Chapter 21
I need a drink
Bethan was talking to Bonnie and Caroline as Elena came in with a huge smile on her face
"hey Elena are you okay" Bonnie asked seeing the brunette this happy was weird.
"why wouldn't I be?" She went all defensive which Bethan caught
"over the whole Jeremy thing" Bonnie whispered, even though they broke up Bonnie still cared a lot about Jeremy.
"yeah well matts staying at the house with Beth and Jer but I miss him" elena confessed to her friends.
"what about you not flat iron at hotel de Salvatore" Caroline pointed to the mess that was currently Elena's hair.
"I was in rush and do you have plans tonight I need a girl night" Elena asked her friends and sister.
"okay Shane taught some small spells I'm dying to try out" Bonnie informed them smiling at them.
"so creepy professor is now Shane?" The blonde wiggles her eyebrows making Bethan laugh.
"he's not creepy" Bonnie defended him waving her arms in the air.
"we're not judging" Elena told the witch.
"we are" Bethan spoke for her self and caroline, who nodded in solidarity.
"don't listen to them" elena playfully glared giving Bethan a slight shove.
"so Girls night we can raid the wine cellar?" Elena smirked knowing it would at least convince Bethan.
"you know I'm in damon has a bottle of Dom I'm dying to get my hands on" Bethan smirked back tapping her fingers together.
"okay me to but stop with the sister smirk it makes me nervous" Caroline added and Bonnie agreed.
"I'll see you in a bit" the three girls watched as Elena disappeared.
"bet you 5 bucks she's sleeping with Damon" Beth spoke as she already knew the answer by the sex glow her sister was sporting.
"you are so on" Bonnie took the bet not knowing about the whole sire thing.
The girls we're sat in the Salvatore parlour while Elena handed out fancy wine.
"one for you, one for you and one for you" Bonnie pulled out the blood bag.
"this for Caroline?" She asked and the blonde smiled ready to reach for it.
"nope me" the three girls sat their in shock looking at the doppelgänger.
"I'm now a normal functioning dysfunctional vampire" smiling taking a sip when Bethan and Caroline gave each other a look.
"That's amazing" Bonnie smiled for Elena not knowing the reason why she was able to.
"all thanks to Damon" Elena told them peaking Caroline's interest.
"what do you mean?" She questioned earning a kick from the youngest Gilbert.
"he suggested i try it" taking a seat on the sofa Elena shrugged like it was nothing.
LWhere is my fave Salvatore" Bethan wondered looking around the house for any sight of the vampire boys. Caroline and Elena bickered over Damon.
"new girls night rule no boy talk and why should we when I have this" Bonnie pulled out a bag of herbs.
"Is that Stoner tea?" Caroline asked it was now Bethan's interest that had been peaked.
"I'm in" Bethan smiled reaching out for it only for her sister to smack her hand away.
"it's not stoner tea, it opens up your chi or something" The Bennett witch told her.
"okay for the rest of the night I promise not to be judgemental for the rest of the night" Caroline promised all three girls gave her a really look.
"I'll drink to that" Bethan laughed as the four girls cheered.
They spent the next few hours laughing, joking and dancing around the Salvatore house. It reminders Bethan of being 13 years old when sherif Forbes would be on duty for the night so the girls would sing, dance and annoy the hell out of Caroline's neighbors. The four girls ended up in Damon's bathroom laughing and giggling.
"check it out vamp speed music vid" Bonnie smirked sending the video to the girls.
"I look like super man" Elena giggled leaning back in Damon's tub.
"this years Christmas card" Bethan paused the vid on a funny still of Elena showing it to the girls.
"being a vamp is so weird, I love this bath tub, why don't we hang out in here more often?" Elena asked clearly drunk Stirling the sides of it.
"I'll tell you why" Caroline states very seriously.
"cooties" that caused Bonnie and Beth to burst out laughing.
"think of all the girls Damon has lured in here" she laughed but Elena didn't find it funny which totally changed the mood
"Hey I take offence" Bethan yelled out making Bonnie laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'm stopping" Caroline spoke raising her arms as a sign of truce.
"no rip away it's only Damon right?" Elena stated sitting up making the human and witch groan at what was to Come.
"say what you want about ripped Stefan atleast he wasn't a man slut" Caroline simply put it shrugging he shoulders.
"come on" Bonnie whispered towards the blonde vampire.
"no it's fair what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him" Elena enquired and Bethan groaned this fight was going to get worse before it got better.
"I didn't know what a sociopathic narcissist he was" Caroline replied which was a valid point.
"well he's always been there for me" elena reminded Caroline making Bethan bite her slip to refrain was speaking.
"because he's hoping you'll sleep with him" The blonde bit back standing up.
"well maybe I did" Elena bitched that peeked the interest of her sister.
"Bonnie you owe me 5 bucks" Bethan slurred holding her hand out.
"you did what" Caroline exclaimed throwing her arms in the air.
"you didn't?" Bonnie asked and this downer was causing Bethan to sober up.
"Yeah I did" she admitted as if she was boasting about it.
"know you both have issues with him but I'm happy and I wanted to spend the night with my best friends so I could share it with them" elena got out the tub storming off leaving the girls to feel guilty.
"Elena come on" Bonnie started trying to defuse the situation.
"you need to leave party is over" she told her friends or more like ordered.
"we are just trying to look out for you Caroline told her truthfully.
"do you think it makes me happy my two best friends hate him. I get his track record is a little spotty okay but I don't hate him. I cant. Think I'm falling in love with him" Elena confessed to her friends and that's when Caroline lost it.
"Your not falling in love with him Elena you are sired to him" she exclaimed making Bonnie and Elena give her the strangest look as Bethan face palmed.
"Caroline you were suppose to tell her" the brunette yelled at her best friend.
"what?" Both Bonnie and Elena said in sync. Caroline walked up to Elena
"look I'm sorry it came out like this but you are sired to Damon" Caroline went a head and started explaining the whole thing while Bethan checked her bag for some aspirin with this major headache that was kicking in. Elena decided to kick them out pushing past Caroline and opening the boarding house door revealing two of klaus' guard dogs.
"Hello girls" The she bitch spoke as she speeded in knocking Bethan over and grabbing Caroline while her friend started to choke Elena. Bonnie raised her hand the lights started to flicker
"stop. One bite from a hybrid and she dead remember" the bitches eyes flowed their werewolf yellow as she lowered down to Caroline neck. Bonnie stopped using the magic and the dude threw Elena grabbing Bethan and the speeded off. Leaving Bonnie and Elena on their own.
The hybrids chained both Bethan and Caroline up, they started to inflicted pain on the the vampire.
"why are you doing this?" The blonde asked the hybrids.
"to show Tyler who's in charge" Kim simply put it stabbing a stake into Caroline's leg.
"why am I here then?" Bethan asked trying to raise her hand to gain attention.
"in case mr alpha decided to run to klaus. Leverage and all" Adrian spoke and Bethan got angry she was sick of being klaus bait
"as soon as I get free I'm gonna ask klaus to bring me your head as a birthday present" The brunette yelled. Kim signalled Adrian and the hybrid broke Bethan's wrist earning a load cry of pain for the human.
"Stop it Kim okay stop" Tyler told her trying to move forward to his girlfriends and friend.
""Caroline and Bethan are with us, we all want klaus gone" he reminded the hybrids.
"they're on your team not mine" that's when the rest of the hybrids decided to join in.
"when I get out of here I'm gonna slaughter each and every one of you mange mutts" Bethan growled earning her a punching to the face, it would of Knocked a normal human out Cold but Bethan was stronger than that. Bethan spat her blood in Kim's face causing the hybrid to push down on her leg braking it.
"stop it now" Tyler yelled trying to stop Bethan from getting hurt.
"easy up Kim klaus won't like it if you brake his little toy" Adrian spoke up and the bitch smirked what they didn't realise was the anger they where fuelling inside of the Gilbert girl.
"that's a good point do you reckon he will like this?" She asked raise a knife to Bethan's throat making the humans breath hutch slightly.
"Kim don't you dare or I swear to god" Tyler yelled out and the knife got closer.
"wait wait wait you really wanna hurt klaus? Torture me instead he's hell bent on making me human to make more of you guys" elena confessed Kim dropped the knife heading over to Elena.
"no no elena!" Bethan yelled pulling against her restraints that's when Tyler lost it. He got free speeding over to Kim plunging his arm through her chest.
"don't come any closer or I'll rip her heart out right now" Tyler informed them all squeezing the rebellious wolfs heart.
"Kim put you all at risk today and I'm not gonna hurt her, I'm not klaus" he informed the pack as each of them backed away
"I wish you where right now" Beth mumbled earning a death stare from her sister.
"I don't kill and torture my friends or their loved ones to get what I want. Now we broke the sire bond but if you really want to be free we have to work together. No one can step out of line" Tyler looked at Kim for that part as if was said just for her benefit.
"now your either with me or against me. Submit. Submit or die" he warned all the hybrids. Kim dropped to her knees.
"I'm sorry" she stuttered out. Tyler removed his hand standing back up and they all watched as one by one the hybrids kneeled down in respect for Tyler. Elena rushed over to Beth, pulling the chains off of her. Elena went to her sister her blood but Beth refused.
"we have to reset the bones first, we can do it at home" squeezing her sister hand as Elena helped her stand. Tyler scoped Caroline up into his arms who was still not awake from having her neck snapped. The hybrids began to stand up, talking amongst themselves
"hey Kim" Bethan called out to the she bitch.
"Bethan I'm sorry, no hard feelings?" The hybrid 'apologised' something stirred within Bethan as she hobbled over to Kim.
"tots" Kim went to walk away but not before Bethan stuck the stake she was going to use on Caroline into the hybrids stomachs.
"This is a warning for all of you, come after me or my family again and klaus will be the least of your problems" her voice boomed. It strikes a fear a dominance with in them all even Tyler. They all just stared as the Gilbert girls left.
Elena got Bethan back to the boarding, elena healed her sister who was now sleeping. She went downstairs and got tackled by Caroline.
"I'm so so sorry" The blonde confessed and the two girls made up.
"We all friends again?" Bonnie asked Elena and Bethan smiled at each other .
"yeah but you missed Bethan putting those hybrids in their place, she went all alpha female on their asses" Elena laughed.
maybe she's a werewolf and we don't know" Bonnie joined ....
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