《Keeping It Halal》Feelings


Right now, I was in my room, with May. We were talking about a bunch of girl stuff. "So, when are you and Adel getting married Inshallah?" I asked her. "Well since we're both 19, we want to wait until we are...like maybe...25? I don't know. I don't wanna get married young! But Adel wants to get married at 23...But, you never know what the future will bring. Inshallah Allah helps us both." She squealed. I hugged her so tightly then my phone rang. May quickly picked it up before me and answered. It was Marwan, Dalia and Mohamed. I snatched my phone from May and started talking to my bstfs. "Oh my God! I missed you guys soooooo much! What's good you guys?!" I asked. "We're awesome!" Dalia and Mohamed said together. They were using the same phone; they were at Starbucks. "Ugh, I wish you were in Sudan Mo. Same with you Dalia." I groaned at the thought that they were gone. Dalia and Mohamed had to go, so they left the call. May got up and left my room to clean some dishes. "Aye! What about me!" Marwan started. "I still love you, even if you said that. I'll ALWAYS love you." "I don't know if I will- Hahahaaha JK! I'll always love you Marwan!" I laughed. Just then, Adel came in, with a VERY angry expression painted over his face. "Who is this 'Marwan' you're saying you will "Always love", huh?!" He yelled. "No no! It's just a random number. I tried to decline and this guy's probably high or something! He probably mistakened me for someone else." I laughed nervously. "High? Random guy? You think that of me? Of your own cousin? You're embarrassed of me. I'm an embarrassment." Marwan asked, upset and hurt. "No no you're not my cousin hehehe. I don't even know you." I said, cuttining him off. "When you come to Canada or anywhere, you won't see me Mariam. You won't." Marwn said and with that, declined the call. Adel left and slammed my door behind him, so I ran after him. "Adel no it's not- It's not like that! I love you, not HIM! Adel! Come back!!!" I cried as he walked out of our house. My family came by my side. I let go of their holds and hugs and ran upstairs. I just lost the love of my life. Adel...MY Adel!!! I sat in my room, crying tsumanis💦. I picked up my phone after about 20 minutes of crying and dialed Adel's number. No answer. I called another time. Again, no answer. Yaaaaaa Allah, what to do NOW?! I got a call from Dalia. At first, I was having second thoughts, picking up...But then, I thought that she might be able to help me out. "Hey." I sniffled. "What's wrong Mariam?" She asked, worried. I told her EVERYTHING. "Sheesh. You REALLY hurt Marwan...You should owe him a BIG apology Mariam." I thought about it. "FINE." I huffed. I dialed his number. It went straight to voice mail. Bleep. "Hey Marwan...It's me, Mariam. Well I just wanted to-" Just then, my phone died. Are you serious?! Of all times, you HAD to choose NOW?! I just hope the message gets to him. Inshallah.


I was on Tik Tok right now....Checking Mariam's posts actually...I can't believe I actually still like her..."Fisher pole, reel it in, it's me and my friends," The song on her Tik Tok said. Haha, the Garage Room Freestyle dance! I love that one....I always loved it when she did it...I can't believe she ACC said that abt me. N she has a BOYFRIEND?! Ugh, that rlly crushed me.I don't just LIKE her, I LOVE her. I got a notification, saying I got a voicemail, so I opened it. "Hey Marwan...It's me, Mariam. Well I just wanted to-". It WAS MARIAM! Oh my God she tried to CALL me!!!! Maybe she wanted to apologize. Even if she did, I wouldn't accept it. And I'm over her. I am her cousin, and she threw me to the streets. I am serious. Wallah I'm over her.

-heyyyyy y'all! OMG WHAT THE- WHAT DID MARIAM DO?! Gurl u 4real?!

what was I supposed to do?! Leave me alone!

ummm I created you! I made YOU OK?! U respect me!

Haha JKJKJKK u guys haha! Make sure to vote n ask questions!!! Plzzzz do!

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