


Chapter 24

Down the rabbit hole.

Bethan could name a million people she'd rather be with right now, instead she had to listen to Rebekah and Elena bitch at each other, stefan and Damon throwing snide digs towards one another, some creepy ass professor leading them to their death, a friend she was not speaking to and brother who she wasn't speaking to. Bethan was on the phone to the only person she was currently speaking to klaus.

B. Do me a favour? I may not be speaking to her but Caroline is my best friend try not kill her please?

K. I'll try my hardest love how is everything going?

B. Your sister and my sister are slinging insults at each other, stefan and Damon are barely speaking. Professor creepy thinks he's Fred leading us to our next mystery and I think Bonnie and Jeremy are gonna have sex in the bushes before leave.

K. *chuckle* you could be trapped in a room like-

That's when her cellphone cut out

"great! The sooner we get off this stupid island the better" Bethan announced to the group, it's the most amount of words she's spoke to anyone of them.

"is anyone else getting creeped out at all?" Elena asked the group seeing the abandoned island.

"so leave" Rebekah simply put it like it was the easiest option.

"don't start" stefan begged not wanting to hear the girls bicker once again.

"when you think about she's the least needed here. Jeremy has the magic spell, Bonnie is the witch, Shane is the human compass, you and I have the tombstone, Bethan is the only one who can keep klaus calm and Elena does nothing" Rebekah decided to tell everyone but one vampire felt left out.

"what about me?" Damon asked the blonde original.


"you have a nice behind" and Bethan watched his ego inflate rolling his eyes.

"Actually Rebekah if it wasn't for Elena, no one would be here, klaus wants to find it for his blood bag, stefan and Damon want to find it for the girl they love, Bonnie wants it for their best friends and Jeremy wants to find it for his sister. What's the one thing they all have in common oh yes Elena, your not even thought of once" Bethan sassed and Elena smirked at the blonde original before Bethan wiped it off her face.

"I don't know why your smirking everyone's risking their life because you through a hissy fit about being a vampire, news flash babe no one wants to be. Most people would be happy at a second shot a life but no everyone has to be risking their life for you just keep you happy" Bethan told the pair of them leaving them dumbfounded and causing the Salvatore brothers to chuckle.

Everyone had set up camp for the night, and that's when Jeremy came to join Bethan.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered To his sister holding on to her hand.

"I can't remember a moment of my life where you haven't been on my side or then when I need you most, an I left you to deal with this all on your own" Jeremy hung his head in shame feeling immensely guilty on who he acted with his sister.

"can you ever forgive?" She could see the desperation in his eyes.

"of course I can Jeremy you've had some pretty big shit going on to" Bethan smiled leaning her head in his shoulder.

"Why klaus though? Why go to him" he couldn't lie he was hurt his sister didn't trust him

"honestly, you look at me in this way that I'm proud of, like I'm some sort of super hero, when you found out what I'd done I didn't want it to change" Bethan admitted putting her head down slightly.


"Did you like the feel of it killing those people?" Jeremy questioned and Bethan started shaking her head.

"no I screamed and fought so hard to take over to stop it" Jeremy had never seen Bethan this fragile and broke before.

"then you have nothing to worry about" Jeremy watched as his sister slept.

Morning rolled around and the sun now shone over the island.

"Jeremy" Bethan spoke checking the tent, she went out side bumping into her sister

"have you seen Jeremy?" She asked "I thought he was still asleep?" Elena respond and Bethan Just shook her head. The group did a mini search of their area.

"Did you find him?" Bethan asked everyone but there was no luck and the youngest Gilbert was missing.

"we need to spilt up" stefan announces to cover more ground and find the hunter.

"I'll stay her try a locator spell" Bonnie offered and Bethan nodded in agreement.

"I'll stay to, Gilbert Blood night come in handy" the two girls walked off the get everything set up. Bonnie and Bethan sat around the fire pit as she lit a small fire throwing Jeremy's shirt on it and signaled Bethan's for some Gilbert blood. The flames began to rises and show a direction in the forest.

"go I'll tell Shane and Damon" Bethan spoke to Bonnie, running in creepy professors little hut.

"It worked bons Spell worked" Bethan informed them, Damon ran out and Shane gathered his things as Bethan pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

"That's an interesting birthmark" he commented causing Bethan to but a hand on the back of her neck

"I get that a lot" retying her scarf so the creepy professor couldn't see it.

"that werewolf girl Hayley she had the same mark peculiar isn't it" Bethan Just ignored him moving closer to damon.

"I don't know what your trying to do but trying to manipulate me about family and my mother isn't gonna work unlike that she bitch I have a family" Bethan gave her bitchest smile heading off to find Bonnie.

The trail to follow Bonnie went and Damon stormed back in the hut grabbing professor creepy to torture some sense into him

"Bethan sit stay" he received a knife threw at his leg for that comment, before Bethan could say anything something hit her over the head. She woke hearing voices.

"us three here that's all we've got" elena spoke and Bethan made her self known.

"four Actually" her circulation was nearly cut off by her sister hugging her that tight.

"so are we in this together or can we go home?" The werewolf asked Elena handed Rebekah over the the stake

"let's do this"

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