《I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper Noriega》13. I heard how naive you are
I woke up with perhaps the hardest hangover to bear. I felt sick, my throat was fucking dry, and my head was about to explode. I sighed, with great difficulty getting out of bed, intending to go to the kitchen for hangover medication. Nessa, who was still asleep, lay on the couch in the living room. She was covered only with a blanket and was lying in a really strange position. I headed for the kitchen and reached for hangover powder and water. I poured water into a glass and then poured the powder there, and as soon as I thoroughly mixed it, I set off to my room with the ready-made medicine that I am going to drink right away. I covered myself tightly with the duvet and turned on the TV on the wall opposite my bed. I turned on some random program and started drinking, hoping to feel better soon. I felt an additional feeling of nausea when I remembered my yesterday's conversation with Noriega, which was not pleasant and there were a lot of strong words. Suddenly, I heard the door to my room open and Nessa stood in the doorway, wrapped in a blanket.
- Can I join you? - she asked in a sleepy voice, then yawned, and I nodded to her that she could come
The brunette lay comfortably next to me, then looked at me meaningfully. We looked at each other for a while, having an extremely strange conversation on signatures, but when we noticed that each of us was not coping well with it, we decided to communicate normally.
- You were supposed to tell me what happened with Cooper. - she started calmly, and I sighed heavily and realized that this was the perfect moment for a sincere conversation between us
- So it's quite a complicated situation. So, from the beginning when I joined this school, I heard a lot of negative stories about Cooper, considered him to be the biggest asshole, and I wasn't going to talk to this man ever again. But then suddenly the teacher came up with the idea that we should do this stupid project together. And so somehow it started today that we saw each other more and more often, we talked more and more, even though I once confessed to myself that I would never speak to him in my life. As time went on, in some strange way I really started to care for him. We kissed a few times, he helped me many times, we had honest conversations ... - I said, feeling like tears are starting to accumulate in my eyes, which I really did not want at this point
- Honest conversations? Cooper and honest conversations? What the hell?! What were you talking about then? - Barrett was surprised, who remembered that Noriega is a very secretive and mysterious man who is rather reluctant to show feelings and emotions
- About his family, for example. - I sighed, remembering the course of that conversation
- About his family ?! - She repeated my words, and her eyes were wider and wider- Cooper did not even want to tell me anything about it, and we have been friends for several years. Sab, this is a huge sign for you.
- What kind? - I asked, watching the girl carefully
- That you are very important to him, Sab. Like no one else. - She commented, and my heart started to beat faster
- No. Wait, because I haven't finished telling you the story. Well, a lot has happened between me and Cooper recently, and he just told me a few days ago that it meant nothing. I felt so damn used. Like all the other girls. Only I really started to feel something for him. - my words hurt me more and more because I realized what was really going on in my heart, and something was happening that definitely should not
- But you're not like all those other girls, Sab.- Nessa sat more comfortably, at the same time so that she could clearly see my face and the emotions that I was showing - You are someone special for him, believe me. The other girls were only with him for one night, and he kept looking for contact with you. Besides, in most meetings you talked and had fun together without all sorts of pleasures like sex. And I've known Cooper for a long time and I know that with other girls he only did that and that was the end of it, and with you .. he likes to spend time in a different way. He loves to talk to you, joke, party and even banter. In my opinion, you should talk to each other calmly and honestly about everything.
- For now I don't want to talk to him, in addition, with some words he made it very clear that it means nothing to him. - I gasped, and then we said that we would change the subject, because so far, it is not a very pleasant thing for me
We spent the rest of the day resting after yesterday, which was really very intense for all of us. We are going back to school tomorrow and I must admit that I am not very happy with this fact, because I completely do not want to study, and I know that after returning from vacation, the teachers will certainly do a lot of tests to check our knowledge.
I was just walking towards the huge door leading to our school. I wasn't really ready to go back to this place, but I had no choice. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me, and moments later Amelie appeared next to me.
- Hi! - she greeted, hugging me to her, and I cuddled up in her arms, smiling gently at the same time, because I really missed her
- Hi Amelie! How are you? - I asked as we stepped away from each other and walked together towards the entrance to the building
- Overall, everything is fine, although this job is exhausting me. - The girl sighed heavily, rubbing her sleepy eyes with her hands
After school, Amelie worked at her aunt's café. She wanted to earn money for studies and further life after high school. I really liked her approach and how brave and hardworking she was. I've always dreamed of being like this, but my ass is clearly too lazy.
We crossed the threshold of my hated building, and the eyes of a dozen or so people turned to us. Suddenly I noticed that my hated person was heading in our direction, namely - Jenice Scott. She was dressed in a tight black dress, perfectly showing all her advantages, fur and high-heeled shoes. She also had a purse on her shoulder. She was looking right at me, looking as if she was about to murder me. Finally, it stopped in front of us, preventing us from passing.
- Amelia, you can check if you are needed in the biology room, because you are definitely not needed here. - Scott asked my friend, smiling fake at her, at which Amelie just sighed and walked towards our school lockers
- You have no right to talk to her like that. You are only needed in a psychiatrist.- I huffed, looking at her with obvious contempt
- Sabrina, how long we haven't seen each other! I have waited so long for this meeting. - she muttered sarcastically, maintaining hostile eye contact with me
- You should meet with the brain and the psychiatrist first. - I replied, and then I looked at her for the last time and moved towards Amelie who was standing by the cabinets and looking for something there.
- I heard how naive you are. - I heard suddenly, then I felt a sudden rush of heat and I froze
- What are you talking about? - I asked, turning to face her
- You have a very vivid imagination, sweetheart. - she said, coming closer to me- But I didn't expect that to the point that I thought Cooper would want you
I was completely still. I thought this case would stay between us, and Cooper just told the others about it? I thought I was about to burst out of nerves. Now, most likely, I will be the guardian of mockery in our school, with Jenice Scott at the helm. And at that moment it was he who entered the building. It was that moment, the seconds when something broke inside me. As soon as I could, I moved towards the teenager. Without thinking at all, I hit his cheek with all my strength, and then, without waiting for the further course of events, I walked towards the biology room. I took my seat there and all I have to do is wait for Nessa to appear, with whom I am sitting on the bench for this lesson. Suddenly, a pissed-off Noriega ran into the classroom, who measured me with his furious eyesight and turned towards me. He sat down on the bench in front of me and turned away.
- What the fuck was that? - he growled, the tone of his voice making me shudder unpleasantly
- What you deserve. - I huffed, looking confidently in his direction, feeling strange satisfaction at seeing him like this
- I did not know that you like to be in the spotlight so much .. - he commented, looking at me with such eyes as if he saw his greatest enemy in front of him
- I? Me the fuck I was the one who told everyone about our private affairs to be the center of attention? Not! Not me, just you. So your words are more about you. - My tone of voice grew louder and my heart beat faster with each second
- What are you talking about? - he asked, surprised, at which I looked at him with confusion and I tried to detect something from his expression, but it turned out that he does not know what I am talking about
- Jenice came up to me and started talking about our situation and I thought you told everyone everything. - I explained, gesturing vividly at the same time, which I always do when I'm stressed
- I have no idea how the fuck she knows about it, but I can assure you that it certainly isn't from me. - He said in a much calmer tone of voice, and you could see from his expression that he was telling the truth
- That's from whom? - I frowned, and began to think about the different options
- I don't know, but I promise to find out. - he muttered, then abruptly got up from his seat and left the room
I sat alone for a while, then the school bell sounded informing me that the lesson had begun. Students began to enter the classroom and take their places. Nessa, out of breath, was the last to come in, and immediately sat down next to me.
- Where have you been? - I asked curious, because the girl left the house today much earlier than me
- I had to do something. - She whispered, and we both looked at the teacher who had just entered the classroom
The teacher started by checking the presence, then she stood in the middle of the room and looked at our faces.
- Today I have the honor of introducing you to a new student of your class and this is.. - she announced, then she walked towards the door and opened it and HE entered the class - Jake Edwards
At the sight of him, I must have smiled as sincerely as I could. I was very happy that he will be in class with us because I will get to know him better and he seems really very nice. Nessa, on the other hand, looked once at him, once at me, bewildered by the whole ensuing situation. My eyes went to Cooper, who was staring at the teenager with almost fury and I felt that in my mind he was murdering him in a million ways, but I didn't understand why, since Jake hadn't done anything wrong to him.
- Jake, take a seat next to Ginny now while I do my lesson. - The teacher informed, pointing to the boy in his place
Edwards looked in my direction, smiling gently, then took a seat next to Cooper's cousin. During the break, I will definitely go to him right away, and maybe I will arrange some meeting with him outside the school, because school is definitely not a suitable place to make contacts and I prefer to do it outside of it.
As soon as this boring lesson was over, all students started to leave the classroom. I moved confidently towards Jake, who stood in front of the door waiting for me.
- Hi. - I greeted, smiling gently in his direction, which the boy immediately reciprocated and we left the classroom together
- Hey Sab! I did not expect that I would go to your class, but I must admit that it suits me very well. - he commented pleased as we came together to the school lockers to take out my materials for the next lesson
- I can show you around the school afterwards.- I suggested, putting the history book in my purse
- Good idea. I will use. - He smiled kindly at me- Maybe we will go together after class for coffee and get to know each other better?
- Yeah, we can. - I agreed right away, because I really wanted to know more about this cool new colleague
I wanted to know more about him. He seemed to be really okay, but often people only show their true colors later, so I'm going to be very careful not to get hurt again. Right now, I have too many wounds in my heart. I'm not going to let them multiply.
I finally made it to the school cafeteria, and my first goal was to find the table where Nessa was sitting. Unfortunately for me, I saw that he was sitting at a table with all our school elite. When I wanted to get away from there, the girl noticed me and started waving her hand vigorously, inviting me to the table. I walked in that direction, and sat between Barrett and Mia Antos, one of Ness's best friends. In front of me was my hated person, Cooper, who was staring at something on his phone, completely oblivious to my presence there. There were 7 people in total at the table, each of them talking lively on a topic. Plus, I felt weird about being watched. Because of the morning situation with Jenice, where she made fun of me in front of most of the students. Since then, I feel the rumor has spread all over the school and now everyone thinks I'm naive yet another Cooper fan, plus one that is easy. I felt so damned humiliated and the looks of all those people in the cafeteria didn't help me at all.
My mood worsened even more when I saw Jenice Scott walking towards us, looking at me with that annoying smile of hers. She stood right behind Noriega and hugged him from behind, pressing her nose against his neck. The boy, however, completely ignored her for a moment, but after a while he straightened up and shook her arms off himself.
- If you touch me again, I swear you will regret ever meeting me. - the teenager said sharply, to which the girl was simply numb, staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face
- But, Cooper, what do you mean now? - Her voice seemed to be very broken, because probably for the first time in her life a boy had rejected her
- That you have to fuck off me. - he growled, staring at her with a glare
- It's about that rag right? - she asked nervously, pointing at me, and she said it loud enough that most of the people from the cafeteria looked in our direction
- You have no right to call her that. - he grunted in her direction, more and more annoyed by her behavior
- I see your standards are zero. - Jenice laughed perfidiously, staring at me contemptuously
- You just insulted yourself, because if Sabrina is a zero standard, you are somewhere far in the red. - The boy said confidently, then looked me straight in the eyes, he abruptly got up from his seat and left the room
He left us all in a lot of shock. I was so damn surprised he saved me. I thought that since I'm nothing to him, he wouldn't even pay attention to the girl's words. Friends sitting at our table looked at me once, at times at the furious Jenice, who certainly did not expect such behavior from her regular lover. She was standing still, all tense, she clenched her fists tightly and her eyesight would be able to kill. The first time I saw her like this. Probably not only me, because everyone looked at her with surprise and disorientation. Suddenly, she walked a few steps closer to the table and slammed her fists hard on the table top, staring straight into my eyes.
- The war has only just begun. - she muttered dryly, still making eye contact with me, then pushed her body away from the table and headed towards the exit from the cafeteria
I didn't know what the girl might mean with these words, but I knew that an even bigger circus than before was about to begin. I couldn't tell what Scott was capable of, but I knew she was going over the dead bodies to her goal. And her current and only target was Cooper. That he was only hers.
I was just in the locker room where I changed after PE lessons. I was the only person there, because I was the last to leave the lesson, because the coach told me to stay with him for a while, because we had to discuss the volleyball competition. I was just putting my shoes on when I heard the door to the girls' locker room open. I immediately turned in that direction, so as not to greet someone with the sight of my outstretched ass, and at the entrance I saw someone whom I did not want to see at the moment - Cooper Noriega.
- What do you want? - I asked dryly, staring at the boy completely emotionless
- I think I suspect who might have told Jenice about all this. - he started, and my body was overwhelmed by stress because I wanted to damn well want to know who it was, but at the same time I felt stress because I was afraid that it would turn out to be some person that I previously thought was good for me - It could be Monica Dyan, Jenice's best friend. My buddy saw her walking towards the bathroom right after I entered it. I think then she could overhear our conversation and tell Jenice everything.
- I want to yank all her hair out now. - I growled, clutching my head in disbelief
- But let me know when you want to do it because I'd like to see you in this aggressive version. - He snorted at which I gave him a mocking look and returned to thinking about the whole damn thing that had arisen
Now, all that's left for me to do is wait for the rumors to die down and I will no longer be considered at this school as some kind of psycho-fan of Noriegia who was blind enough not to notice that she was nothing to him.
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