《Riansh ✅》CHAPTER 10


Riddhima was thinking about Vansh when Angre came there.

A: Are you thinking about Vansh's words . What he said .

Ridhima simply nodded .

A: Don't worry Riddhima he can't do anything until I am here .

Listening him Riddhima narrated him yesterday's complete incident which only angered Angre that he broke the glass in his hand .

An : I knew that he will do things like that .I should be aware about this .But I didn't .

Ri: It's not your fault Angre .

An: Riddhima you are my sister and my pariority is to protect you I have no one in this world other than you .I can't loss you .

Ri : Please bhai don't say this .

Bhai kids will wakeup at any moment .We can discuss it later .

But unknown to them this was heard by one person .

He silently went to his room and lay on bed .

P: How can he hurt my mumma like this. But who is my father .I will find out at any cost . I will never let him to hurt my mumma again .

He revealed to be Vivaan who heard Riddhima and Angre conversation .

He heard some footsteps and act as sleep .

Ri : Baby wake up .

Vi : Good Morning Mumma .

Riddhima was shocked that her son had woke up without any argument .

Ri : Good Morning baby.

Baby are you fine you woke up without any argument .

Vi : Oh Mom I am growing up .

Ri : Ok growing up boy .Now go to bathroom and freshen up .I am waiting outside .

Vi : Ok mumma . Saying so he kissed her cheek and left for bathroom .

Today I heard mumma and mamu's conversation. They were talking about my dad that he is here .He will hurt my mumma again .

But what he had done that mumma and mamu are this much angry on him .


I have to find it at any cost . But from where I should start I don't know anything about him and what he did in past that mumma left him . What had happened in past.Why mumma still now forgive him.

Lot's of questions are there but where to start it .

Ya Mumma' s diary I can read it and find out everything .

I will find the truth very soon.

After sometime everyone was outside doing there work . Vivaan silently went to Riddhima's room and find her diary and went to a calm place

It was a beautiful diary with only Riddhima written in cursive writing.

He opened the first page of diary it was return as 19 January

Dear Diary ,

Today I came to New York with help of my brother Angre to start a new life. After Vansh's betrayal I decided to finish myself but after learning that a life is inside me I decided to live and faught .

Vansh We are going to be parents soon .I am pregnant with your child .Why did you gave my place to that Ahana .

Why .

What was my fault you gave me such a betrayal . Why you not listen me .

Why you always trusted other people over me.

Why you not listen me that day .

I am hating you when you said your love was fake.

I hate you for asking proof of my love .

I hate myself for loving you.

I hate myself for giving myself to you.

I hate you for giving my place to someone else .

Tears marks were seen on the page and fresh tears also making their way to the page .

Vivaan was literally crying reading this page .He had not courage to read more when he was going to keep diary at its place some photos fall from it and when he saw he was literally shocked .


V : What is this Mr Eiffel Tower doing with my mumma .

Here are some marriage pics both of them .

That means he is my father .He had hurted my mumma .

Why he did that and mamu is also there In one of pics .

I will not ask directly .I will spy on them . I will not let him hurt my mumma again .

I hate him .

After keeping the diary at its place he went outside as nothing had happened.

Vivaan : Mumma I am going in garden for playing with Ishu .

Ri : Okay baby . Take care .

After two hours Riddhima thought to bring kids up so she went to the lift but to her dismay Vansh was already present in lift she decided to use another lift but the door was already closed .

V: Dollar Biwi you here .I didn't expected .

Ri : For your kind information . I am also staying in this resort with my family .

Saying so Riddhima turned away from Vansh and she feel his immense gaze on herself.

Ri : Aise ghoor kyun rahe ho.

V: Ghoorne ke paise nahi lagte dollar biwi .Ghoorna free of cost hai.

The lift stopped and Riddhima immediately left.

Ridhima was going towards garden to take kids Vansh was following her .This was noticed by Vivaan .

What the hell he is doing near my mumma . Can't he stay away from my mumma .If he tried to hurt her again I will not spare him.

Before Vivaan could say anything he threw his ball in Vansh's direction which hit his foot and went to his mumma .He smirked seeing Vansh which didn't go unnoticed by Vansh.

After sometime Vivaan came there to take his ball and said to Vansh

Vi : Stay away from my mumma.If you try to hurt her again I will not spare you .

Vansh was literally shocked listening his words.

Before Vansh could say anything Vivaan left from there.

Vansh's Pov

What was that. Does he know everything . Does Riddhima told him everything . Does he hate me .No this can't happen .I have to do something to get them back.

Riddhima's POV

What should I do to keep Vivi away from Vansh .I can't let him to hurt my baby .I can't let shadow of my past fall on my baby .

Suddenly a message popped up on Riddhima's phone which shocked her that the flights for US and other countries have been cancelled by Indian Government for next two weeks due to increase of Covid cases.

Same message came to Vansh's phone which made him happy that he got more time to pacify his sweet heart.

But for that he has to win his son's heart .

Riddhima's Pov

No this can't happen . What will I do . What if Vansh tries to do something again .I have to keep them away .I can't tell Vivi truth until right time comes .

Precap: Vivaan troubles Vansh


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