《Adopted By Ariana Grande》Worst mistake


I go on twitter and look through my notifications. Something stands out to me so i click it.

Its a photo and i can't believe my eyes. Tears start spilling out from my eyes (A/N damn that sounds so emo😂). "N-n-n-no it cant be".

The photo was of Mac Miller and me kissing! Why did i even do that. Its so embarrassing! I didn't even mean to kiss him. Well he kissed me. We were just talking and laughing than he kissed me and let me tell you it was so gross! I could taste his smokers breath but i pretended to enjoy so he didn't feel bad.

I see Chloe looking over at me. "Is everything okay Ariana?". I quickly wiped off my tears and fake smiled. "Everythings fine" I said to Chloe and turned off my phone. Bella gave me a hug than Simon stopped the limo. "Were home ladies" he said with a monotone voice. "Thanks Simon!" All three of us said in unison.

We got out of the limo and went inside.

As soon as we got inside i went straight to my room, got some fresh clothes and took a shower.

After my shower i went downstairs and of course Chloe was sitting on the couch reading fanfiction. I decided just to leave her alone and walked over to the kitchen instead.

I saw Ariana sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands crying. I run over to her, "Ari are you okay?". Ariana looks up at me and her eyes have help written all over them.

Of course the first thought that comes to mind is if Ariana is pregnant. "Are you pregnant?" I ask Ari as soon as i do her eyes dart straight at me. "What? No! Of course not! Nothing like that" she says to me sounding a bit angry. "It's just.....come on let's go to upstairs and i'll explain everything" she says to me and i follow her upstairs into her room.


Ariana sits on her bed and i sit next to her and give her another hug. "You know you can tell me anything" I say to her and she smiles. "Of course baby girl" she replies.

I hold Bellas hand in complete shame and start talking "Mac Miller kissed me". Bella looks at me with her eyes bigger than i've ever seen.

"Oh...So are you dating him?" Bella asks me as she looks a bit disappointed. "No no no no no its not like that. You see we were just eating at a resturant and we started laughing and talking getting comfortable with each other and than.....he kissed me" i hung my head in shame as i said the last part. "Ariana why would you do that?" Bella looked at me and said. I started to cry again.

"Honestly i didn't want to but i didn't want to be rude and pull away. It was terrible though. I could taste cigarettes on his breath and i was trying so hard not to throw up" I explained to Bella and as i did she started giggling. "This isn't a laughing matter! Now i'm getting so much hate for it and i just want to disappear". As i said this to Bella she stopped giggling and gave me a protective hug. "Your not going anywhere!" Bella said to me and i smiled.

"But what about Mac?" Bella asked. I started thinking what i would do about him. "I haven't really thought about telling him yet" I say to her. "Just tell him. Tell him how you feel and if he doesn't agree with that than just leave and don't waste your time with him" Bella says to me and i have to say that's the best advice i've been given in a while.


"Thanks baby girl i will! I love you so much" I say to Bella. "I love you to Mum". I smile as she says Mum.

Its 12:03am and were both super tired. "Baby, i'm gonna go to bed i'm super tired" I say to Bella and yawn at the same time. "I think i am to. Do you want me to sleep in here tonight?" Bella asks me. I smile and nod my head yes.

Hey guys🐋 I really dislike Mac Miller and that's why i put him in this chapter. If your going to give me hate for it don't even bother. Like i've said this before but i loooooooooooooooooovvve Ariana so so so ×100 much and i would do anything for her happiness but Mac just makes me cringe.

Anyways what did y'all think of the chapter?😀

Love you my MoonLight Beans💜💫☁🌙

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