《She-Wolf》Wolf Moon


Beacon Hills High School. The year just starts, students walk around the school catching up with their friends and all sorts of stuff. The new girl looks at the building from outside. Her eyes taking in every little detail.

"Excuse me? Are you new?" A voice pulls her from her thoughts.

"I am. My name's Selene Vulpes" the new girl introduces herself.

"Lydia Martin. Love your outfit" Lydia comments.

"Really? Thank you" Selene replies. Lydia intertwines her arm with Selene's.

"I think we're gonna be the best friends" Lydia states and they start walking towards the school. They pass two boys.

"I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since... since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia, you look... like you're gonna ignore me" one of the guys says and Selene chuckles to herself while listening to Lydia about lacrosse.


Lydia helps Selene find the principal's office. He explains the rules to her again and then gives her her timetable. Lucky for Selene she and Lydia have all classes together so they go to math for the start of the day.

After the first period, Lydia finds out that there is another new person. She and Selene approach her in the hallway. Lydia immediately notices the jacket.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" Lydia questions.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco" the girl replies.

"And you are my new best friend. The three of us will be amazing together" Lydia states and Selene chuckles.

"My name's Selene. Are you new here too?" Selene introduces herself.

"Allison. And yes, you too?" Allison questions and Selene nods with a smile. Someone comes up behind Lydia and she jumps. Lydia then laughs a little and kisses the guy.


"Hey Jackson" Lydia greets and Allison and Selene look at each other awkwardly.

"So this weekend, there's a party" Lydia announces as she turns to the girls again.

"A party?" Allison asks.

"Yeah, Friday night. You two should come" Jackson informs.

"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking" Allison answers.

"I can. By the way, where do I sign up for lacrosse?" Selene asks Jackson.

"You're kidding right?" Jackson asks.

"Nope. I got anger issues and need to find a way to get rid of the frustration. Hey, don't give me that look. If I'm bad I won't be allowed on the team, will I?" Selene asks and Jackson shrugs.

"Yeah sure. Follow me" Jackson complies and Selene smirks.


Lydia and Allison go to sit on the bleachers while Jackson and Selene try to persuade Coach into giving Selene a shot. He eventually agrees. All the players get in line while one of the two boys from earlier this morning is on the bench (the one that talked to Lydia but she ignored him) and the other one gets in the goal. The arbiter whistles and the guy who's standing in the goal covers his ears. He clearly has trouble with the noise and Selene notices and narrows her eyes at the scene. The first ball comes at him before he's back into focus and the ball hits him in the face. Everyone laughs and so does Jackson. Selene hits Jackson on the arm and he rolls his eyes. The guy in the goal gets back up. The next guy runs up to the goal and now the goalie catches the ball with little to no effort. He continues to catch the balls in incredible ways and people cheer louder and louder. Selene smirks at Jackson and he looks pissed. He makes his way to the front and starts running towards the goal. Coach makes his way towards Selene.


"If you get past McCall, you're on the team" he proposes. Selene smirks and then notices everyone cheering around her. She makes her way to the front and Jackson glares at her. She smirks and starts running towards the goal. She makes a sidewards layout while throwing the ball and it goes right in.

"Vulpes! You're on the team!" Coach yells and Selene smiles. She turns to see Allison and Lydia cheering loudly.


The next day Selene walks through the halls on her way to practice and sees Jackson and McCall.

"I can see, hear and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear and smell. I do things that should be impossible. I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods. And I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my freaking mind" McCall yells.

"Goddammit Jackson. Leave him alone" Selene says annoyed. She rolls her eyes and continues walking.


A little later everyone's at the lacrosse field. Selene's not really listening, she's zoned out, thinking about what McCall said in the hall. Most of the practice game is hard to follow. Jackson knocks Scott over and Selene jogs over. She helps Scott up and nods at him. Then McCall and Jackson are in the middle and as soon as the whistle blows Scott takes off with the ball. He rushes through people and midway throws the ball at Selene who continues his work and scores easily, after making a somersault over three guys.

"Vulpes! McCall! Get over here!" Coach yells and both of them do so. "Vulpes, you're on the fucking team! McCall, you're on the fucking team! The two of you together is wonderful! Both of you're first line" Coach says and they high-five.

The rest of the week goes by quickly and soon it's Friday. Selene gets ready at Lydia's house and helps her put everything up for the party. Most of the party is boring until Scott stumbles through the crowd. Selene steps forward and keeps Scott upright.

"Stiles! It's Stiles right?" she asks.

"Yeah, that's me!" Stiles answers. Selene throws Stiles her keys.

"Here, get Allison home. Don't ruin it" Selene warns and leaves the house with Scott. He gives her his keys and they get in the car.

They drive to his house and Scott begins to scream.

"Goddammit!" Selene yells and she parks. She locks the car doors and Scott looks at her terrified. "Really?" she asks and holds out her arms. Scott looks at her confused. "Give me your hands Scott" Selene demands and Scott hesitantly puts his arms on hers. It's then he notices his claws. Scott looks up and his eyes, a glowing amber colour. "You have to get it under control. Scott. Focus on your breathing, on getting calm. Then focus on getting away the claws" Selene advises and Scott nods. He closes his eyes and starts breathing in and out deeply. He opens his eyes and they're their normal brown again. Selene smiles and Scott looks down. He sees his claws are gone.

"Thanks. Wait. Alli-" Scott starts.

"It's alright Stiles has my car and he's going to take her home. Now I recommend you lock yourself in your room" Selene advises and gets out the car. She starts walking away to God knows where and Scott realises that there is much more to this girl than he thought.

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