《This Is Us || Jess Mariano》15
Lorelai was asleep when she suddenly woke up after a weird dream. She reached for the phone and called Rory at her dorm in Washington.
"Hello?" Rory answered.
"You have to come home." Lorelai said.
"You're gone and the house is quiet because Charlotte sleeps in and then spends all day with Jess and Bill Maher's cancelled!" Lorelai exclaimed.
"You had another dream." Rory said.
"The doctor is in." Rory sighed.
"Ok, I'm lying in bed and I'm sleeping and I'm wearing this fabulous nightgown, and like thirty alarm clocks go off and so I get out of bed and I walk downstairs and there standing is the kitchen is Luke!" Lorelai told her.
"Was he naked?" Rory asked.
"What? No! He was making breakfast." Lorelai said.
"Ok, you've been in Washington way too long." Lorelai said.
"Sorry. Go ahead, he was making breakfast..." Rory apologised.
"Eggs and pancakes and bacon, and he put decaf coffee in my regular coffee bag, which of course I knew immediately."
"Well of'course! You have the nose." Rory said.
"Exactly! So eventually I find the real stuff under the sink. He hands me my breakfast, and then..."
"He kissed me and talked to my stomach!"
"Why would he do that?" Rory asked.
"Because apparently I'm pregnant!" Lorelai exclaimed.
"With twins!" Lorelai said. Silence was heard on the other line. "Say something." She said.
"You are going to be so fat." Rory joked.
"Just analyse my dream, please."
"Ok. Well, your dream was telling you that you are secretly in love with Luke and you want to marry him and have his twins." Rory said.
"Uh...no...try again." Lorelai said.
"What do you mean, try again? You asked me to analyse your dream, I analysed your dream."
"Yes, well, I reject that analysis, so I'd like another one, please."
"You can't just reject an analysis and try again. You're not shopping for bathing suits here." Rory pointed out.
"Give me another analysis or I'll put your Taylor hula-hooping dream into a whole other context." Lorelai said. "I'm waiting..."
Rory sighed. "Ok, maybe you're still upset about what happened with Dad because you thought he was actually going to make good on his promise this time."
Lorelai sighed. "I miss you." She said.
"I miss you, too. How's Charlotte doing?"
"I barely see her most days because she's either hanging out at the diner with Jess or she's out with Jess." Lorelai said.
"Has she mentioned dad?" Rory asked quietly.
"No. She changes the subject whenever he comes up. I know he's been ringing her because her phone goes off constantly. He even tried ringing here." Lorelai told her.
"And?" Rory asked.
"And Charlotte answered and then hung up almost immediately." Lorelai sighed.
"I don't blame her." Rory said. "I mean, he was threatening to take Charlotte away from us. We should thank Jess really. What if he had stayed and dad had taken her?"
"I don't know, hon." Lorelai sighed. "To be honest, I don't really want to talk about your dad either."
"Sorry." Rory said quietly.
"So what do you have on your agenda for tomorrow? Or, today, actually." Lorelai asked.
"We have a breakfast mixer with members of Congress and the Senate."
"Cool! See if you can steal me something off of Tom Daschle's fruit plate." Lorelai grinned.
"I'll see what I can do."
"See you Friday, sweets." Lorelai said softly.
"See you Friday. Bye mom." Rory smiled.
That morning, Charlotte was lying on the grass near the bridge snuggled into Jess. "I don't want to go back to school on Monday." She sighed.
"You and me both." Jess said.
"Have I told you how happy I am that you're back?" Charlotte smiled softly.
"I believe you have." Jess nodded.
"Well I am." Charlotte smiled leaning over to kiss him. "These last six weeks have been fun."
"Sure have."
Just then, Charlotte's cell rang. She reached into her pocket and took it out. She looked at the caller ID and groaned before declining the call.
"Your dad again?" Jess asked glancing at her.
"Yep. For like the hundredth time. You'd think he'd get the message." She scowled.
"So, what? You're never going to talk to him again?" Jess asked.
"Nope." Charlotte said.
Jess sighed. "Charlie, I don't want to be the reason why you never talk to your dad again."
"You're not." Charlotte said. She sighed when he raised his eyebrows. "Well ok, maybe you are partly. He had no right to send you away. But he also threatened to take me away from mom and Rory. I don't know if I would have been able to cope without you and without them. It shook mom as well. I know it has." She sighed.
"How can you tell?" He asked.
"He's been calling the house and she won't speak to him. He's also sent her a letter but I saw her rip it up before even reading it when she thought I wasn't watching her. She's given him every opportunity to be there for us. She's always kept the door open for him and he repays her by doing this." Charlotte said. "It's unforgivable. And right now, I really don't want to see him or talk to him."
"Fair enough." Jess said. "Hey, you know what could cheer your mom up?"
"What?" Charlotte asked.
"Set her up with someone." Jess smirked.
"What do you mean? I don't think she's ready for something like that..."
"Not even with a grumpy diner man who's liked her for years?" Jess said.
Charlotte's face suddenly broke into a grin. "You want to set her up with Luke?"
"He's constantly pining for her. It's so obvious they like each other. They're just too stubborn to admit it." Jess said. "Plus it'll get Luke off my back for a bit." He shrugged.
"What were you thinking? How will we do this?" Charlotte asked suddenly getting excited. Jess was right. Luke and her mom have clearly liked each other for years and he had been there for them constantly throughout the years.
"Rory's back Friday, right?" Jess asked.
"Yep." Charlotte nodded.
"Ok, well how about you run it by her and then we'll come up with an idea?" Jess suggested.
Charlotte grinned at him. "I knew there was a reason I was dating you. Because you're a big softy deep down."
"Yeah whatever." He said rolling his eyes.
"I love you." Charlotte smiling snuggling back down next to him.
"I love you too." Jess smirked, kissing the top of her head.
That evening, Rory was on the phone with Tristan. "My plane gets in at three." She told him.
"Cool! Meet you in Stars Hollow?" Tristan asked.
"Red, purple, green, where the hell is it?" Paris exclaimed in the background.
"Sounds good." Rory smiled. "Hmm, perhaps I'll go blonde." She joked.
"I strongly request that you don't." Tristan chuckled.
"Afraid of change?" Rory teased.
"No, I just like what I have." Tristan replied.
"I like a man who settles." Rory grinned.
"I've missed you. My summer holidays have been so boring." Tristan complained.
"I've missed you too." Rory said.
"Hey, hey, stop being cute! I need help here!" Paris exclaimed.
Rory sighed. "Sorry, I have to go. Paris is melting down." She said.
"Why?" Tristan asked.
"She has a date tonight."
"Really?" He asked surprised.
"Don't sound so surprised!" Paris shouted in the background.
"How do you know he sounded surprised?" Rory asked.
"Because I'm a genius, Rory. I have deep and powerful clairvoyant abilities." Paris said sarcastically.
"Oh boy." Rory said.
"For example, I can instantly deduce that when someone hears the name Paris in the same sentence with the word date, jaws will drop, confused looks will cover faces, words like 'how' and 'why' and 'Quick, Bob, get the children in the minivan because the world is obviously coming to an end!' will immediately fly out of peoples' mouths." She continued.
"I have to go." She told Tristan apologetically.
"Are you sure it's safe?" He joked.
"I'll be fine. I'll see you Friday." She said.
"See you Friday." Tristan smiled. "I love you."
Rory froze. That was the first time each of them had said that to each other. "I...I love you too." She said her face breaking into a smile.
"Bye Mary." Tristan smirked.
"Bye Tristan." Rory smiled softly before hanging up.
After helping Paris prepare for her date, she decided to ring Charlotte for a catch up.
"Hello?" Charlotte answered.
"Wow, she actually answers." Rory teased.
"Yeah, yeah, I know! I'm sorry. I've been out with Jess a lot so I don't always hear my phone." Charlotte said.
"It's ok. So you and Jess are good then?" Rory asked.
Charlotte smiled thinking about her boyfriend. "We're more than good." She admitted.
"That's good. I'm glad." Rory smiled. It was so nice hearing her sister so much happier.
"Hey, so I've got an idea." Charlotte said. "Well, actually it was Jess' idea but still..."
"What is it?" Rory asked intrigued.
"Setting up mom and Luke." Charlotte said.
"What?" Rory laughed.
"Oh come on, it's perfect! They've both been pining after each other for years! They just need a push in the right direction." Charlotte said.
"Ok, you're right about that. But don't you think it's a little soon after...well, you know..." Rory said not wanting to bring up their dad.
"So what? She deserves to be happy and she would be with Luke. Luke's been there constantly for us, hasn't he? He's done so much for mom and us." She pointed out.
"I guess..." Rory said thinking back to the dream that their mom had told her about.
"They would be so good together, don't you think?" Charlotte pressed.
Rory had to smile at her sister's enthusiasm. "Ok, ok, so what's the plan?" She laughed.
"Yes!" Charlotte grinned. "Uh..well we don't have one at the moment. Jess wanted me to run it by you first."
"Ok...well..." Rory said thinking. "We've got Friday Night Dinner on Friday right?" She said.
"Right." Charlotte nodded.
"Why don't we try and get mom to go to Luke's afterwards? I'm assuming Grandma will start asking about...well...dad." Rory said hesitantly. "It's bound to upset her and who's the only one who can always cheer her up after dinner?"
"Luke." Charlotte smiled.
"Exactly." Rory said. "Why don't you talk to Jess and maybe he can make sure Luke's still downstairs when we get back? Mom won't go in if she thinks Luke's gone upstairs."
"Sure, I can do that." Charlotte nodded. "And then maybe Jess can come over to ours?"
"Sure." Rory nodded. "I'm meeting up with Tristan once I'm back but maybe he can meet us after dinner instead?"
"Sounds good."
"Cool, ok so I'll see you Friday then." Rory smiled.
"I can't wait! I've missed you, sis." Charlotte admitted.
"I've missed you too." Rory smiled. "Bye Charlie."
"Bye Ror." Charlotte smiled before hanging up.
Friday morning soon came and Jess was helping Luke out with the diner rush. He glanced across at him, where he was making more coffee. "So Rory's coming back today." He said.
"Oh yeah, Lorelai mentioned it." Luke said.
"Yeah, Charlotte was really excited. I think she's missed her more than she's let on." Jess chuckled.
"Yeah, well I guess they haven't been apart from each other this long since...well, never." Luke said.
"Yeah..." Jess said. "So...uh...have you and Lorelai talked much since everything with...uh...Charlotte and Rory's dad?" He asked cautiously.
"Not much." Luke said. "She's been working at the inn a lot." He looked over at Jess. "Why?" He asked.
"No reason." Jess shrugged.
"Ok..." Luke said not quite believing him.
"It must have hit her hard, huh?" Jess said. "She hasn't confided in you about it?"
"Why would she confide in me?" Luke asked narrowing his eyes.
"Well, you two are friends. Best friends in fact." Jess pointed out. "Wouldn't it be normal for her to confide in you?"
"Well she hasn't said much to me." Luke said.
"Ok." Jess said.
"What's going on? Why are you asking me all these questions about Lorelai?" Luke asked.
"No reason." Jess shrugged going to take some customer's order but stopped when he passed Lorelai. "It could be your time..." He said before walking off to a table, leaving a surprised Luke just standing there.
Meanwhile, Rory had just walked into arrivals at the airport. She looked around.
"Hey Gilmore!" Lorelai called from across the room, beaming.
Rory looked across and grinned when she saw her mom jumping up and down and waving her hand while Charlotte was stood next to her, grinning, holding a banner saying Welcome Home Rory! on it. "Mom!" She exclaimed rushing over to them.
They ran to each other and the three of them hugged before falling to the ground after losing balance.
"Ow, ow!" Lorelai laughed.
"Ah!" Rory exclaimed.
"Luckily there are video cameras everywhere that caught that very graceful moment on tape." Charlotte joked.
"I am so glad to see you!" Rory grinned.
"No, we're glad to see you!" Lorelai beamed.
"Very glad!" Charlotte nodded in agreement.
"I'm never leaving home again." Rory joked.
"Oh, that's my emotionally stunted girl!" Lorelai joked. "Hey, we got you gifts." She said.
"What? I'm the one who left town. I'm supposed to get you gifts!" Rory laughed.
"We got here early and there was nothing to do except feed gummy bears to the bomb-sniffing dogs which, apparently, the United States government frowns upon." Charlotte grinned.
"You got in trouble with the government while you were waiting for me?" Rory raised her eyebrows.
"Just a little." Lorelai shrugged.
"How much is a little?" Rory asked.
"Learn Russian." She joked. "Anyway, here you go. We stopped into some shops." Lorelai said handing her the gift bag.
"Wow, a Hartford, Connecticut sweatshirt!" Rory said opening the gift bag.
"Nice, huh?" Lorelai grinned.
Rory looked in the gift bag. "Hartford, Connecticut notebook, Hartford, Connecticut pencil set, a Hartford, Connecticut shot glass." Rory laughed.
"And beer mug!" Charlotte quipped.
"Hartford baguette, Hartford bear, a Hartford sunglasses." Rory continued.
"You like?" Lorelai asked.
"I love." Rory beamed. "Thanks!"
"Alright, let's go." Lorelai said. "Let's hit the road and I can't wait to hear all about Washington."
"Sounds good!" Rory smiled as the three of them finally got up from the floor.
"First thing's first! Paris had a date?" Charlotte asked as they left the airport.
That evening, the three of them stood outside the Gilmore Mansion as Lorelai rang the doorbell.
"Lorelai, girls! Nice to see you." Emily smiled answering the door.
"Sorry we're late, Mom." Lorelai said.
"No, don't be sorry. That's what the warm setting was invented for. Richard, they're here!" Emily called.
"Uh...Mom...before we get the evening started and all, I want to tell you something." Lorelai said taking a deep breath. Her mother had invited Christopher as well that evening and she knew it would be better to get it over with quick and then distract them with Rory and Washington.
"Well, tell me outside." Emily said.
"No, I'll just do it here." Lorelai said.
"Oh, there's just something about standing near the exit that's really working for me." Lorelai joked nervously.
"You're being silly. You don't discuss things standing by a door. Come outside, come on." Emily said leading them through.
"I may have to take one more call tonight, Emily. Ben Stellen and I got cut off. Hello Lorelai. Charlotte, Rory." He smiled.
"Well, come outside with us until he calls back. Lorelai's about to tell us something." She said.
"Oh, perhaps that she's decided to buy an accurate timepiece." Richard joked.
"Oh, Richard." Emily rolled her eyes. "So what is it? Are you all ok?" She asked.
"Oh yeah, we're all fine." Lorelai said. "It's not really that big a deal."
"What would you like to drink?" Richard asked going over to the drinks cabinet outside.
"Oh, whatever." Lorelai said.
"I can't read minds, Lorelai."
"White wine's fine, dad." Lorelai said.
"Sodas for us." Rory said.
"Ok sit, sit!" Emily told them. "Now go ahead."
"Ok, well..."
"Oh, wait just a second. We brought you something from Martha's Vineyard." Emily said.
Lorelai gave Rory and Charlotte an exasperated look and they just gave her a sympathetic smile.
"Oh, that's great, but maybe we could just do this..." Lorelai tried but Emily gae her a gift bag so she gave up and opened it. "Scone mix...wow!" She said.
"This new little place opened right down the road from our house and they make these wonderful scones, and that is their mix so you can make them right in your own kitchen." Emily said excitedly.
"Cool!" Charlotte said.
"Well thanks, Mom. I will put this right on the counter and stare at it for many years to come." Lorelai joked.
"You're not going to make them?"
"Oh, I'm not really much of a baker." Lorelai said.
"But the instructions are right there on the back." Emily pointed out.
"Yeah, I know, but still..."
"Still what? Those are good scones."
"Hey, maybe I'll give this to Sookie and she'll bake them." Lorelai suggested.
"I don't understand why you simply can't follow those directions and make the scones." Emily exclaimed.
"Charlotte and Rory would love those scones, I'm sure." Richard said.
"Yeah we really would." Rory nodded.
"Hey, maybe Luke can make them!" Charlotte grinned, enjoying teasing her mom.
"Ok, I promise one way or another, the scones will get eaten. That being said, can we please move on?" Lorelai asked giving her daughters a look.
"Fine, go ahead, talk. We're listening." Emily said.
"Uh...ok, well...uh...it's about Christopher." Lorelai said.
"Oh, that reminds me, we got him a captain's hat. Richard, where is that hat? Lorelai can bring it to him." Emily said.
"No, I can't!" Lorelai exclaimed exasperated.
"Why not?"
"Because we're not...we aren't..." Lorelai tried.
"Aren't what?" Richard asked.
Emily suddenly understood and scowled. "They aren't together anymore, Richard." She said stiffly.
"Why not?" Richard asked.
"I'm sure a vague reason is forthcoming." Emily said sarcastically.
"It just didn't work out, that's all." Lorelai sighed.
"And there it is." Emily said.
"I know you're disappointed."
"Disappointed, oh please! Lorelai, this is ridiculous. The two of you aren't in high school anymore."
"I know."
"Emily, let's not talk about this." Richard said.
"No, we are going to talk about it. You're running around like you have no responsibility in life, like you can flit from thing to thing..." Emily exclaimed angrily.
"That's not true!" Lorelai argued.
"...from man to man." Emily continued.
"I don't flit from man to man." Lorelai said offended.
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