《Adopted By Ariana Grande》Busy day



"Wake up sleepy head!" I said to Bella as i shook her trying to get her attention. She moaned and turned around. "What time is it?". Her facial expression was telling me to go away. "6:34am sweetie" I say as i try to hurry Bella out of bed.

"Ariana that's so early!!!" Bella said and finally started to get up. "Not in this household missy. Your a busy girl now. I have to be at the studio in an hour, than after that I have a surprise for you" I said trying to explain that there was never going to be time to sleep in.

"Fine". Bella got up and got ready while i made us both a fruit salad for breakfast. Mmm the smell of fruit tingled my nose. Especially the strawberries. I saw Bella coming down the stairs with her hair done and in one of her new outfits. "You have to admit you look stunning baby!" I said to her while i quickly sprayed her with my Victoria Secret perfume. "Thanks Ari". Bella blew a kiss to me.

I grabbed my fruit salad Ariana had made for me and sat down and started eating it. "These strawberries are delicious!" I told Ariana and she nodded her head in approval.

We both finished our breakfast and got in the limo. "I'm never going to get use to this" i say only loud enough for me to hear.

As soon as the limo starts Ariana starts talking to me. "Bella, are you excited to see the studio?" Ariana asked gleefully. "I sure am!" I replied and hoped that it didn't sound to sarcastic because i wasn't trying to be. "Can I ask you something?" Ariana started. "Sure. Anything" I say with enthusiasm. "Well...since i adopted you i wanted to know if you want me to be your sister or mum?". Ariana sounded a bit upset.


"I've been thinking a bit about that too and i think you should be my mum!" I say to Ari and as soon as i do her eyes light up.

Hey babes💜 Sorry this chapter is so short i've been really busy!:( I'm going to sleep now but i'll talk soon.☁

Bye my Moonlight Beans☁💜🌙💫

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