《New to This | Lamelo Ball》I still think about you



I was going through my Instagram, archiving all my pictures I had with Dominique. After that shit with shareef, she said she would never cheat again.

She said she would always be there for me, and I thought she really cared for me, but I guess not. I can't believe she would do this to me.

I'm not gonna lie, I've been in my feelings this whole time. I only posted that video on snap for her to feel like shit.

I was sitting on the couch with my mom, when my brothers and dad come into the house. "Melo what the hell is wrong with you?" My dad yells.

"What did I do?" I look around confused. "You know what you did." He stares me down, but I was still lost .

"We told him about you and Dom." Gelo says. I always knew his bitchass was a snitch. "Son why'd you break up with her?"

"Because she's a cheating ass-" Zo throws a pillow at me, "Don't be disrespectful."

"Whatever man, and technically we didn't break up, I just haven't talked to her in a few days."

"Nigga two weeks isn't a few days!" Gelo yells as me. "Plus you're over her posting shit on Snapchat acting like you never loved her." Zo adds.

"It's not an act." I mumble. I feel my dad's hand connect with the back of my head, "Boy you know damn well you were in love with her."

I know they're all close with Dom, but why are they coming for me like this?

"Besides she didn't even cheat on you." Gelo says,"She told me everything."

"Wait, what?" Zo shakes his head,"She didn't cheat, but your dumb ass goes and tells her that you were seeing Ashley on the low the whole time." My mom gasps, "Melo!"


"I didn't mean it." I turn to her, "I was lying."

"Why the hell would you do that?" My dad asks,"Dom is smart, talented, has a bright future, she's pretty and you don't deserve her."

"Dad's right Melo," Zo starts, "Do you think it's easy for her to be young, and dating someone at you're level? Do you think she likes when girls drool all over you? Plus she has guys on the daily trying to get with her, but she curves them because she's loves you."

"Yeah bro, you really don't deserve her. She loves you with everything she has. Sure she made some mistakes, but you made some to." Gelo tells me.

"Melo I'm really disappointed in you." My mom looks at me with sad eyes, "We raised you better than this."

I didn't know my relationship with Dominique would affect my family like this. "Well what am I supposed to do now?"

"I don't know but you better figure it out. I'll be damn if one day she isn't my daughter in law and gives me grandkids." My dad walks away.

I slumps down into the couch, "Dont worry lil bro,you got this." Zo and Gelo pat me on the shoulder.

"I know you can work things with Dom." My mom gives a hug, "But you Dad is right, she's the only person I want you to be with." I laugh a little, I love how close they are with Dom. I just hope she will take me back.


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