《Adopted By Ariana Grande》Revived


"Bella is.........alive. She will be coming out of surgery in a few minutes and will be in room 564."

My spirits lifted and I cried tears of joy onto Sean.

"Thank you so much" I told the nurse and she walked away.

The next few minutes were the longest minutes I've ever had in my life. I saw the same nurse walk into room 564 and I let go of Seans hand. I ran to the room as fast as I could while Sean followed behind me.

"My baby" I said as I slowly walked up to Bellas side.

"Bella has suffered from severe loss of blood and we were lucky to revive her just in time. When she wakes up she will be feeling dizzy and may be feeling the same way for the next 24 hours" the nurse told me and I nodded my head.

How could I of let this happen? I must have been thinking out loud.

"It's not your fault babe" Sean said to me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I looked back at Bella and looked at how peaceful she looked. Her lips were in a perfect shape and her face didn't look stressed in any way. How did I get so lucky?

I started to move and slowly I found myself awakening. Where was I? The last thing I remember was Ariana taking me out of her car. I looked around the room I'm in and see that I'm hooked up to various machines. How did I end up in the hospital? I knew that I had been kidnapped and stabbed but I didn't think my injuries were that serious.

"She's awake!" I heard Ari and Sean say.

"Baby how are you doing?"

"My leg hurts and I feel a bit dizzy but other than that I don't feel too bad"


Ariana smiles and kisses my forehead. A nurse walks in with a clipboard.

"Bella Grande?"


"You can go home as soon as you take your medication"


Ariana says thankyou and Sean passes me my medication.

"The nurses said that you must take these everyday for the next week. It'll help your body regain all the blood you lost" Sean said and he gave me a hug.


We got home and I went straight to my king sized bed. Ariana helped me get dressed into my pajamas. After I got into bed Ari started crying.

"Mum what's wrong?"

"I thought that I lost you today." Tears went from her eyes onto my bed sheets.

"I thought I lost you too. I didn't think I would get out of that boot or see you ever again."

As we both tried to remain calm Arianas phone rang. It was from the police station.

Police: Hello is this Ms.Grande?

Ariana: Yes.

Police: We are calling to inform you that we have caught Mr.Simon Arnold and he should not be bothering you anymore. We have sentenced him 17 years in prison.

Ariana: Thank you. I really appreciate all your help.

I stared at Ari and as if she read my mind she started talking.

"Simons going to prison for 17 years!!!"

We both put on happy faces and Ariana did a little dance. Nothing should be bothering us now!

I checked my phone and had alot of missed calls and messages from Ian.

Ian: Hey babe :)

Ian: Where are you I haven't heard from you in ages??

Ian: Bella your either ignoring me or something has happend.

Ian: Call me if everything's all right.

Most of the other messages were basically like that. I called Ian and he sounded upset.


Ian: Hello?

Bella: Hey it's Bella.

Ian: BELLA!!! Where have you been and what's been going on? You must be in so much pain I watched the whole thing.

Bella: What do you mean you watched the whole thing?

Ian: The video that's EVERYWHERE with you been pulled out of the boot by Ariana and you having a knife in your leg.

Bella: SOMEONE RECORDED THAT?! I have to go babe I'll text you though.

Ian: Okay bye babe.

I went straight on twitter and saw that over 2 million people had tagged me in the same video. The video of me nearly dying I mean.

I showed Ariana the video and she turned her head away.

"Put it away. I don't ever want to see that again!" Ari practically screamed at me.

I guess it has hard for her. I layed down on my cloud-like bed and fell asleep with Ariana running her fingers through my hair.

As soon as Bella fell asleep I fell asleep too. I didn't have to worry about Simon now which was a massive relief. I could live in peace once again for a little while longer.

As I closed my eyes I started thinking about my schedule for the upcoming week. I totally forgot I had rehearsals for my performance at the VMAs in 3 days! I was going to perform a song from my new, unfinished, album Dangerous Woman. The song is called Side to Side featuring Nicki Minaj and it's personally one of my favourites. I fall into a deep sleep and dream about Bella and I been happy with no problems.

Hey babes♡ It's been so fun writing this book but I'm contradicting how much longer I should make it. Leave thoughts in the comments💖

Love you my Moonlight Beans💜☁🌙💫

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