《Riansh ✅》CHAPTER 8


Ri : Yes Angre Arjun is right .You have to tell her truth. It's Ishu's right to know about her mother .

Sam: Yes I had seen in her eyes she is longing for mother's love . She needs her mother to be with her .

And Ishani she don't even know that her child is alive .

Angre : But that day what had happened changed everything .

Angre came out of airport with Sam.When he got a call from Ishani's doctor that she is going for labour .She had pre labour .He immediately left for the hospital .

When he reached there he saw Sunny outside the hospital carrying something in her hands .He had doubt on him . HE decided to follow him .When Sunny stop infront of a orphanage and left the child there with the letter that his mother died and she had no one .If you don't want to raise her than kill her.

Angre took the baby from there and contacted Ishani's doctor who told him that her child is no more .

He went to his hotel and told Samaira to take care of her. After leaving he called his men and asked to trace Sunny .

After 10 hours they finally traced Sunny and kidnapped him and brought him to an isolated factory .

After Angre came there

Sunny was shocked

S: You

A: Yes me

S: Why you brought me here like this .

A: Why did you left the baby at orphanage .Why

S: Because I don't want to take her responsibility.She is a burden on me .

But I pity her that's why I left her at orphanage rather than killing her .

Angre : If you don't want to take child's responsibility than why you married Ishani .

S: Simple for property .

Listening this Angre became hell angry and he non stop beat sunny and said .


A: I will make sure that you will never be able to reach her .

Angre to his man : Through him out of the city .

Saying so Angre left and decided to call Riddhima

Riddhima was shocked after listening this and she told him to bring baby to New York.

After that Angre decided to legally adopt Ishika and gave her his name .

Angre had tears in his eyes rembering this painful past.

Ishani was numb and stumbled hearing this .Sia and Chachi handled her take her to their suite .

Ishani : Vansh bhai my child is alive .She is my daughter .Now I know why I was feeling connected to her .

Bhai I want my daughter .

Vansh : Don't worry Ishani we will bring all of them back to our family.Saying so he hugged her to calm her .

C: That means I am grandmother of two kids .

A/ K : We are also uncle of two kids .

S: I am also aunt of two kids .I am excited to meet both of them.

Dadi's Pov

Today we got another good news that Ishani's child is also alive .I am very happy that two of my grandchildren are proud parents . Please bappa bring them back to my family .

Vansh's Pov

Today I am happy that Ishani's child is alive. Now I understand why she is like Ishani.

Vansh was moving outside when he saw both the kids playing there.

A lone tear escaped from his eyes .

He thought if he had trusted Riddhima both the kids will get their complete family love .

My one mistake cost me a lot .

I sat on bench engrossed in my phone when a ball hit me on my shoulder only to see my son came running to take his ball .

Vi : I am sorry Mr Eiffel Tower . My ball hit you .


V: It's ok dear .

Vivaan noticed sadness on his face and asked .

Vi : Why are you looking sad .

V: Nothing

Vi : Ok

V: Tell me about your family .

Vi: In my family me, mamma, mamu , buddy Ishu and Sam .

V: Your dad .

Vi : I don't have dad .I don't even know who is he .

V: You never asked your mamma about him .

Vi :No I don't want to hurt my mumma asking about him. I had seen mumma crying at nights because of him .

Vansh felt bad that Riddhima had cried because of him.

Vivi : I know his name .His name is Vansh .. Ya Vansh Raisinghania

Hearing this Vansh was happy that his son knows something about him.

Vivi : I should leave now .We have to play . Bye

V: Bye

Unknown to them it was witnessed by on pair of eyes revealed to be Riddhima who had to take her son .

She was somewhere happy that her son met his father but she was somewhere afraid losing her son.

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