《Letters // Dream x Reader》15


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When we got back home I continued with the Pancakes. I had to let the mixture cool for a bit since it was in the fridge for like an hour.

"Could I help somehow?" Clay asked, appearing behind me.

"Oh, yeah sure. You sure you know how to make non American pancakes?" I smirked and nudged him.

"Oh come on I'm a great shef, of course I know how to cook." He said, taking the mixture and as he was about to spread it on the pan I stopped him.

"Great cook huh? The stove isn't even on and there isn't any oil on the pan." I smiled, taking the mixture from him and putting it back where it was. "I have something that'd look good on you." I smirked.

"What?" He asked, knowing something stupid was comming.

"You'll see, give me a minute." I said, walking over to my room and starting a search through my wardrobe.

After a few minutes, I found it.

A hot pink apron with the words "cook it harder daddy!"

When I got back Clay started wheezing.

"NO! IM NOT WEARING THAT-" He yelled through wheezes.

"YES YOU ARE!" I said, tossing it over his head.

He shook his head, still laughing, but tied it behind his back.

"Oh, don't you just look beautiful!" I smiled, snapping a quick picture of him.

"Hey!" He yelled jokingly.

"Don't worry, I'll only keep it for myself."

"Where did you even get this from?'

"Mason gifted it to me as a gift when they were on vacation in Las Vegas. They have some online friend group and for their first meet up they went to LV. Even gambled themselves a bit of money." I said, smiling at my picture.

"Damn, 're they good at gambling?"

"Yeah, actually. They take big risks sometimes though, which got them to loose around 1k. But they won 15k and split it between the 10 of them."

"That's really great for them- I'd probably loose all my money." He joked. "Now, let's start cooking these creaps."

"Fine, let's cook these pancakes."



"God how do you flip them perfectly every time?" Clay asked as I flipped my 6th pancake.

"Its called being European." I smirked, moving out of my way since it was Clays turn again.

He put the mixture on the pan and waited for a moment, before turning to me. "Can you- teach me how to flip one?"

"Sure thing."

After a moment or two, bubbles started to appear. "Ok take the pan." I said, and he did so.

I thought for a second about hoe I should show him, and decided on the easiest way.

I put my hand on his.

"Ok, let your arm rest in mine for a bit, I'll show you the movement and you try it when the pancake is ok to flip without sticking to the pan. Is this Ok?"

He nodded.

I did the movement.

"A bit forward and backwards to get the pancake off the pan. Then in a fast move just-"

I quickly moved my hand to the front and then up, making the pancake jump in he air and catching them with the pan.

"And there you have it. Give it a moment and then try it." I said, letting go of his hand.

He nodded.

I smiled to myself, and turned to check on what we have as the filling.

When I got the pantry, I opened it to fin-


"Uh- Clay, we might have to go to the supermarket. I don't have anything to eat with the Pancakes. Not even Nutella."

"Oh, ok. Well go when we finish." He said, taking the pan in his hand and finally- doing a flip.

"Y/N! Did you see that!" He said like a little child, proud that he flipped a pancake.

"Great job." I smiled, clapping.

He put a hand on his hip, acting all sassy, and flipped his hair. "I'm just so great." He said.

"Yeah,you are, and your pancake is currently burning." I said, pointing at the smoke comming from under the pancake.

"SHIT- WHYS IT SO FAST?!" He yelled, and I just started laughing.


After a few minutes, we finished all the pancakes and got ready to go.

"Ok, so, Nutella, marmalade- any kind, and plazma if they have it." I said as we got into his car. I looked over at him and he seemed a bit worked up. "Everything alright?"


"Yeajh, I just hate going out to public places. You know, someone might ask me for something and I'd have to answer and they might realise who I am and-" He stopped. "Y'know?"

I nodded. "I have a bit of social anxiety myself. But you'll be fine. If anyone asks something I'll do the talking and- Yeah. You'll be ok." I smiled.

He smiled too. "Yeah, you're right. Everything will be fine. Let's go."

Soon, we were inside the store, looking for the items.

I got a notification on my phone and checked it, seeing my period tracking app remind me my period is comming soon. (If you don't have one- lucky you- just ignore this- well don't- it's important-)

"Shit, you look around here, I need to get pads. I don't have any anymore." I said, and he nodded.

"No worries."

When I got to the pads section, I saw an older looking guy at the condoms section. A bit wierd but I won't judge peoples cravings.

I started looking for my usual pads, when I heard footsteps comming closer.


Someone grabbed my ass.

I slapped their hand away, just to turn around and see the same old man.

"What the fuck!" I said, the man getting closer 1 my face. I moved back just to hit the shelfe.

"Oh come on baby," he pulled out a packed condom. "I know you'd want this. Come on, I have money."

"And so do I. Let me go." I said, his hand now squeezing my shoulder. He leaned in closer and closer.

"Don't lie to yourself. All you girls are running to get fucked up."

"Let me go or I'll scream." I smiled, pushing my head back into the shelve to get as far away from him as possible.

"What are you doing, sir?" Clay said, appearing behind the man, with his sweater now off, in a tank top, revealing his muscles.

"And who might you be?" He asked, moving away from me. I let our a sigh of relive.

"I just so happen to be her boyfriend." He said, and I moved over to him. Clay put a hand over my shoulder, continuing to look the man dead in the eyes.

"Oh, don't think I don't know your little tricks. You're one of those strangers who act like the girls boyfriend." The man said, his voice making it obvious that he was a little scared. "You know what, prove it! Kiss your girlfriend." (We hate you old man but slay)

Clay pulled me closer, asking if he could. I leaned closer to him, allowing him.

Why wouldn't I? I have a damn crush on him I won't say no to a kiss.

He casually turned us around, placing his arms on my shoulders, holding his hands behind by head, and kissing me on the lips.

I leaned in, glancing at the guy, who now seemed to belive our act.

Sadly, the kiss came to an end after a few seconds.

"Proof enough?" Clay asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"If you tell this anyone,trust me I have money enough to fuck both your life's up. I'm a fucking milionair."

"And I just so happen to be a multi millionaire. Now fuck off, and don't you dare every get close to my girlfriend again.

The man gulped and turned around, walking away.

When he was out of sight, Clay turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "God are you alright?!"

I nodded with a smile. "I think so, thanks. He grabbed my ass and showed me a condom, what a fucking pervert."

"He WHAT?!" Clay yelled a bit too loud. I just nodded and he continued. "We need to report this to the staff."

"Yeah, before the same happens to other girls."

Together we walked over to a worker, asked for the manager (Karen istg) and told her about it.

Rest was not known to us, but we just got out stuff and left, the woman letting us go without paying as an apology.

In the car he asked "This won't make anything awkward between us, right?"

I giggled. "Of course not, Clay."


Later on, we just ate the pancakes, and Clay accepted his defeat.

Pancakes are just better than the American pancakes. (They are istg if you wanna fight I'm up to it.


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