《Grumbo (Grian x Mumbo) Fanfic》Ch 5


YESSSSS I'M BACK!!!! So excited to continue writing again!!!

He wasn't sure what to do at this point... he had some serious thinking to do.

{With Iskall}

Iskall was devastated to know that Mumbo really did like Grian, and he'd just found out Grian really did like him back... he knew he'd have to accept the fact that Mumbo may choose Grian over him... and even if it may hurt him, he'd have to be happy for Mumbo. If he'd tried to do anything, he knew that everyone would just end up feeling hurt in the end. He really didn't want that to happen, so he promised himself to try and be happy no matter what happened.

{Annnnd now with Grian}

Grian couldn't sleep that night. He couldn't stop thinking about Mumbo... but he needed to remember there was another person; Iskall. He just had to try and be happy if Mumbo chose Iskall over him. He would support them however he could, even if it hurt him.

{And now we be back with Mumbo}

Mumbo went to the kitchen and cooked himself some mushroom stew, sat at his table, and tried to eat. But he couldn't. He was tearing himself apart on what to do...

He wanted to choose the boy he'd been in love with for years... his honey blond hair, perfect small body, his sparkly dark brown eyes... but he didn't want to let go of Iskall, he liked him a lot too... but was it enough to want to be with him?

'No...' Mumbo thought aloud to himself. 'It's not enough...'

Mumbo, almost smiling, grabbed his elytra and started to fly.

Grian heard the rockets, and smiled widely. There was a perfect landing outside his door, and Grian opened the door as quickly as he could.


It wasn't who he'd thought it would be though...

"Grian!" Doc smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Doc!" Grian smiled and hugged him back.

Grian heard more rockets; it was Mumbo this time.

"Mumbo!!!" Grian smiled widely at the moustached man further back, who now seemed upset...

Mumbo flew away. "...Mumbo?" Grian wondered why he'd flown away...

"D-Doc... I-I gotta go for a minute... just, stay here. You can put on the tv or something... I'll be back."

And with that, Grian flew off after Mumbo. He saw him fly over to Iskall's base; he was crying.

Grian landed and ran up to Mumbo.

"Mumbo? Are you okay?" He asked quickly.

"Please go Grian... I don't want to see you right now..."

"Is this about the hug with Doc? Mumbo we're just friends! I don't love-"

"Grian, stop, I already saw it. It's okay, if you're happy with him... I'm fine."

Iskall hugged Mumbo close, and didn't let go. "Grian, just leave."

Grian left, back to his base, where Doc was sitting on his couch. He'd been looking through a small box, reading little notes...

"DOC! Y-you're not supposed to see those-!"

Doc looked up at him, startled. "I'm sorry, it was just sitting here... I got curious."

"I-it's alright..." Grian took a look at his notes... "I wrote these for Mumbo... I never gave them to him though..."

"Wow, you really do like him. I read the notes but I didn't think you actually liked him... What happened with him anyways?"

"Um... it's one of those situations where he came to the wrong place at the wrong time and saw the scene wrong. When you hugged me, he flew by, and thought we were together... a lot has been going on lately... and... I told Mumbo I liked him, but he and Iskall were already together... and Mumbo said he's liked me for years, but he needed some time to think. I think he was going to tell me something until he saw us..."


Grian started to cry. Doc hugged him. "Oh Grian... I'm so sorry... this is my fault, trust me, if I had know-"

"It's okay Doc... it's not your fault, you'd had no idea..." Grian sighed.

"You should give him those notes, maybe it'll help..." Doc suggested and smiled a bit at him.

"Yeah, maybe... I'll try that. Thanks Doc, you're the best."

Grian grabbed his box of notes and headed to Mumbo's base. He wasn't sure if Mumbo was there or not, but he left the box at the door and knocked. He flew away back to his base; Doc had left, and he sat down on his couch, and turned on his tv.

It didn't take long, soon enough his phone buzzed. He looked at his phone; the message read:

"Meet at my base in 5"

I think this is my least favourite chapter so far... It hasn't gone great, it's been more than a week since I last updated, and I sincerely apologize for that. I was hoping to have this done on Monday, but I hated the first version of the chapter I wrote. I tried writing this about 5 times over before I finally decided to stop trying and left it where it was and stopped writing before I started AGAIN.

On the other hand, I'm almost at 50 reads! I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but it's quite exciting for me! I didn't think people would like this

Unless people aren't enjoying it... but I'm hoping they are.

I hope you liked this chapter, cause I didn't like it so much. Thanks for reading!

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