《Keeping It Halal》Spill Your Guts


Honestly, I don't know why I did it, being rude to Mariam. And Dalia. And Kareem! I just...I dunno. I was jealous I guess so I told him to make her less popular than she already is. She has SO many friends and everyone loves her. All the boys have crushes on her. All the teachers love her. Let's cut to the chase- EVERYONE LOVES HER😤! I wanna be just like her. I feel bad. For everything, but I can't stop now. I won't. Only weak people stop there but me? No. I'll do whatever it takes to get to her place. And anyone who gets in my way? Oh there WILL be no one. I took my phone out and decided to text Raya about something we were planning on doing.

kk time for phase 2

"Mama please." I pleaded. I really wanted to go back. "No. We are going. It's final. You can go back with Baba to get personal things if you want. But you guys will return the day after." She said back. Oh my God day WHA?! "Really oh my God yes! I might get to see Dalia!" I said as I dashed off to Baba. "Woe were are you headed to? Speedy much?" He asked stopping me. "Yay! I'm so excited! I get to go to Canada with you! Can we please go to Dalia's?! I wanna see her one last time...I never got to say goodbye." I thought, sadly. Baba nodded. I was SO HAPPY! Oh and did I mention that we got our own house in Sudan? It's pretty big. Well it's actually an apartment but yea it's cool. All good. I went into the kitchen and poured some lemon juice in a glass. I also opened the box of Royal Cookies, six AMAZING pieces of deliciousness in a package, only the worlds best cookies. I poked the bag a bit and put a bit of water inside (it's NOT as gross as it sounds! Once you taste it, you'll know what I mean 😉). I turned my phone on and went straight to HouseParty. Dalia and I play games on there sometimes. "Hey guess what?!" I screamed. "Bruh what the- I CALLED YOU FIFTEEN TIMES!" She exclaimed. "Sorry I was busy but guess what? I'm coming! To Canada for a day! To get our stuff. I'll convince Baba to let us stay another day Inshallah!" I told her. She squealed, happily. "Omg Girllllll! I'm so excited! And maybe we can have a sleepover!" She planned. I shook my head and decided it was time to play a game. We picked to play karaoke. We were singing Call Me Maybe. "Where you think you're going baby?! Hey I just met you! And this is crazy! But here's my number! So call me maybe!" We yelled out. "All of the other- what can I sing too?" Mohamed said, walking into my room. "Mo get out! You didn't knock!" I yelled and threw my red heart shaped pillow on him. "No let him stay! He's funny. Add him to the room." Dalia said. I turned the phone away because she wasn't wearing her Hijab. Mohamed walked out and Dalia put her Hijab back on. I added him to the room after Dalia put her Hijab on. After Mohamed joined the room, I said, "I'll give y'all some privacy to say what we are all DYING for y'all to say." And before they could object, I exited the room, leaving them two together. I ran and listened through Mohamed's door. I was gonna scare them SOOOO BAD! "Hey I uh-" "Yea I know. I like you too...Love." She interrupted him. Oh my God this was the PERFECT love story! After mine of course. I burst into the room. "Mohamed and Dalia sitting on a tree! Marry first then you can be K.I.S.S.I.N.G! Hahaha I'm planning the wedding, Malia!" I screamed out in laughter. "Shut it! Someone will hear! And who is Malia?" He asked, confused. He then let out a sigh, knowing what I was talking about. "Oh." I was so happy for them. Dalia blushed under her glasses. "Awwww you're so cute when you blush." He said. She turned away. "Why so sad, pretty lady?" He joked, trying to copy a line from the movie Enchanted. "I hate how I look when I blush." She said. "Dalia, Beta (Child in Pakistani)! Down here. Now!" Her Mom screamed. Dalia shrugged and left the house. Mohamed and I just stayed like that, in silence. I was so happy. So many great things have happened today.

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