《I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper Noriega》7. We are gone
If someone would say a month ago that I would be sitting on the beach at a beautiful sunset that was breathtaking in the company of a boy who totally broke my heart some time ago, I would laugh this person in the face. But it was exactly like that at the moment. Quinton Griggs was at my side, and we both sat in complete silence, staring at the view ahead.
- You wanted to talk about something, and I don't have much time, so please be quick.- I said suddenly, quite dryly, but the truth is that so far I could only be like that to him
- I wanted to talk about us, Sab. - he began calmly, shifting his currently quite mysterious gaze to me, and I felt that I felt unpleasant chills run over my whole body
- Am I. You are. But not together.- I corrected him immediately, feeling a damn unpleasant feeling in my stomach, at his words, which, let's not hide, that after what he did to me, they were really brave
- But this "together" can come back.- he continued, placing one hand behind him and leaning against it
- No way. - I snorted, embarrassed, still trying to avoid his insistent gaze
- You say that because you already have someone? - he asked suddenly
- No, I don't have anyone, I'm single. - I announced, with a little sadness, because I don't hide that sometimes I miss closeness, although on the other hand I am afraid to get involved in something again, because I am afraid that someone will break my heart again and I will suffer
- Then who is the boy who used to come here sometimes in such a black car? - he asked, and in my head there was an answer immediately and at the same time the moment when I slept in the guest room, cuddled up to Cooper after he saved me from rape came back to me
- This is my.. classmate. - the truth is that I was not quite able to define who this mysterious teenager is for me, we were not close to each other in any way, but we occasionally saw each other by accident, and the atmosphere was different then
- He's been here a lot lately. - The boy said, which surprised me a bit because I don't remember Cooper visiting me often
- He must have come to Nessa, who lives with me. They have been friends for many years. Coming back to the topic, I'm never going to come back to you, because I will never, ever be able to forgive you for what you did to me. I loved you with all my heart. I gave you all of myself, being sure that you are for me. You were everything to me. I was then ready to do literally anything for you, meanwhile you cheated on me with some sluts while I was waiting for you at home longing and I couldn't wait to hug you, having no idea that this body had been touched by someone a moment ago different. - at that moment I exploded, at last I could honestly tell him what I thought about it all, what I felt, finally I felt free from these terrible feelings
- I'm so sorry about that. It was really the biggest mistake of my life and I damn it every day! - There was remorse in his voice, regret, and his hands began to shake a little
- Too late now, Quinton. What has been will never come back. It is mainly about my respect for you. - I gasped, then stood up, straightening my pants, then glanced at him. - I don't think I have anything else to tell you. Bye, Quinton.
At this point, I no longer listened to his further words to me. I started walking towards the exit from the beach, feeling completely free at last. Telling the truth, confessions, are damn important and this situation of mine is a good example of that. All this time I was choking how I felt because of this boy, I kept all emotions inside me, until now when he finally found out how much he hurt me.
A slight breeze was blowing, wiggling the locks of my hair. I was walking down a nice park alley, surrounded by beautiful trees. I felt the inner peace I needed so badly. This was one of my favorite routes to my home. I always went when I needed to be a little alone and think about a few things. I needed that moment now. Alone with myself and my feelings. Unfortunately, this moment did not last too long, because after lifting my head, I saw Amelie walking in front of her, wearing headphones and listening probably to the songs of her favorite singer Olivia Rodrigo. Her eyes turned to me, and a charming, sincere smile appeared on her lovely face, then she walked faster to me and hugged me tightly.
- Sab, hi. All good? - she asked, right after being slightly moved away from me, looking straight into my eyes and probably noticing my stress after talking with my ex-boyfriend
- I just had a rather strange conversation with my ex-boyfriend who just suddenly reappeared in my life. - I stammered, twirling my bracelet around in my hand
- Since he didn't go to the hospital after this conversation in a critical condition, it is probably not that bad. - sincerely laughed the girl who knew my story with Quinton very well from the very beginning, because at the very beginning, when I joined this class, I trusted her enough that I was ready to tell her exactly how he broke my heart
- Hmm, I was there a step away from my heart attack when I heard him begin to suggest that we try to get back together.- I mocked, remembering his words and feeling the same unpleasant feeling as that moment
- It seems to me that now he will not give up so quickly. - commented the girl, putting her strand of hair behind her ear so that it does not obstruct her good visibility
- I feel that way too. - I sighed heavily, fully aware of what kind of person my ex-boyfriend is and knowing that there are still many difficult situations ahead of me- But despite everything, he will not be able to win
- My girl. - Amelie smiled proudly, then took her phone out of her pocket, which started to vibrate, and when she saw a number on the screen, she looked in my direction, slightly stressed - Emmm, I have to go now. Bye!
I didn't even have time to answer anything because the girl quickly ran down the side path. I'm curious who called her and why she immediately tensed so strangely. However, I will not ask her about it because I think it is more of her business, and Amelie has never been a person willing to confess.
After a moment's thought, I set off on my way back to my home. The wind started quite strong and cool, which made my body shiver. I quickened my pace, all the time rubbing the places where I felt the coldest. After about ten minutes of brisk walking, I reached my home. Out of breath, I knocked and waited for Nessa to open them for me. A few seconds later I heard the sound of the door opening open, but my friend was not there. He was there. Looking as damn good as ever. He wore black jeans that perfectly emphasized his shapely legs, a slightly oversized gray sweatshirt and black sneakers. His hair was slightly disheveled, and a lit cigarette in his mouth, at the sight of which I winced slightly.
- Where's Nessa? What are you doing here? Why are you smoking here? - I started asking a series of questions, passing the boy and going deeper into the house, hearing him close the door and follow me
- Stop talking so much or you'll be airing- he scoffed, and his rudely smirk appeared on his face, he stood quite close to me, which made me feel his breath, the smell of intense cologne, cigarettes and mint bubble gum
- You're annoying me. - I said, looking straight into his dark, but also very beautiful eyes
- My favorite activity. - He winked at me, inhaling the smoke from the cigarette again and releasing it, which immediately caused my coughing fit, which he laughed softly.
- Can you answer my questions?- I asked, crossing my hands over my chest
- I came here to Nessa because I had to talk to her about something, but in the middle of the conversation she remembered that she was about to visit a beautician, and she knew that you were not at home and you left without the keys, so I had the unfortunate role of waiting here for you. - he said irinonically, keeping eye contact with me all the time
- Stop talking so much or you'll be airing.- with a boorish smile, I repeated his words, and the boy laughed and rolled his eyes, and a victorious smile appeared on my face
The truth is, I loved to tease him, and he probably did to me. I loved seeing the clearly visible irritation on his face, the loud sighs and rolling my eyes. Who was he for me? Nobody, really. Or maybe I just can't define it myself. Because of this stupid project, he suddenly appeared in my life and broke all the order that I had managed to create in the last few months. He irritated me like no one else, he made my irritation reach its zenith, many times I wondered for what sins this man appeared in my life, but I cannot deny that Cooper Noriega has something that draws me to him. He's so different than most of the guys I've met so far. He's so eternally indifferent, but also damn confident. He's so mysterious, introverted, dark and that's what makes him want to get to know him better and learn more about him. Perhaps that would make me finally understand this boy.
- Are you okay? Is this how you thought about my personal charm? - The boy scoffed again, shaking me out of my thoughts, and I rolled my eyes at his words
- Believe me, you are not one of the most interesting topics for thinking. - I patted him on the shoulder, lying to him, because the truth is that he guessed perfectly, to which I blushed a little
- Well, what were you thinking about so intensely that you stood still for over a minute staring at my chest? - he continued, looking me questioningly straight in the eyes, and I immediately became stressed because I did not know what to answer him
- I just had a tough day today. - I announced, passing the boy, heading to the living room and settling comfortably on the couch
I looked up when I heard the footsteps, then saw the boy coming in that direction and sitting comfortably next to me, focusing his dark, intense gaze on me again. I felt him scrutinizing me closely, analyzing every aspect of my face. His eyesight had an extremely strange effect on me. It caused stress, confusion, uncertainty, but also my curiosity about the boy's current thoughts.
- Tell me. - he said suddenly, and in his voice I detected this wonderful hoarseness of his, which was so fucking sexy, and at his words my eyes moved back to him
- You promise you won't tell anyone?- I looked at him pleadingly, to which he nodded
- Sab, I'm not one of those people whose round-the-clock job is to pick up information and gossip about it with every one of the people they meet. That's just me. - his tone of voice showed the confidence of his words, and his gaze after the speech, stuck somewhere behind me
- Actually, I don't understand why I'm telling you this, but ... When I was still in my previous school, I had a boyfriend. He was my first real love like that, a person for whom I was able to do anything. I gave him all my heart, all of myself, hoping that this was the right person for me with whom I would be the happiest. I devoted most of my time to him, always feeling as if it wasn't enough with me. Every time I didn't see him, I really missed him, couldn't wait to see him again, then hug him again, talk to him. But he didn't take me any bit as seriously as I took him. One day I found out that he was cheating on me. He did it many times. My heart broke completely then. The only person I loved so much made my heart a stone. I couldn't deal with it for many months. This was one of the reasons why I moved here. I started to arrange my life again, it seemed that everything was okay, but suddenly he reappeared in my life so suddenly. As it turns out, he became my neighbor, so seeing him is inevitable. Additionally, he came to me today and asked for an interview. I agreed and at this point I regret it very much, because I cannot forget his words now. - I sighed heavily, putting my feet on the couch, after a while sitting cross-legged and focusing my eyes on the fireplace facing in front of him - He said that he would like to try to make us get back together. I don't want that, but what I fear most is that this boy will bring this bloody mess to my life again
- I have a question, first should I break his spine or should I start with the ribs? - he asked with an extremely serious tone, his fists clenched quite tightly, drawing my attention
- The truth is, I don't want him to suffer physically. - I suddenly announced, arousing the interest of the boy who, with frowning eyebrows, looked in my direction, trying to read anything from my sly face - I want, but I don't know how, to suffer like I used to
- And this is the good girl Sab? - He laughed lightly, looking at me closely
- I never said I was good. - I smiled cunningly, at which the boy moved his eyebrows significantly
- Well, I'd like to meet this Sab. - a fleeting smile appeared on his face, which I already knew very well because in my company he used it quite often
I don't even know when I totally lost myself in his eyes. They were so dark and mysterious but also so damn charming. That look caused strange reactions on my body that I couldn't explain to myself. The longer I knew him, the more I began to understand the girls at our school and their love for this boy. He was the highlight of this school, he made the most of it and got a lot of fun out of it. I have often wondered what it is like to be popular, liked by everyone, admired at every turn. He has always led such a life, which most people probably envied him. However, I felt that the private life of this boy is not as nice as it may seem to anyone. Nessa's words about his family stuck in my mind, and every time I look into his eyes, I feel a great regret that something like this happened to him. Perhaps that was why he was so dry, introverted, mysterious. He did not like to show emotions, so I started to get used to his eternally indifferent expression on his face. Cooper Noriega smiled very rarely. He wasn't happy..
- Have you ever been in love?- I asked, finally deciding to break the awkward silence that had been between us for several minutes
- No, for me, feelings are weakness. - he replied seriously, with a bit of irritation in his voice, and his intense gaze was fixed on the landscape outside the window
- It's not true! Have you never felt anything for anyone? - I scolded him right away because despite how damn disappointed I was with the person I thought was my love, I completely disagreed with the fact that feelings are weakness
- I don't feel anything, Sab. - I felt that I must have asked the wrong question, because I caused a sudden strange attack of irritation in the boy, so I decided to let go of the topic, because I had no strength to argue with him today
I quickly looked down, because every time I saw his dark but now also nervous eyesight, I felt that I felt instantly hot and my heart would pop out of my chest. I was somewhat surprised by his tone and the sudden annoyance when I started talking about his feelings. It was a difficult topic for him, but it was a mystery to me why. Maybe someone once broke his heart? Maybe he still suffers from it, but Cooper how is Cooper afraid of revealing his true emotions? I felt a bit lost in this whole situation, although this case, as well as the whole Noriega, interested me very much. I was also wondering why he is so closed in himself and I treat every thing related to himself as the greatest national secret. I wanted to understand him. Very much. However, it was from the first place that he had to want to give me access, which was impossible for me at the moment. We sat like that for a few minutes in total awkward silence, which neither of us decided to stop so far, because we both didn't really know what to say.
- I have to go. - The boy said, looking at his phone, which probably had some message from someone, because he was watching the screen with a strange face, hard to define, with furrowed eyebrows and tight lips.
- Umm, okay, thanks for coming.- I got up with him from the couch, heading towards the door and watching as the boy stands by them, grabbing the handle, then his head slightly turned towards me, making eye contact
- I promise you that from tomorrow you'll be completely safe again. - He replied seriously, then before I could answer anything, he left my house, closing the door behind him and leaving me here alone with a million strange thoughts
I was curious about his words. They were so unexplained, incomprehensible to me. What did he mean by tomorrow I would be completely safe? What is he planning? I had a lot of thoughts at once that I couldn't deal with. I felt my heart beating faster and faster, and strange chills ran through my whole body. For a long time I stood still, staring at the door and constantly analyzing his words in my mind. I was so eager to see tomorrow and learn the truth and meaning.
The road to school the next day was not the easiest one for me. Just like yesterday, all I wanted was a new day, today I dream of going back to yesterday. Yes, I know it's complicated, but that's what I feel right now. I was walking down the crowded pavement right now and my school was right in front of my eyes. The parking lot was almost full of students 'and teachers' cars. I watched as others walked as I did towards this prison, and how some still in groups walked outside before lessons and relaxed before the coming nightmare, otherwise known as lessons.
I quickly went up the stairs, right in front of the big door, straightening my hair, which was quite disheveled by the strong wind. I gripped the door handle uncertainly and pulled it towards me. I saw a crowded corridor. I looked around for Amelie, but I saw Cooper and his squad. They stood by the school lockers, discussing something furiously. As always, he looked stunning. For a long time I stood there and just anaerosed him carefully, unable to tear my eyes away, which I can't even guess how ridiculous it looked. But after a while I shook myself, going back to looking for my friend again. This time, however, my eyes met someone which made me feel faint. It was him. That party boy who tried to rape me and I couldn't defend myself. I stood still, paralyzed staring at him, and every memory of that terrible moment began to reappear in my head. My imagination started working to the point where I began to feel his every touch again. I felt like I was going to pass out. I turned my gaze back to our school elite. But this time I met his eyes. We made quite a long eye contact, then for literally a few seconds, the boy glanced at the teenager in front of whom he had recently saved me, then whispered something to Jaden and started walking in my direction. More and more distracted I watched as it gets closer and closer. He stopped fucking close to me. I could felt his breath, the smell of papers, mint bubble gum, and intense cologne. Our chests were almost touching each other. I knew we were currently in the spotlight. Most people's eyes were focused on us now. The girls in particular were seething with jealousy watching me stand just a few millimeters from the school star and we were staring deeply into each other's eyes.
- Hi Sab. - he replied, then without unnecessary talking he grabbed my cheek with his hands and pressed a strong kiss into my mouth, knowing that we are doing it in front of practically all students
- In Serial6 Chapters
Sealords Online: The Kraken
The Stakes are high in the world of Aest when there is a sudden appearance of otherworlders who wield abilities and skills that surpass the local populace. In a world that has yet to be fully tamed, these individuals are looking to carve a piece of the world for themselves... at any cost! Jay is a jaded chemist whose only real joy was spending time with his girlfriend, Maria. When the sudden appearance of a deity forces him into the world of Aest, Jay realizes that this isn't a game... not anymore. He has been thrown into Aest, the world of the popular MMO game Sealords Online and death here means death everywhere. Despite his best wishes and at the behest of a self-centered deity, Jay must carve out his piece of the world as well.
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Demon Blade
Ryuken is your average 15-year old high schooler, living his life in an ordinary way, until he comes across a mysterious katana and is pulled into the world of unbelievable supernatural.An anime-inspired passion project of mine, sparked from my childhood love of shounen anime. I have big plans for this world but we'll see if I get to stick around long enough to finish it.Enjoy! Notes: 1. My writing style is mostly script-like with some 3rd person-ish narrative sprinkled in, and it is VERY dialogue-heavy. 2. It can be pretty slow, as I tend to focus more on characters rather than action. 3. Since the story is set in Japan with Japanese characters, I will be using Japanese honorifics whenever the characters are interacting with each other. To learn more about Japanese Honorifics, you can go to this website here. I apologize if I used them wrongly, or if I forgot to use them from time to time, or if it turns you off. 4. I don't have a fixed release schedule as I don't have time to write regularly at the moment. I may update tomorrow or next year. Who knows. I'm like your dad who's gone to the store for some milk. I'll be back. Cover Source
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The Heptagon Mage
Gilliam is an average nerd from the UK, one day on the way home he is hit with a truck only to suddenly wake up in a new world. Finding out that it is filled with swords and magic, people who can perform amazing feats as well as beastfolk. And on top of this; he's part of some prophecy to save the world with great power from something horrible? What is this great event he will save the world from, what is the great power he is to use and how will this change him?********************Overpowered protagonist in an Isekai setting.********************Updated cover!**New cover Partially generated by the DALL-E AI. Lots of editing was done**This started as a story to develop magic in my setting, but became a hobby that I do for fun.The first three chapters were written a solid year before the fourth and newer, so there is slight improvement in writing at that point.I’ll be glad for any input or thoughts, but I’m by no means a professional. :)
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The Mysterious Ninja (A Lego Ninjago Fanfic)
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Virtue and Vice
"If I'm going down, I might as well pick my poison. I pick you."***A Cobalt Bay Billionaires story.***She couldn't be sure whether he was her predator or protector... but she was doomed to love him either way.*** It was a summer they will never forget. Young and naive Cassandra Collins finds herself offered up as interest for her cousin's debt to a powerful man who craves her as fiercely as he resists her. Wary but tempted, she struggles to get through the summer without stripping herself of her virtue, and losing her heart to Sebastian Vice-a man so beautiful and broken, he will hurt her as much as he will love her. Under the blazing sun and amidst the sultry heat of their forbidden desires and secret fears, will Cassandra find the love that will change her life forever? Or will she face the punishment of falling for a wicked Vice? Wrought by secrets and scars, this is a story of two people who hunger darkly and desperately for a love they are strangers to-a love that endures, hopes and sets them free.***WARNING: This story may be a little steamier than my usual ones. There might be scenes and concepts that are objectionable to some people so heed this warning before you start reading. I don't think it's erotica but let's just say some parts are steamy. If you don't mind it, go right ahead and read on. :P***Copyright © 2013 by Nina Tippett. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Nina Tippett.This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
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