《Adopted By Ariana Grande》The sleepover: part 3


I looked at my phone and it was 3:03am. Ugh why wasn't I asleep like everyone else. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't working.

"Great" I sarcastically said under my breath.

I decided to get up and go downstairs to get some water. Something shiny caught my eye. What was that? I stepped closer towards it and saw it was just Ophelias collar. I smiled and walked to the fridge and got some water.


I jumped. It sounded like that came from the living room. I slowly crept around the corner before entering the living room. Fear bubbled inside of me as my heart pounded from my chest.

"Ssshhh" I heard someone say.

I turned on the light and screamed at the same time.

"GOTCHA!" I said and standing in front of me was a girl wearing awful clothes and too much red lipstick.

Of course. Miranda, who else would be here at this time?

"What the heck are you looking at ugley?"

Miranda seemed annoyed that I disrupted whatever she was doing.

"Umm Miranda what are you doing here at 3:15am!?"

"That's none of your freaking business!"

"I think it is. Now tell me"

"Fine but only becose I'm a bootiful person. I needed a place to hide because I yelled at my mum when she bought me the WRONG freaking toy and now she wants to smack me"

I couldn't help but laugh. Was Miranda seriously serious?

"Stop laughing like an idiot and help me" Miranda said as she sat on the floor.

I bent over to get her back up.


"What?" I said confused.

"You were showing me your chesticle crack when you bent over! I already have a boyfriend Joey Gracifica so back off!"


"Miranda I didn't mean to I'm just trying to help you up"

"Well don't it's disgusing and I don't appreciate it"

"Fine whatever get up yourself"

Miranda got up and I saw Ariana coming down the stairs rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"What's going on? Miranda why are you here?"

"How many times do I have to say it? My mum bought me a toy and it was the wrong freaking one so I yelled at her and now she wants to smack me so I have to hide somewhere"

Ari nodded her head not really paying attention.

"You can take Bellas room for the rest of the night" Ari said falling asleep.

I turned off the lights and went back upstairs following Ari and Miranda.

"Ariana I'm not sleeping in that bedroom. It's disgusing"

"Fine sleep in mine"

I opened the door to Arianas room and saw her eyes suddenly bulge out.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets when Selena opened my bedroom door. Bella wasn't in her bed. I looked up and saw her floating in mid-air. This was impossible! I know we did something similar earlier but this was totally different.

I could hear Miranda starting to freak out.


"Oh shutup Miranda and be quiet!" Sel and I exclaimed.

"Ari what type of daughter did you adopt?" Selena questioned.

"I-i don't know" I walked over to Bella floating and looked at her face.

She looked peaceful. I tried to push her back towards the ground and on her bed and it finally worked.

"In the morning when everyone's up NO ONE will speak of this. Clear?"

Sel and Miranda nodded their heads.


"I'm not sleeping in this freaking room" Miranda said and I rolled my eyes.

She walked out and back into Bellas room. Sel and I remained but we couldn't go back to sleep.

"Ari?" Sek whispered.


"What do you think happened with Bella?"

"To be honest I don't know. Let's just leave it and pretend we never saw anything"

"Okay. I'm gonna try and sleep again"

"Me too"

I fell asleep after a while and started to dream.


"Bella?" I put my hand on her shoulder and she faced me.


"She's mine now! You will never see your precious little daughter ever again!" She cackled and disappeared.

I sat there crying, my hands filling with my tears.

"Why? Why did I have to tell Bella that? She would still be here if I just kept my mouth shut! Bella please come back!"

*End dream*

I woke up with sweat on my forehead. I turned to Bellas bed and she wasn't on there. Oh no she's actually gone!

I suddenly heard a voice as they walked into my room.

"Goodmorning mum!"

My spirits lifted and I gave Bella a hug. Even if Bella was different would that be so weird?

Hey angels💜 Did y'all like the little plot twist?😏 Tbh idek what Miranda is saying in this chapter😂 I couldn't think of anything. I hope y'all enjoyed it anyways♡

Love you my Moonlight Beans🌙💫☁💜

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