《Crazy Love - Pranushka Story》Good thing in Bad Day


Anasuya saw that Mangamma doing Prayer to God and asked her

Anasuya : You Prayed so much time, What you wish to God?

Managamma : What else, Madam.On floor dust won't be there, On dishes oil won't be there.

Anasuya : Instead of these things, can't you wish to God to give one own house to you.

Mangamma : What? I am cleaning your house,Now I have to clean my house also? Do you think I am mad?

Anasuya became stunned on heard this..

Mahalakhshmi : Anu, What is your shoe Size?

Anasuya : 6.

Mahalakshmi called Kishore

Mahalakhsmi : Kishore!!

Kishore : I understand madam, I have to take shoes for Anasuya madam which are easy to wear and easy to remove.

Mahalakshmi : And also comfortable to walk and play.

Kishore became stunned for Mahalakshmi's statement and said

Kishore : Madam, How can you always makes me Wonder!!

Mahalakshmi : Kishore!! Go and do the work.

Kishore : Sir,How lucky you are, that you got Our Madam?

Satya became confuse for this and asked Ramaligham

Ramaligham : What is happening here, Maha? Why you are buying new shoes to Anu?

Mahalakshmi : Rao garu agreed for his Grand son Pratap match making with Anu.

Ramaligham : When?

Anasuya : How?

Mahalakshmi : If one unknown Person called you and said that we are interested in this match, You believed that.But I am Mother to that girl, When I am requesting you, why can't you believe me?

With Mummy Logic, I can also think about this, Then won't that Poor Rao garu think about this? So he agreed for his Grand son Pratap match making with Anu.

Like Political meetings happened in Cricket Ground, My Match making happened in Golf Court


Anasuya asked on seeing stick in Pratap hand and asked him

Anasuya : What was that?

Pratap : I have less confidence levels,to increase that My Doctor suggested me.


Pratap asked Anasuya on seeing her Stress Ball

Pratap : What was that?

Anasuya : I have so much Stress, to decrease that My Psychiatrist suggested me.

Anasuya became shock on seeing both of them like that..

Did anyone heard about one shot, Two birds? It happened to me in real now.

As usual, On heard this My Mummy scolds on phone, My Cries in car and I took Pratap and His Assistant to Hospital.

On that Whole Bad Day, One Good thing Happened, That was "My Nandu"

Anasuya want to get Anand and Twist?

Pics Credit to Google..

Thank You so much for all Your Votes and Comments..

Loves You All..💕💕

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