《messages // frerard》conversation twenty øne


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edit: tweny wow 2016 me

jurard: HI MY BABY

oreohead: HELLO MY UM

oreohead: um

jurard: really

jurard: *slowly claps* well done frank iero

oreohead: im not good with nAMES DONT JUDGE ME

jurard: okok slow down satan

oreohead: finefine

jurard: frankie

jurard: i miss your faceeeee

oreohead: what do you want me to do

jurard: do you have skype?

oreohead: well duh

oreohead: of course you spork

jurard: sPORK

jurard: wowza

oreohead: wowza

jurard: anyways

jurard: what is your skype?

oreohead: 666shreksatan

jurard: im done with you

oreohead: sigh

oreohead: its 888fuckoffm8

jurard: that should be my respond if a fuckboy comes up to me and ask for my number

oreohead: if a fuckboy actually ask you for your number call me about it and i'll fly back to michigan, find his address, climb his window while eating taco bell and yell "dONT TOUCH MY MAN" and slap him.

jurard: i feel loved

oreohead: :))

jurard: :))

oreohead: :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

jurard: but seriously what the fuck is your skype

oreohead: frankieiiero

jurard: alright thanks love

oreohead: anytime

"Pete, stop touching me, Gerard is going to call me any minute you idiot." Frank exclaims as Pete began poking him again. "Hm." Pete thinks about it for a moment, "nah." Frank rolls his eyes at him and patiently waits for the call on Skype. Frank sighs impatiently, rubbing his red eyes and yawns tiredly from lack of sleep. "Tired?" Pete worriedly asks, and gets a responses with a nod. "Too much tumblr and supernatural." Frank answers, bolting up when he hears a loud ringing noise from his computer.





A familiar face pops out on the laptop, Frank softly smiles at the wonderful sight. "Hi." Gerard's voice blaring out of the speakers. "Hi." Frank says with a small chuckle, noticing that Muse is blasting in the background. "You like Muse?" Frank simply asks Gerard, earning a nod from the red haired boy, "yeah, they're the shit." Gerard answers. As Frank opens his mouth to ask what is his favorite song from the band, Pete jabs his finger into Frank's hip harshly, making Frank groan in pain and glare at him.


"Pete!" Frank exclaims angrily at Pete, "why did you do that?" The innocent boy just shrugs, "I don't know, I'm just bored."

Gerard just snickers at the little fight, laughing more when Frank gives him a threatening look. "What a wonderful time, Pete." Frank spats. Gerard leans back onto his huge pillow, admiring the sight of Frank fucking Iero. "Anyways." Frank starts, giving Pete another dirty look. "What is your favorite song from Muse?" He questions. "Hm." Gerard thinks about it for a second, staring at the web camera, "I cant choose all of the songs are like, god." He tells Frank, moving his eye's down and stops when he meets Frank's bright hazel eyes.

"True." A giggle escapes Frank's mouth. "So-" Then there was a loud, ringing noise coming from Gerard's phone. "Hold up for a second." Gerard tells Frank calmly, and Frank slowly nods.

"Hello?" Gerard answers the phone, waiting for the caller to talk.

"Gerard, it's your mother."


"Yeah, Gerard, its your fricking mom,"

"Okay- but"


Gerard's heart stops beating for seconds after his mother gives him the important news.

"Your father is in the hospital, and I don't think he's going to live."

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