《Letters // Dream x Reader》11


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After about 25 minutes we get to the house.

"Holy.Shit. I swear to God if you marry this guy one day I'm moving in." Mason said, getting out of the car.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Now let's get inside, George and the others are probably waiting already." I said, taking out the keys and walking over to the front door.

Mason came right behind me. "Hey you're not taking that very seriously." They said dramatically.

I unlocked the door and walked in with Mason close behind. "Bro this is actually Dreams and Sapnaps Hause." They said, taking off their shoes.

"Last time we talked he had his shoes on in the house. You don't need to take them off."

"I- oh god that's so American of him-"

"I mean-he is American." I glanced at her. We burst our laughing for no reason.

After a minute we calm down. "See that glass door? That's the one they broke." I said, pointing at it.

"Oh- well- I'm sure no one will come this time." They said. "I think you should log on now, its already been 30 minutes."

"Right. His gaming room's upstairs. Come up." I said, already familiar with the way, whilst Mason came close behind.

"Rhis feels so illegal- I'M in Dreams house. ME!" She said as we entered his gaming room.

I hadn't really payed much attention to the details and the stuff which was on his book shelf, bit when Mason saw it she screeched. "What happened?"


"Wait no I can't look either! Put the picture down!"


"I can't I'm not looking!"

"Well neither am I- just try and put it down."

She put her hand down and peeked so that the picture looked blurry, putting it down, whilst I just looked straight at them.

"Ok- never again- now get the Pc started, you'll be late."


After I logged into discord- over browser- I joined the call.

"Hello" I greeted as Mason sat down on another chair he had in the room.

I got a hi back from Clay and George, and Mason asked. "Hey yall, mind if I stay here too? I won't talk."

"Nah, you can stay." George said.

"You? Not talking? Mason it's not nice to lie" I joked as they hit my arm lightly, and a few others laughed in the call.

"Ok, so, Dream." I said.


"Never again."

"Never again what?"

"Never again put a picture of you and your family up whilst I'm in your house before I've seen your damn face."

"Wait-did you see my face? Where was the picture? I swear I put all of them aside-"

"You saw Clays face?" George interrupted.

"No- no. Mason put down the picture before we saw it. It was on your bookshelf. Wait, you didn't see his face did you, Mason?"

"No, I didn't. I just saw humans on a picture so I guessed it was a family picture." Said Mason, unsurprisingly already used to talking to her idols.

"Ohh that one. From our trip to Rome." Clay said happily. "But for real, thanks for not looking."

"If we did look, that'd be really low of us, Dream." Mason said.

"Call me Clay. It sounds wierd when you call me Dream irl." He said.


"Oh god that's gonna be wierd. I'll try-" They said. "Anyways, George. When are you starting the stream?"

"Oh- right that- forgot I was gonna stream. Clay can you add Niki?" George said and Clay responded with a little mhm.

"Wait-" Mason said, looking over at me. "Niki as in Nihachu? The one from Germany?"

"Yeah, who else?" George said. Mason and me exchanged looks. I muted.

"Do you think she remembers?" I asked.

"Not really easy to forget eight years of friendship." Mason responded.

"Do you- still like her?"

She nodded.

Before Mason could say something else, we heard the little discord noise. She was in the call.

"Hi guys!" She greeted, the two boys saying Hi. "Who's Breezy?"

"Oh, that's my friend Y/N and her friend Mason." Clay interdicted.

Masons POV

We went silent.

"..Guys? Is everything alright?" George asked.

"Y-yeah." Niki said. "Lets start he stream."

"Ok- Oh and Y/N, if you two do the interdiction just say you met me over uhh- my older sister." Clay said.

"Works for me."


"Ok- Hello everyone!" George said as he started the stream. We were already in the same lobby and I was jumping around- on Clays account.

"Hello!" Dream greeted, and Niki gave a quiet hi.

"So! Today! We have a special guest. Well- two- but only one will be playing." George said. "Drum roll please!" They started slamming their hands on their tables.

"Y/N an Mason!"

"Is it too late to not do this?" I joked.

"Yep" Clay said.

"Fine fine, hi, I'm Y/N."

"I'm Mason" He said, pulling up the stream on his phone.

"Chat wants to know why you two are here." George said.

"Well, Im here as the support friend. Mason. Hi. That's me. George do you allow self promo?" Mason said.

-Masons POV-

I asked that as a joke- of course- self promo was annoying sometimes and I was a-ok with 30 viewers per stream- if even that.

A little laugh from Niki was to hear in the back, which made me blush a bit. My feelings for her had never gone away- to be honest- I've just had other crushes in the meantime.

Y/N just looked at me and smiled, shaking her head with a little unaudible giggle.

"Not really, but I'll allow it once."

"Wait really? Wow thanks, GO SUB AND FOLLOW ME- THEWEEBBEHINDYOU ON TWITCH AND EVERYTHING ELSE" I semi-yelled, hearing another little laugh from Niki.

You just couldn't love her.

-Your POV-

"Y/N, what about you?" George asked.

"Well, Im here to replace dream once and for all." I joked and Clay laughed.

"As if you could replace the world's best minecraft player." He said.

"Narcissist much?" I joke and they laugh. I swear these jokes aren't even funny- "To be honest I don't even know what I'm doing here. George was helping me with programming something for school and this is where I ended up. Dream tried to help at first but miserably failed."

"Says the one who needed help in the first place." Clay joked.

"Ok, enough talking let's start the game." George interrupted.


A/n: a bit of a longer chapter, would yall like more of these longer chapters?

Short or long chapters?

W.c. 1111

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