《This Is Us || Jess Mariano》22
"That was..."
Charlotte laughed and looked at Jess who was smirking. "Cocky much?" She joked.
"Well how do you feel it was?" He asked.
"It was...amazing." Charlotte smiled softly, snuggling into him under the duvet in his bed.
"Really?" He asked. "No regrets?"
"Definitely no regrets." Charlotte smiled.
Suddenly the door to the apartment unlocked and Luke and Lorelai walked in laughing and chatting. Charlotte gasped and Jess shot up too, revealing to Luke and Lorelai that they were there.
"What the...ah geez!" Luke exclaimed averting his gaze.
"Oh my god!" Lorelai exclaimed taking in their appearance. Charlotte was only wearing her top and pants and Jess was just wearing some shorts. "Charlotte..."
"What are you doing here?" Charlotte exclaimed, grabbing her trousers and putting them on.
"I could ask you the same question." Lorelai said narrowing her eyes at Jess, who was reaching for his shirt and putting it on quickly.
"Mom, I can explain..." Charlotte said quietly.
"Well go on then! Explain!" Lorelai exclaimed.
"We're 18. What we did wasn't wrong." Jess defended.
"You stay out of it." Lorelai glared at him.
"Mom..." Charlotte said quietly.
"I'm waiting." Lorelai said.
"It was my decision. Don't blame Jess." Charlotte said quickly. "I know you're mad I didn't talk to you first but it just felt...right. I was ready." She tried to explain.
"You're not to see her again." Luke spoke for the first time and he was glaring at Jess as well.
"That's not going to happen. You can't keep us apart." Jess said.
"Yes I can. I knew it. I knew this would end up badly!" Luke exclaimed.
"Wait! This isn't Jess! It was my choice, my decision! Jess was happy to wait! We love each other, you can't tell us what to do!" Charlotte exclaimed starting to get angry, crossing her arms against her chest.
"Charlotte, you can't blame us for reacting like this. We've just found out you've had...you know!" Lorelai said.
"Sex." Jess said. "You can say it, you know."
"I swear you better stop talking right now or else." Lorelai snapped.
"I can't believe this!" Charlotte exclaimed going to leave.
"Where are you going? We're not done!" Lorelai called after her.
"Yes we are!" Charlotte shouted. "I hate you! I hate you for ruining this for us!" She exclaimed angrily before storming out.
"Charlotte!" Lorelai shouted following her out.
Jess and Luke were left glaring at each other. "As much as I'd love to stay and talk..." Jess said sarcastically.
"You're going nowhere." Luke said seriously.
"We didn't do anything wrong!" Jess exclaimed.
"Seriously Jess? What is wrong with you? And in my apartment as well?" Luke exclaimed.
"I'm living here too! What is so wrong about what we did?" Jess exclaimed angrily.
"Because...well because..." Luke said.
"Because what?"
"You can't just sleep with someone and then...and then..."
"And then what? What do you think I'm going to do?!" Jess shouted frustrated.
"Sleeping with someone is huge! It doesn't just mean nothing!"
"Yeah I know that!"
"Charlotte's...special. She's...well this is huge for her. And for Lorelai! You can't take back what you've done!" Luke exclaimed.
"It was her decision!" Jess exclaimed. "What, do you think I pushed her into it and then will now just dump her because I've got what I want?"
Luke was silent for a moment.
"Oh my god, you do! Geez, Uncle Luke, thanks for being on my side! I thought family was meant to stick together. I'm glad I know just how much faith you actually have in your own nephew." Jess said.
Luke saw the hurt on Jess' face. "No I didn't mean..."
"Whatever, I'm out of here!" Jess grumbled, grabbing his jacket and storming out.
"Jess!" Luke shouted after him but to no avail. He groaned as he stood in the apartment. "Good one, Luke." He muttered.
Meanwhile, Charlotte had ran outside and started running towards the bridge but she bumped into Rory and Tristan on the way.
"Whoa, where's the fire?" Rory joked but then she saw tears running down Charlotte's face. "Hey, what's wrong?" She said.
"Nothing." Charlotte mumbled not slowing down her pace.
Rory glanced at Tristan who just nodded at her so she rushed after her sister. "Charlie, slow down! What's going on?"
"Mom's a bitch, that's what!" Charlotte snapped angrily.
"What?" Rory asked shocked.
"She's ruined it! I hate her!" Charlotte cried.
"Ruined what?" Rory asked.
Charlotte took a deep breath. "I slept with Jess." She admitted.
"You slept with...wow..." Rory said surprised.
"And Luke and mom caught us." She said.
"Caught you? As in...?"
"We'd already done it but they caught us in bed and we weren't dressed so they know. They were so mad! And mom blamed Jess, I could tell. She wouldn't listen to me! My first time was meant to be special and now it's ruined!" Charlotte exclaimed.
"Charlie..." Rory said softly, trying to get her head round the fact that her sister had just experienced her first time.
Charlotte collapsed down onto the bridge and sat on the edge of it. "Luke was shouting that we couldn't see each other anymore and mom was just glaring at Jess. I was so happy and now...now it's ruined." She sniffed.
"It's not ruined." Rory said softly sitting down next to her.
"Yes it is." Charlotte said.
"Look, you said you were happy right? It was...good?" She said cringing at how awkward she sounded.
Charlotte had to smile slightly at her sister's attempts to talk about it. "Yeah, it was amazing." She said quietly. She sighed. "I love him, Ror. And he loves me. Why is it so wrong for two people who love each other to sleep together?"
"It's not." Rory said quietly. "But you have to think about it from mom's point of view. She walks in on her daughter, not dressed, with a boy who is also not dressed. She's going to be shocked. And when you're shocked, you might say things you regret."
"She didn't have to blame Jess. It was my choice to go back to his." Charlotte said.
"You need to talk to mom." Rory said softly. "It'll turn out ok. It will."
Charlotte sighed. "Will it?"
"Hey, when have I ever been wrong before?" Rory joked. Charlotte glanced at her and raised her eyebrows. "Ok fine, I've been wrong a few times. But I'm sure about this!" She laughed. She smiled at her sister. "Honestly, mom just needs time to get her head round this."
Charlotte gave her a small smile. "Yeah I guess..."
"Tristan's getting the bus home and then I was going to head home. Are you coming?" Rory asked getting up.
"In a bit. I think I'm just going to sit for a moment." Charlotte said quietly.
"Ok. If I see mom, I'll tell her you'll meet her at home?" Rory asked.
Charlotte just nodded.
"Ok. I'll see you later then." Rory smiled starting to walk away.
"Ror?" Charlotte said.
"Thanks." She smiled softly.
"Hey, what are sisters for?" Rory joked. "See you at home." She smiled.
"See you at home." Charlotte smiled back. She sat there for about ten minutes just staring into space when she heard footsteps coming across the bridge.
"Hey." A familiar voice said.
Charlotte smiled and looked up at Jess. "Hey." She said softly.
"So that wasn't exactly how I pictured our evening ending..." Jess joked, sitting down next to her.
Charlotte smirked a little. "Yeah, me neither." She said.
"I thought if we locked the door, we would be fine. Sort of forgot the fact that Luke owns the place so has his own keys." Jess smirked. He sighed. "Sorry my carelessness ruined your night." He said quietly.
Charlotte glanced across at him. "No, it wasn't your fault. It was my choice to go to the diner." She said. She then sighed. "I'm sorry my mom shouted at you."
"Not your fault." Jess shrugged.
"So Luke let you out?" Charlotte asked. "Isn't he afraid you'd see me?"
"I don't care what he thinks. It's my life. It's nothing to do with him." Jess grumbled.
She glanced at him and could have sworn she saw a hint of hurt in his expression. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah." He said.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Do you regret what happened?" He asked.
"What? No of course not!" Charlotte exclaimed surprised. "It was amazing!"
"Well then everything's ok." Jess gave her a small smile.
"I love you Jess. I don't regret a thing." She smiled softly.
"Good." Jess smiled. "I love you too, just for the record."
"Good to know." Charlotte joked.
"I better go." He said.
"Going to talk to Luke?" She asked.
"Nope." He said.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Charlotte asked.
Jess smiled and leaned across and kissed her. "I'm fine." He said softly. "Just need to have some time alone." He said.
"Ok." She said. "Call you later?"
"Yeah." He nodded, getting up. "No regrets?"
"No regrets." She smiled softly and then watched him walk off.
She must have been sat on the bridge for another fifteen minutes. She was about to get up to head home when she felt a presence next to her. She looked up and found Luke standing there awkwardly.
"Oh...sorry..." He said awkwardly. "I thought I might have found Jess here."
"You just missed him." Charlotte said quietly. "And before you say anything, you can't stop us seeing together. Just because you're dating mom doesn't mean you can dictate my life." She muttered.
Luke sighed and rubbed his hand through his hair. "Can I sit?" He asked.
"It's a free country." She mumbled.
Luke sat down. "I think I messed up." He admitted.
Charlotte glanced at him but didn't say anything.
"I shouldn't have said that to you. You're right. I don't have the right to dictate your life." He said.
"So that's why you think you messed up?" She asked.
"No...well yeah I know I shouldn't have said it. I was shocked. But..." He said letting out a heavy breath. "I said some things to Jess. Some things I didn't mean and I...well I think I've messed up big time." He admitted.
Charlotte glanced at him. "Jess didn't push me into anything." She said quietly.
"You really don't need to explain..." Luke said awkwardly.
"No I do." Charlotte said. "It was your apartment and I'm sorry we chose to do it there. I wasn't thinking. It was disrespectful..."
"It's fine." He said.
"But it really was my choice. I swear Jess must have asked about a hundred times whether I was sure about it." She said smiling slightly. "He didn't push me into anything."
Luke glanced at her. "You really love each other huh?" He said quietly.
Charlotte smiled. "Yeah we really do." She said softly.
"I'm sorry." Luke said quietly. "I was shocked and I took it out on you and Jess. We're ok right?" He asked.
Charlotte glanced at him and saw the worry on his face. She smiled softly. "We're always ok."
"Ok. Good." Luke said letting out a breath. "I need to find Jess." He said getting up.
"I think I know where he'll be. I'll walk with you." Charlotte said getting up as well.
She led him towards Sophie's music store. "Hear that?" She smiled.
"What?" Luke asked.
"That playing." Charlotte said. "Look through the window."
Luke was confused but looked through the window and was surprised to see Jess in there playing guitar. "He plays?" He asked surprised.
"Yep. And he's really good." Charlotte smiled.
"Since when?"
"For years apparently." Charlotte said. "His mom sold his guitar though."
"I never knew he could play." Luke said amazed.
"I should get home." Charlotte said. "Hey Luke?"
"Jess really was a gentleman. You should be proud of him." She said softly.
Luke gave her a small smile and nodded. "I am." He said quietly.
Charlotte nodded at him before walking away slowly. Luke watched her leave and then glanced back through the window. He took a deep breath before pushing the door to the store open. "Hey.." Luke said as Jess stopped playing.
"Hey." He said dully.
Luke sighed and went and sat next to him on another stool. "I'm sorry." He said.
Jess glanced over at him. "What exactly are you sorry for? For forbidding me from seeing Charlotte, shouting at me for sleeping with my girlfriend or, I don't know, accusing me of forcing myself on her and then thinking I'm just going to dump her because apparently I'm that heartless?" He snapped.
Luke could hear the pain in his voice. "Everything." He sighed. "You were right. Family should stick together and I should have had your back. I was shocked and angry and well...I said things I didn't mean."
"You still said them." Jess said.
"I know." Luke said. He looked at his nephew. "I'm sorry. Really." He said sincerely. He sighed. "Look, I've known Charlotte for years. I still see her as this 10 year old who would bound into the diner to get coffee for Lorelai because she knew I wouldn't say no to Charlotte." He said.
Jess smirked slightly. "She really did that?"
"Yep." Luke smirked.
"Wow." Jess commented.
"What I'm saying is that I guess I just feel a bit overprotective of Charlotte, that's all. And I took it out on you and for that, I'm sorry." He said sincerely.
Jess glanced at him and just nodded. "It's fine."
"Really?" Luke asked.
Jess shrugged. "I guess I get it. You've always seen Charlotte and Rory like your daughters. It would make sense to get overprotective. I heard how you beat up Dean when he broke up with Rory the first time." He said smirking slightly.
"Ah geez, she told you that?" Luke groaned.
"No, Charlotte did." Jess said.
"Figures." Luke said.
Jess was quiet for a moment. "I didn't push her into it..." He said quietly.
"I know." Luke said.
"You do?"
"I saw Charlotte before. She told me how you kept making sure she was sure. She told me I should be proud of you." Luke said quietly.
"It was a big deal to her. And to me. I wanted to make sure she was really ready." Jess shrugged.
"I know. And I am." Luke said.
"You are what?"
"Proud of you." Luke said sincerely.
"Ah geez, you're not going to get sappy are you because I will leave again!" Jess groaned.
Luke chuckled. "Nah you're safe." He joked. He glanced at him for a moment. "But I mean it. I want to make it up to you." He said.
"You don't need to." Jess said.
"I do." Luke said. He suddenly had an idea. "A little bird told me your mom sold your guitar..."
"She needed money for drink." Jess shrugged.
"Well it's your birthday next week. How about I buy you an early birthday present?" He smiled.
"Seriously?" Jess asked surprised.
"You obviously like playing. Charlotte said you're really good at it." Luke said. "You should be able to have your own guitar instead of having to come here after hours to play."
Jess was surprised. No one had ever bought him anything like that before. "Thanks." He said.
"And hey, I guess you have taken after your uncle in some way." Luke joked.
"What?" Jess said confused.
Luke picked up another guitar that was on display. "I haven't played for years so I'm probably a bit rusty..." He said and then he started playing a bit.
"You play?" Jess asked surprised.
"Yeah. Well I did." Luke said. "I used to love it."
"Wow. I never saw you as a rock star, Uncle Luke." Jess smirked.
"Yeah yeah! And this stays between the two of us ok? Because if Lorelai finds out, I'm going to get mocked for life!" Luke warned.
Jess smirked. "Can I call you Keith Richards?"
"No." Luke said.
"Can I call you Bob Dylan?"
"Can I call you..."
Jess smirked. "I can't believe you play."
"Yeah well..." Luke shrugged. "Some things I like to keep private." He glanced at Jess and smirked. "So are you coming back to the apartment?" He asked.
Jess looked at him for a moment. "Only if I pick what we have for dinner."
"Fine." Luke smirked. "Come on." He said getting up.
"Thanks." Jess said quietly.
"I'm proud of you Jess. I always will be." Luke said softly.
"Even if I tell Lorelai about you being able to play guitar?" Jess joked.
"You tell her, the locks are getting changed." Luke smirked.
Jess chuckled and got up, following him out. "It would so be worth it." He smirked as they left the store.
Charlotte stood on the porch of the Crap Shack staring at the front door. She took a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. She found her mom on the couch flipping through some channels on the tv. "Hey.." She said nervously.
"Hi.." Lorelai said quietly turning off the tv.
"Where's Rory?" She asked.
"In your room. Studying." Lorelai said.
"Oh." Charlotte said. She sighed and sat on the couch next to her. "I'm sorry..."
"No you don't need to apologise." Lorelai sighed.
"I do. I promised you I would talk to you beforehand." Charlotte said.
"Yeah well...sometimes things don't go the way that you planned. I bet you didn't plan on us walking in on you." Lorelai joked trying to lighten the mood.
Charlotte blushed. "Not exactly the proudest moment of my life." She admitted. She glanced at her mom. "But I'm not sorry I did it. I was ready. It was my choice."
"Yeah you keep saying." Lorelai sighed.
"It was, I swear! Jess was happy to wait, he'd told me that so many times but I heard him talking to Grandma before we left. He was telling her how much he loved me and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and I was stood there listening to all this and then I knew. I wanted that too. I love him so much, mom. I've never felt like this before." She said passionately. "This wasn't a spur of the moment thing. I wanted it. We both wanted it."
Lorelai looked at her daughter and could tell she was being sincere. She sighed. "Were you...safe?" She asked quietly.
"Yes." Charlotte nodded. "Jess made sure."
"Ok good. That's good." Lorelai said. She sighed. "I'm sorry I freaked out. I just...I was stood there staring at you and Jess and all I could think of was that you want to go to college. You want to go to Yale."
"And I will." Charlotte said.
"I know but I freaked out. I saw you standing there with Jess and my mind flashed back to when I had...well my first time. You know I never regretted it. You know I love you and Rory so much but I didn't go to college. It wasn't an option for me. But I want it to be an option for you." She said softly.
"It will be." Charlotte said softly. "I want that too. I want to go to Yale and Jess wants me to go to Yale. He knows how important it is to me."
"Ok good." Lorelai said quietly. She sighed. "I just don't want you to hide things from me. I know this is huge for you and you might have found it awkward to talk to me about it and I get that. But I want you to know that you can always talk to me. I'll always listen." She said softly. "I love you so much, kid. I just...I want you to be safe."
"I love you too mom." Charlotte said softly before leaning forward and hugging her.
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