《As Real As You And Me | Jordan Poole》XI


I lean my head on his shoulder and whisper him a question.

"Why is she sitting next to you?"

"Because it was the only seat left." I look around the table and there were no more seats left. I look at him suspiciously.

"Okay, I believe you."

"You should." He chuckles. I scrunch my face looking up at him.

"I needa talk to you."

"Why? I needa go to the bathroom right quick."

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen."


I wonder if she suspects that I'm finna' break up with her. She reall gullible by now, thinking I don't know how much she spend everytime I give her my card. She about to spend all my 'You bouta' get a bag' money. Damn. Thank you Lord for not making me be delusional, delirious, and all that. Shoutout to you !

Anyways, I'm washing my hands taking my time. I know she about to be pissed. I know her, she got a bad temper. I finally finish washing hands 8 minutes later and I open the door and see Willow scary ass standing right behind it.


Jordan opens the door after damn near a decade. I feel like he up to something. Ion know, I'll figure it out. Anyways, I grab him by his hand and pull his tall ass into the kitchen. He tries to pull his hand from me, but I got a good grip on his wrist. Once we step foot in the kitchen I start talking.

"So what's up with you and lil miss Renee?" My eyebrows raise.

"Why you worried? Am I not with you and not her?" He says with an attitude.

"First of all, I'm worried because she had you wrapped around her finger before and I don't want you to go back!" I admit.


"Willow. Honestly- Lemme just tell you. Ion wanna be with you anymore. I know you're using me and that you don't really love me. You're clearly gullible if you think I didn't know how much money you were and are spending. I'm tired of that shit and I'm letting you know. So after this party is over with, Ima needa you pack all yo' shit and hit the road sweetheart." He rants. I am currently shocked. This nigga really just dumped me for this bitch Renee. I don't know what Ima do.


I'm so glad I got that off my chest. That whole interaction had been on my heart for a while. I'm grateful that I didn't stutter like usual. I think she should already have her bags packed because she "stated" that she was going on a 'Girls Trip' with her unknown friends. Good thing Ima cancel it as soon as she set foot in that airport.

I leave her ass in the kitchen and I head back outside. I see everyone looking at me confused.


"Whatchu' mean 'What' Where the hell you been boy?" Ayesha exclaims.

"I been in the bathroom and kitchen."

"Ain't no way it took that long." Gary says in disbelief.

"I mean I did stop-" I get cut off by Willow opening the back door. We all look back as she stops in her steps with dried tears on her face.


"Why is everybody asking that?" Lebron says.

"Obviously something happened." Juan says.

"And how can you conclude that twin?" I ask confused.

"She got big ass tears dried up like the Sahara desert on her face. Her shirt is also damp." He said matter of a factly.

"Mann. Whatever." I said waving it off.

"Jordan lemme talk to you right quick." Steph says while Klay follows him.


jay's notes ¡

so... idk i posted but i didn't kno what to put after this. i'll figure it out. also pray for me cuz i got basketball tryouts on halloween. helpp ! byee !

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