《I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper Noriega》9. We are special, coach
I sat alone in the garden on one of the sun loungers, staring at the surrounding landscape of the garden. In the background there was music from the radio turned on by me some time ago. I was dressed in a loose stylization, because as of today I didn't plan to stretch anywhere, so I didn't feel the need to get dressed up. My hair was in a loose bun and there was no makeup on my face. I just love such days. When I can be calm, relaxed, without any obligations or stress. Recently, there are very few such days in my life, and on the one hand I am happy about it, because I cannot call my life boring, and on the other hand, I have moments when I miss my peace.
Once I was content with my peace, it was taken from me again when I heard a grunt, and when I turned around, I saw Nessa and Lauren at the entrance to the terrace.
- You have a visitor. - Barrett replied, motioning Scheldon to come over to me, and she immediately followed her gaze back to her previous activities.
The cheeleader stood by my lounger, then quickly bent down and hugged me gently, then sat down in front of me and looked me straight in the eyes.
- Girl, why didn't you praise me yesterday that you are inviolable in our school? - she asked, trying to keep herself serious, but there was a delicate smile on her face
- I only found out about it yesterday. - I huffed, shrugging my shoulders at the same time, at which the girl frowned and looked at me carefully
- You don't even know how lucky you are! Now you can feel completely safe in this school, plus you belong to the most handsome guy in our school! - she squeaked, clapping her hands gently at the same time, at the sight of which I smiled gently
- But Cooper is an asshole. - I said, playing with my thumbs
- An asshole who cares about you.. - the girl added, causing me a little surprise, which made me lift my head up, looking at her uncertainly, as if I fully understood the words she said
No, it is not possible. He sure doesn't care about me. Because I doubt it very much. Cooper Noriega is a specific type of man who is always difficult to understand. His deeds, words, are always one big puzzle that no one can solve. It is impossible that he cared for a girl like me. That is, the person who from the very beginning got into talking with him, irritated him and, at the same time, constantly rejected him.
Yes, the truth is that by some magical miracle Cooper ceased to be the person I would most likely throw from some skyscraper. He has ceased to be indifferent to me, and sometimes I even enjoy spending time with him, but I certainly will not agree with the words of my friend. He helped me a few times, but for me it is not a sign of any special attachment to me, just plain pity. I can't even imagine it being significant to him in any way. He was just not like that. He was a dry, selfish, rude man with a cold heart and a complete lack of sense of the situation. Although I also admit that I have the impression that it is mainly due to events from his past that Nessa once mentioned to me. Nobody has ever shown him love, so why should he be able to show it to someone else ?!
- I bet you are currently thinking about your Cooper. - Scheldon laughed, interrupting my thoughts about the boy who has been bothering me for some time and I don't even know if he wants him to give it to me
- First off, no. Second, not „mine". - i said
- Sab, you can't fool me. I see everything. I can see your gaze at him. This is not ordinary eyesight. It's such a love gaze. - the girl dreamed, closing her eyes
- I don't want anything else. Everyone is warning me about him, so maybe I should cut myself off from him and limit my relationship with him? - in my head started to appear different theories about the matters of our two and I started to get lost in this whole crap
- Do as you see fit, Sab. - she sighed, as if not satisfied with my statement
All the words of my companion passed through my mind a thousand times. I thoroughly analyzed all of ours conversation, trying to finally understand what my relationship with Cooper really is. I have officially concluded that I should limit my contact with this teenager who has evidently introduced an uninvited uproar into my orderly, peaceful life. We don't influence each other well. I complicate his previous lifestyle and try to change it by force, while he completely drives me crazy with his bipolarity. It's time to end it once and well and go back to my previous life.
*One week later*
I've been trying to ignore Noriega for about a week now. It is not an easy task for me, because many times I just want to get into a discussion with him, but on the other hand I know that it will be the best for me. A boy at school repeatedly tried to talk to me, but after being ignored several times, he gave up and focused on spending time with his friends.
The PE lesson was about to end when our coach asked me to bring the volleyball balls to the office and put them there nicely in the right place. All the students went to the cloakroom to change, while I got down to my task. With a vigorous step I moved from room to room, trying to do my task as best I can, because I am sure that he will check it later.
I was stacking more balls on one of the shelves when I heard the sound of a door closing. I shifted my gaze in that direction, seeing Cooper there, who had decided to lock us in the office with his own.
- What's wrong, Sab? - He asked after a moment, leaning his hand on the side of the wardrobe
- Nothing. - I gasped, picking up the balls that had fallen to me earlier from the floor
- So, for "nothing" you think that you suddenly start avoiding me for no reason and make me feel as bad again as when I remembered how damn my family didn't care about me? - he even shouted, his voice making terrifying shivers down my body
I stood motionless for a moment, staring at his furious gaze. The memory of his family was very painful. I am reminded of the whole story Nessa told me, and I still feel so damned sorry for him. I can't imagine what he must go through ..
- Everything it's really okay..- I gasped, checking if I had finished my duty and convinced that it was, I walked towards the door, avoiding him, and then grabbed the handle, wanting to open the door, but something jammed. - Fuck!
- You don't have the strength. - He mocked, looking at the whole situation with considerable amusement
- Well, please, Hephaestus, show off your powers. - I moved slightly to the side to give the boy access to the door
Without thinking, he moved from his seat and started to open the door, but just like me, it failed. He pulled a dozen times with more and more force, but it failed. Resigned, I sat down on one of the benches, right next to the rack with various balls.
- I think we're locked here. - He turned to me, his expression grimacing just like mine
- Amazing! - I shouted ironically, clapping my hands
- We can use this time in an interesting way.- He walked towards me, then sat down next to me
For a while we sat in total silence, staring at any point in the room. I didn't know how to act now. I remember that I was supposed to ignore him, but on the other hand, I guess we're not going to sit here in complete silence.
- I'm bored.. - gasped suddenly, leaning his head against one of the shelves, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye
- Then undress and take care of your clothes.- I scoffed at which the boy smiled gently
- And you would get a free striptease? - he laughed. - Oh no, it won't be like that.
- Are you suggesting you want something for something? - I asked, leaning on my elbows and knees
- Yes. - He announced looking deeply into my eyes
- So what would you like? - I continued, completely ignoring the fact that the distance between us was getting smaller
- You, right now, just for me. - he whispered when our lips were almost touching each other, and his wonderful scent reached my nostrils
Unconsciously, I wanted this moment so much. At that moment, I craved closeness. The boy was getting closer with every second and it finally happened. Our lips joined in a passionate kiss. He greedily kissed my lips, giving me great pleasure. I parted my mouth, giving him more access. This is how our languages started dancing together and they worked together brilliantly. He placed one of his hands on my thigh, then lifted it, signaling me to sit on his lap. I did so too, wrapping my arms around his neck. He placed one hand on my hip, squeezing it pleasantly, while the other massaged every part of my body. I felt an unimaginably wonderful pleasure then, which I did not want to interrupt even for a moment. I tangled my fingers in his hair, playing with them, to which the boy muttered softly. We greedily kissed each other, wanting each other more and more. This was the first time I felt such a great desire for someone. Just like that.. I wanted a Cooper.
Therefore, you can not even guess how disappointed I felt when I heard the sound of the door opening, on which we immediately moved away from each other. Our coach stood on the threshold, very shocked by our continued presence here.
- I locked you up here? - he asked suddenly, staring at us with an unreadable expression on his face
- I saw Sab walking here with balls, so I went too because I wanted to help her, but then we couldn't open the door anymore. - explained Cooper quickly, who seemed extremely calm compared to me, who could barely bear emotions there.
- I didn't know anyone was still there, so I locked the door. And now I wanted to check something out and probably interrupted your date, kids. - He smiled at us significantly, moving his eyebrows
- Date? We? No .. Ugh .. Sir .. I mean coach, we were just talking. - I tried to make a meaningful sentence and sound as convincing as possible, but I was not good at it
- Since when do you talk just a few millimeters apart? - the man mocked, causing me more and more stress, compared to Noriega, who looked at the situation with amusement
- We are special, coach. - The boy finally said, then walked towards the exit, and I followed him
Today is the last day at school before the Christmas break. This year I am spending it with Nessa who still does not want to meet her parents.
We were just sitting in the school canteen and planning everything carefully. We both wanted to spend the holidays as well as possible and finally feel this wonderful magic of Christmas, which I have never really felt before. Whenever I spent them with my family, I felt more like a wake, because each of them does not like Christmas and prefers to sit it in a gloomy atmosphere, away from each other. I usually spent Christmas Eve in my room, under a warm blanket, watching "Home alone" because no one wanted to accompany me. This time I dreamed it would be different, and with every minute of our conversation, I believed it would be like that.
- Okay, so I'm supposed to make gingerbread, and you will decorate the Christmas tree?- Barrett concluded
- Yes, I heard from Lauren that you do it divine, so I'm going to taste and evaluate. - I smiled victoriously, at which the girl shook her head
- Woah, Sab will play the jury. Okay, I like that. - She clapped her hands, then suddenly something remembered her, because the expression on her face changed a lot - Umm, Sab, I need to ask you something
- Because of your face, I'm really getting scared. - I stated, then I felt the girl grabbing my hands and trying to make eye contact with me
- It's about Cooper.. - she began in a calm tone, pronouncing each of the words very carefully, as if she was afraid of the further course of the conversation
- Yeah? - I extended, waiting for the development of her speech
- Would it be possible for him to spend Christmas with us? As if I just really feel sorry for him, because it turned out that this time his parents will not be able to come here for Christmas, and his housekeeper goes to his family and he is left alone. And you know, nobody should be alone on holidays. - She was saying quite quickly, so I had to concentrate on her words to get a good understanding of their meaning
- Nessa.. - I started, but the girl's voice interrupted the possibility of further expression
- I know that your relationship is complicated, but Cooper is simply my best friend, I love him very much and I want him to feel the magic of Christmas. - she continued
- Ness.. - I tried to come to the word again
- I promise you that everything will be great really. I will make sure about that. - she worried like never before
- Nessa, damn it, let me tell you! - I said in a louder tone, causing the girl to finally shut her mouth and give me the silence I want - Okay, I agree
- Really? Damn, you are wonderful! - a teenager hugged me excitedly
Woah. I have just been condemned to spend Christmas in the company of a boy with whom I cannot understand the relationship so far. Suddenly the girl broke away from me and grinned at someone who was probably somewhere behind me. After a moment, she waved her hand, letting the person know that she was coming here. I already guessed that the person who is about to appear here will be Noriega. A few seconds later, Cooper and Jaden were seated on the other side of the table. When both of the boys are comfortable. Nessa smiled sweetly at them and started the subject.
- Cooper, guess who you will have to struggle with all Christmas? - She started in a certain, at the same time satisfied tone, at which the boy gently narrowed his eyes briefly and then looked at me and opened them wider - Yes! With us! I know you can barely recover from your excitement
- Yey, wohooo! - The boy was ironically pleased, at which we both laughed - In fact, if you are making such an open Christmas Eve, maybe Jaden could come too?
- Yeah, yeah, that'd be great. - I immediately confirmed, looking significantly at Nessa, who immediately blushed, because we all know how crazy she has been for this boy for a long time
- Yes, okay, but boys, don't think that you will come and everything will be ready for you. You will help us with the preparations.- The brunette added, pointing her finger at one time at another teenager
- Okay, boss. - Hossler raised his hands up in defense
At this point, the bell rang informing the students that the last lesson was starting before the Christmas break. I'm really looking forward to it! There will be so much going on. First Christmas Eve with Nessa, Cooper and Jaden. Then on December 28, my family comes for two days. And on December 31 there will be New Year's Eve and a great party where we will welcome the new year.
All students began to leave the school canteen and head towards the classrooms. All four of us started towards the physics room. I know right away that I will probably sleep through the whole lesson, and then, glad to wake up to the sound of the bell at the end of the lesson. We marched into the room, taking up empty seats. Noriega and Hossler took the bench right behind me and Barrett. I sat down comfortably, then took from my purse, a book, a notebook, and a pencil case and placed them neatly on the bench. As soon as the teacher checked the attendance, I made myself comfortable on the bench and thought completely, not focusing on the lecture. I started to think about the days ahead and imagine what this might all be like. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the screen secretly. There was a message from my classmate named Matt. He wrote to me that he had liked Lauren for a long time and that he would like to talk to her before the Christmas break, but he does not know how and asks me for help. I quickly wrote back to him that we would talk about it after the lesson and put my device back in my pocket so as not to be caught by the professor's watchful eyesight.
As soon as the boring physics class was over, Matt and I quickly ran out of the room to have a moment to talk about talking to Scheldon before she left the room.
- I'm so fucking stressed out, Sab. - he groaned, nervously rubbing his hands and looking for Lauren who hadn't left the physical room yet. - I like her so much..
- I assure you, it will be okay. Lauren is a really fine girl and I'm sure you'll catch on to the topic quickly. Trust me. - I stroked him gently on the shoulder, trying to cheer him up a little, at which the boy smiled slightly
- Oh god, she's coming out right now! - he almost shouted in excitement
- You can do it! Just go and flirt with her.- I pushed him in that direction and waited impatiently for the further course of events
The teenager, when he was close enough to the walking cheeleader, leaned sexily against the pillar, blocking her way, at which the girl looked up and looked at him questioningly.
- So Scheldon, what school do you go to? - He said suddenly, for which I had an instant urge to punch my forehead with my hand
But I guess talking to girls is not a very strong point for Matt. Lauren shot a typical facepalm, then bypassed the boy, leaving him alone with a huge disappointment. I walked over to him and pulled him against me, then clenched in a tight, friendly hug. I really felt sorry for him. It was obvious that he really cared for Scheldon, but the stress did its job here and it did not cope with the task.
- See, I'm sucked. - he muttered suddenly as we moved away from each other
- You don't suck, Matt! It was just stress here..You're a really cool guy. You just need to get your emotions under control a little and then try again. - I smiled a little, trying to give him a little cheer and, above all, self-confidence, which he was fucking lacking
- Maybe it'll work. I'll not give up for sure. - He replied after a moment of reflection, looking me straight in the eyes - And now, I have to go. Merry Christmas Sab.
- Merry Christmas, Matt. - I sent him the truest smile, then we both moved towards the exit from the school building
Nessa was waiting for me in the parking lot, along with Jaden and Cooper, as Noriega had offered to drive each of us home. I sat comfortably with my friend in the rear seats while Hossler took a seat next to the driver. We headed towards the house where Barrett and I lived. At first we sat in complete silence, the only sounds being the songs on the radio. Suddenly our ears heard the Spice Girls song "Wannabe".
- Cooper, turn it up necessarily! - Nessa suddenly exclaimed, stimulating all of us, and Noriega, knowing that in the matter of music, he had no chance with the brunette, he simply did what she asked for
Immediately we both started screaming the lyrics, having a wonderful time doing it. We did not take into account whether we sing well or not. It was about having fun and the freedom we really felt in the company of these guys. I never thought before that I would ever say that I was comfortable with Cooper, but now I'm more than sure. I feel like I can do whatever I want with him, no matter how stupid that is. My head is just dizzying, why is this so? Since some time ago, I didn't want to have anything to do with him..
- In Serial7 Chapters
At the end of everything, Taylor Hebert realized something. She didn't want to be a superhero. No, she wanted to be a badass. And then her prayers were answered. Imbued with the power of mimetic badassery and the ability to channel a different real-life badass every week, she set out in search for all the best things in life - well, according to Conan, at least. Modeling herself after Conan have been a mistake. Join her on her high-octane, pulp-fiction journey for vengeance, adventure, victory and mayhem. This isn't just uncensored. It's anti-censored! =========================== (Worm/Fate/Badass of the Week) Warning: crack-taken-seriously, over-the-top pulp-fiction style violence, overpowered protagonist, banned on two other sites. Hell, even the light-hearted omake jokes in this were considered too subversive to persist. ============================ AN: There’s this really, really excellent website called Badass of the Week. I’ve wasted many an hour browsing through, marveling at all the crazy shit some humans are capable of. Check it out, then come back and read this in a few days when the awesome starts to wear off. It’s worth it (all 576 entries). Back? Good! Anyways, I was looking through it recently while thinking about who I wanted to make expy’s of for my The Flying Dutchman quest ship captains (which now languishes in indefinite hiatus), and I had this idea. What if Taylor, wanting to be a badass, triggered with the power to be a different Badass every week? With a bit of Fate-style ability to draw on the tools associated with the legend (but to a just marginally less ridiculous degree), and a drive and aura to be and do badass? And thus, Badass was born in it’s somewhat cracky glory. Enjoy.
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Those Who Wander
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Homunculi: 6
A powerful family desperate to maintain its position at any cost meddles in the domain of the divine by designing and developing a new race called Homunculi. These creations are honed into brutal weapons to fuel their grand ambitions and keep their secrets hidden.Fresh eyes take in this world as a new Homunculus awakens. Its conditioning and training take an unexpected twist as it develops abilities and skills different from the others of its kind. -------------------- Surrounded by manufactured warriors who are incredibly powerful from day one, our MC will find himself lacking in innate skills and knowledge. Very much a weak to strong story. There is definitely action and adventure within, but expect a slow start that is focused on character growth, building tension, unraveling conspiracies, while learning about a new magical world. Some cooking and some daydreaming within. (I see you slice of life) --------- WIP art by Katie Z.
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Eighteen year old Jin Kai Zhao died from an unexpected heart failure during his high school graduation. But three months after his death, he crawled back out his grave. Revived, he could not believe that he came back to life. He walked out of his casket under the pouring rain. His first thought was, 'Why did my family bury me naked in a casket?'
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The beautiful world of Starblue is no more. Thirty generations after the Peerless Lord of War Lin Feng slashed the heavens and entered the cosmos with all his disciples, an unprecented event of colossal magnitude happened. The planet of Starblue and all the celestial planets in the Ralos system collided and crashed with each other, as Starblue increased its attractive force, gathering all the planets into merging with itself. The disaster was so massive, and countless human lives were lost during the disaster, but it did not end with just that. The entire planetmass soon terraformed itself as the last planet crashed into the huge world, taking more human lives in the process. Luckily, the planetwide event turned out to be for the better as it became apparent that the planet transformed itself into being more suited for life to survive. Along with its transformation, aura flowed in the new world and as humans discovered the new energy, cultivation began to flourish and the first aura cultivators became the pioneers in exploring the new megaworld of Ralos, along with survivors from the past generations of martial experts and peerless tianjiao. As the humans were busy restoring civilization from their respective urban shelters, another group also thrived in the gaps outside of human intervention. Monsters. The abundant life force which restored the huge planetmass not only created an environment suited for life, but also spawned these monsters from the remains and fossils of Starblue's flora and fauna as they interacted with the mysterious properties of various elements from the other planets. After stabilizing a new world order, the inhabitants of the world has agreed upon an unwritten set of rules and along with the rules comes a dominant ruling class with the power to enforce it. This, is the world of Ralos. This is the place where worlds have collided and multiple species battle for dominance...
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مقدمه:چه اتفاقی برای قلبت میافته وقتی بفهمی پدر و مادرت تورو نمیخان از تو بدشون میاد و برای منفعت خودشون دارن تورو به یه بار میفروشن؟درسته روحت میشکنهحالا فکر کنید این اتفاق برای تهیونگ داستان ما افتادهلی:ببرینشتهیونگ:چ...چی؟؟...نه خواهش میکنم توروخدا بابا هر کاری بگی واست میکنم مامان برات کلفتی میکنم نزارین ببرنمپدرش نزدیکش میشه و چونشو توی دستش فشار میده:فکر کردی کسی که خودش تورو فرستاده برت میگردونه...جنس خریده شده پس گرفته نمیشود...یک ماه بعدجیمین:نشد...پیدا نشد...خسته شدم...دیگه نمیکشم یون..جانگکوک:اینجا چه خبرهههههه؟با داد گفت و به دختر و پسری که در حال بوسیدن هم بودن نگاه کردنارو:اقای جئون خواهش میکنم توضیح میدم بهتونجانگکوک:صد دفعه من به شماهای کوفتی گفتم این کارای کوفتی تر از خودتونو توی شرکت من انجام ندید گفتم یا نگفتم؟نارو:گفتید قربان گفتیدژانر:اسمات_انگست_ارباب برده ای_امپرگ_کمی کمدی (خیلی کم شاید در حد فقط یه سه چهار خط حرف)وضعیت:در حال اپروز های اپ:هر موقع نویسنده گشادیشو کنار بزاره و به مغزش فشار بیارهو از اونجایی که گشاده خیلی زیاد شما باید به بزرگی خودتون ببخشیدشامیدوارم خوشتون بیاد حمایتش کنید فیکشن من رو و اسمش رو برای دوستا و هر کسی که دوست دارید بدید تا اون ها
8 76