scott asks. He's sitting on one of the benches and Selene sits down next to him.

"You gotta find an anchor" Selene explains.

"A what?" Stiles asks.

"An anchor. Literally, something to anchor you to your human self. An anchor can be a person, a relationship with a person, an emotion, an object, a mantra, or even just a Werewolf's own sense of self" Selene explains.

"What's your anchor?" Stiles asks still trying to figure out if she's a werewolf or not. Selene chuckles, knowing why Stiles asks.

"Try Allison. I'm pretty sure it's the only thing you can think about sometimes so that'll work" Selene advises Scott, dodging to answer Stiles.

"Don't ignore me! What is it?" Stiles asks excitedly. Selene chuckles again.


"It has changed through the years" Selene answers vaguely and leaves the room.

After going to the hospital to visit Jackson Selene goes home. She changes to go running in the woods.

"Mom! I'm going running!" she yells.

"Be careful" Her mother yells back.

"I will!" she yells and put in her earphones.


At night she hears someone talk closeby and realises it's Stiles and Scott. She smirks and runs up behind them. They scream out and she comes closer.

"What the hell is that!" Stiles yells.

"It's a wolf" Selene answers in a calm tone. They both yell again and fly back. Selene starts laughing.

"But you said you smelled blood. As in human blood" Stiles exclaims to Scott.

"I told you it was different" Scott returns. Suddenly Selene's face retords.

"What is it?" Stiles asks.

"Wolfsbane, why would a were-" Selene mumbles to herself and then realses something. "Get up and move" she orders the boys. They do as told and Selene walks over to the flower. She kneels down and pulls it up. A rope is tied to it and Selene continues pulling. It's in the form of a spiral and Selene looks back into the hole and sighs. Scott and Stiles lean forward and quickly back off. Selene rolls her eyes.

"What is that!?" Stiles asks.

"A woman. An advanced werewolf to be exact" Selene explains.

"Wait this is the other half of the body! Derek did it!" Scott exclaims and Selene frowns.

"Why would he kill his own sister? No, the person who bit you did this" Selene explains. Somehow no one decides to question her knowledge on this.

"Exactly, Derek," Stiles says confused. Selene sighs and closes her eyes like she's disappointed.


"No, Derek, he isn't an alpha. He couldn't have bit you. Well, he could've bit you but then it wouldn't have turned you" Selene explains. She sighs and shakes her head. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," she says and runs off as if nothing happened.


At the game, Selene keeps an eye on Scott and realises everyone's ignoring him. Then Scott and Jackson see the ball and both run towards it. Selene does the same and she gets the ball. She starts running and dodges everyone coming her way. She makes a front aerial over two guys and throws the ball in the proces. The ball makes a goal and everyone cheers. Selene turns around and sees Scott's eyes glow. It's like she missed something important. Most of the game is making sure Scott doesn't get angry and gives away the supernatural.

After the game (which they won) Scott runs up to Selene. "Thank you! You were right! Focussing on Allison worked" Scott exclaims and Selene smiles. She points to behind him.

"There she is. Go get her" Selene pushes Scott in Allisons direction and smirks.

She changes and starts to leave. Right before she gets in her car Derek appears in front of her.

"I heard you three outside my house yesterday" he states.

"Good for you," Selene says and tries to open her car but Derek pushes it closed. Selene rolls her eyes and gives Derek a 'Just tell me what you want, 'cause I'm annoyed' look.

"How did you know all those things?" Derek questions.

"I'm not an idiot now if you don't remove that arm from my car door I will rip it from your body" Selene threatens with anger in her eyes and words, signaling she means it. Derek removes the arm without showing any signs of fear. Selene's threatening gaze turns into the kind gaze she usually holds. "Thank you," she says in a sweet voice and gets in the car. She start the car, smiles at Derek again and drives away.

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