《Keeping It Halal》Sweet Home And Weird Meetings


are now at the dinner table, talking about mine and Baba's time in Canada. I didn't want to bring Marwan up though. Just then I got a call from him. I quickly declined, mentally groaning. I REALLY wanted to answer but, we have a rule, at the dinner table NO phones. I had an urge, a magnetic pull to answer and I don't even know why. Did I...Like him? Nah, I should stop being an idiot. I gotta focus on school, not guys. Like I always say, Fries Before Guys. What???? Fries are baeeee! I remember when Marwan and I were younger, we were eating our Happy Meals and he spilt Ketchup and Sweet And Sour sauce all over my BRAND NEW purple flower dress! I got so made at him, that I shoved a frie up his nose (NVR EVER do THAT lmaoo)! I was grounded for a week! I remember Marwan always sticking up for me though- Like when May was mean to me, he would always tell her to stop and pretend to 'fight' her, although May always won 😂. Oh and by the way, May's starting University tomorrow!!! I'm so happy for her....But in a week, Mohamed's going to Canada for University; University of Toronto. Dalia and I want to go there together Inshallah. Oh and by the way, since Kareema's family disapprove of our family, Mohamed and Kareem aren't friends anymore. I was really going to miss Mohamed...He was skipping College and going to University instead.....


"Mo please don't leave!!" I groaned. "Come on, I'll call you EVERYDAY! Inshallah. And at least Dalia and I will get to know each other more." He said, whispering the last part. I told him bout everything in Canada. Even Marwan and stuff. And he said that he wants to be friends with him now...


"Mariam! Get up baby. We are going out!" Mama yelled to me, from my room. And yes, we moved out and I FINALY have my own room again! May decided she wanted to get a dorm and live on Campus with her friend, Leena. She's really nice. "Yayyy! May and Leena are coming too! Same with May's boyfriend!" Tala said to outside my door. "Aye! No inappropriate language Tala! Fahma?" Mama said, slapping her butt, lightly. Tala laughed and Mama tickled her, laughing at the same time. "Something came in the mail Mariam! It has your name on it!! WHAT DID YOU ORDER?!" Baba yelled. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE YELLING TODAY?! When I got downstairs and opened the package, I saw that it had a little note:


Awwww tysm Dalia ily! ❤❤❤

I put on a teal oversized shirt with some ripped Mom Jeans and a pearl white Hijab. I also decided to wear my Nike Air Force 1s "Somebody lookes good!! Dressed to impress?" Leena and May asked suddenly coming into the washroom, looking at me from head to toe. "Why are y'all checking me out?!" I said, slapping there arms and pulling them into the washroom to help me out with my makeup. "So, should I wear this brownish nudish or the tinted pinky one?" I asked. "The nudish brownish. It's closer to your skin." May remarked. "Yea I gotta agree," Leena started. "Kay c'mon fam. Let's y gooooo!" She said, charging outside with May and I in her linked hands. Just then Adel, May's man pulled up with his car. He was driving Leena, May and I with him, because there wasn't enough room in the other car. "Hey Adel. Thanks again." May said, blushing again. Ugh what a dum-dum😑. Hahahah! I nudged Leena😏. "Awwwww goals!" We said together on three. May slapped the back of our heads. "Idioties!" She said. Adel just laughed. He was SO tall compared to her and he had black hair and a darker completion. He was Sudani too, May's Type🙄🙄🙄. Idc where ma bae's from, as long as they have strong Deen . When we got into the car, Adel turned Kick Down The Door, by Harris J and AJ Jung. Ahhh I wish Dalia was here so that we can argue about who is cuter, Harris J or Adam Saleh. I am #TeamHarris! "I kick down the door, what do you mean, we ain't finnessing and nobody's stressing," Harris started singing. I immediately started fan-girling and the girls rolled their eyes at me. "What? I'm a JJ. To the end." I said.

"Kay. Hop out girls." Adel said, opening the door of his Jeep for us. When we got inside Corinthia, the restaurant part of it, not the hotel , the waiter came to take our orders. "Ok what do you guys want?" Baba asked in English, flipping through his menu. "Oh you speak English? So do I. Salamualakum my name is Abdallah but please, call me Abdu. What would you all like to order?" He asked with a bow. Ugh, I hate guys like these; they think they're SO cool. He was tall and dark and had a man-bun in his wavy curly hair. And he had muscles. BIG muscles. Ok he WAS atractive but, not my type. When he got up from his bow, he looked at me and smiled. OMG HE LOOKED LIKE A DARKER VERSION OF MENA MASSOUD. Fine, he was kinda cute...a little more cute than I thought before. Mama looked from him to me and smiled at Baba. But he just looked confused. May, Leena, Adel, Taala and Ahmed just smirked at me. I'm gonna slap em' with my slipper when we get home! I thought. This was sooooo embarrassing. "Wow what a gentleman. Mama mojuda 'Is Mama here'?" My Mom asked. Plzzzzzzz don't be here! "Yes. Right there. Mama! Mama!" He called over to his Mom. Wow she was a beautiful women. She had long wavy black hair and wore a Abaaya, a long dress garnement; It was purple and had blue and pink gems on it. She looked young too; REALLY young. "Ya Habibi! Did they find you a bride?! Is it that beautiful girl over there?!" She asked, hugging me. She was sweet. She pulled away really quickly and started stating facts about her son. "Oh his name's Abdallah; call him Abdu, he's 18, oh you two can have your wedding when you're 24 and he's 26, yes and he is planning to be a teacher; highschool science teacher." She stated. We all looked at her, asf she were CRAZY, except Mama who beamed. Baba did too, but I could tell that he wanted MY choice to go. Well, maybe I should give it a try. "Oh butI mean, Abdu's choice matters too, doesn't it?" I smiled. Abdu returned the smile. We just smiled and stared at eachother for a good 8 seconds, before his Mom became loud again. "I would LOVE to have a daughter in law!" She said, then whispered something in Abdu's ear, then in Mama's ear, which Mama whispered at Baba. Baba nodded his head. "So uh...Wanna maybe exchange socials? Or numbers; whatever works for you...Just so that we can stay in touch?" Adel asked. I nodded and smiled. "Sure." I said, blushing and taking my phone out. You know what, I think I DO like him...Maybe even, love.


-Oh my God! U guys she found her man! YASSSSSSSS! So, I decided to start this new thing where you ask questions after the chapter, as I stated in the beggining of the chapter...But PLZZZ guys- Ask questions in the comments! Wallah it makes my day! Ily all n stay safe! Mwah ;3

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