《Grumbo (Grian x Mumbo) Fanfic》Chapter 11


Uhhhh I forgot to mention in the last note, with my return I should be able to start updating my one shots book again! If you haven't check that out it would be pretty cool if you did!

Now... Onto the story!!!

A month had passed since the celebration of six months between Grian and Mumbo.

They both loved each other more than anything.

But things hadn't been so great.

The two had been arguing more than they used to about tiny things that didn't even really matter.

Many people started to worry about them. Everybody would constantly check up on them.

"Look, Mumbo, I am going out for a bit. I'm hoping to cool myself down. And if I don't cool down, and you don't either, I'm making you sleep on the couch tonight! I just can't handle this right now. Everything is extremely stressful and you've just really been getting on my nerves." Grian walked over to the door and grabbed his coat.

"Alright, fine. I'm going out as well. See you later." Mumbo waited for Grian to leave, who stormed out the door walking to who knows where, and then Mumbo decided to go.

{With Grian}

He met up with Stress, False, Cub, Etho, Scar, and Bdubs.

"I... I just don't know what to do anymore! I love Mumbo more than anything in the world, but he's been driving me up the wall lately!" Grian sobbed silently.

"Aw, Gri, it's alright! We're here for you right now..." False pulled Grian into a hug.

"Yeah! We're all here for you no matter what. And relationships are always going to have problems; they're never perfect! Things will get better though. You were just in a honeymoon phase where everything seemed perfect. That wasn't going to last forever." Scar explained.


"I know, I just wish it would..."

{With Mumbo}

He went and met up with Iskall.

"Dude, what do I do? Grian is everything to me; he's my entire world. But I feel like we're falling apart! All we've been doing is fighting lately."

"Oh, Mumbo. My moustached friend. I'm so sorry. I know it seems like things suck right now but I promise things get much better very soon."

"Thanks, Iskall."

The two hugged for a minute.

"I should probably go back... I don't know what time Grian is coming home but I wanna be there when he walks in that door. Thanks for talking, Iskall."

"Anytime, dude!"

And with that, Mumbo flew off back to his own base and waited inside for Grian to come home.


It wasn't for a few hours that Grian finally got home.

"Oh, Gri, I've missed you... I'm so sorry we've been fighting lately."

"Aww, Mumby, I've missed you too!! I'm so sorry as well..."

Mumbo grabbed Grian by the waist and pulled him close for a tender kiss.

Once they pulled away, Grian yawned and stretched. "MmmMumby...?"

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm very tired... How about you?"

"Yes, I'm about ready to call it a day."

"Mm okay... Will you carry me to bed? I'm too tired to walk."

"You're so lazy sometimes. You're lucky I love you."

Mumbo picked Grian up and carried him to their room, plopping him on their bed.

They both changed quickly; Grian into a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, and Mumbo just sweatpants.

They both climbed into bed and Mumbo pulled the covers up. Grian snuggled into Mumbo, feeling the warmth of his chest again him. It was also nice to hear the beating of his heart. Relaxing, almost.


Soon enough, the two were sound asleep and slept peacefully throughout the night.

I know that was a little short, I kind of just wrote whatever was in my head as I went! I hope that was okay for my return.

I really hope you enjoyed the chapter!! If you have any comments, suggestions, requests, etc., you can comment or message me!

Bye for now everyone!!!

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