《Keeping It Halal》For The Night


I woke up at 7 A.M to little kids screaming and yelling and running all at once. I got out of my sleeping bag and went into the living room. "Bi taamilu fi eh?" I asked my cousins. That means, 'What are you doing?' In Arabic. They were sitting infront of the T.V. "Benahdar fi musalsal 'Tom And Jerry'." Zain answered, with a thick accent. He said, 'We are watching the show Tom And Jerry.' I sat at and watched with them for a bit and then left to the kitchen and on my way I saw Khalto Taysir hanging the clothes on the balcony to dry. She was screaming at another lady in Arabic, of course. They were screaming about who stole who's husband and the latest male Egyptian singers (WEIRD right?). I decided to mind my own buisness and made myself some instant noodles, which was definetly NOT the 'Typical Egyptian Breakfast.' The 'Typical Egyptian Breakfast' included, egg, beans, feta cheese, salad, pastarami, hummus, sometimes pickles, olives and Shai Be Laban, milk tea like I specified in the first chapter. Well actually, this is the 'Typical Arab Breakfast.' After I finished up with my noodles, I grabbed a seat at the table and before I could even take a bite of my delicious Mr. Noodles, all my cousins came by me. Don't they HATE me? I thought. "Cul I haf sum?" Shaadia, Khalto Taysir's daughter asked. I couldn't understand. "Oulti Eh?" I asked her in the Egyptian dialect. Whenever I'm at Egypt, I talk the Egyptian dialect and at Sudan, I talk the Sudanese dialect. But in the UAE, I speak both I guess. "Cul I haf some. Yaani Munkin haba?" She explained. Oh now I get what she meant! She meant to say, 'Could I have some.' But of course, she speaks broken English. I looked around at all my cousins, I could tell that they all wanted to 'Haf sum.' I sighed and passed it on to them. I went into the laundry room, where Baba and Mama were sleeping (OF COURSE THEY HAD TO GIVE THEM THE BAD ROOM BECAUSE OF MAMA) and I saw Mama awake, on her phone. I took a seat beside her and she hugged me tightly. She told me to look with her so I did. She was on FaceBook and looking at beautiful makeup looks. "Fi Hafla Alaila. Ana aousa akoon shakly koyis. Haamil al makeup al burtukaali ashaan toubi burtukali." She told me in the Sudanese dialect. Here is the translation: 'Ther is a party today. I want to look good. I'm going to do the orange makeup so that it matches my orange toub 'In this context, a female toub (There are men's toubs as well'. Baba woke up beside us. "You two better go get ready. I know the party is after Maghrib prayer, but it'll take forever with a house full of girls." He joked.


I was ready for the party. I had a pretty blue short dress with dark blue tights and a blue hijab to match and top it all off. I decided to keep it simple and wear a tinted nude Glossier lipgloss but May, oh May she wore a face full of makeup. I had to admit, it matched her red dress. May didn't wear hijab, and that's ok. Totally ok. Women are not forced, it is just a choice that they make. I chose to wear it because, I feel more respected and I am serving my Lord, Allah Subhana Wa Taala. Alhamdullallah, I feel like such a great Muslimah, female Muslim. We all got out of the house and pilled into our cars. I rode in the taxi though, with my mom, Angie, Zain, Ahmed, Tala and May. The rest went in separate cars. I was very excited and Angie, of course she had to, asked the driver if she could connect her phone to the AUX. She turned songs like Amar Eh by Amr Diab and Ahla Haga Feeki by Mohamed Hamaki. She turned on a whole bunch of songs. I loved all of them but my favorite was Wahda Wahda by Mohamed Hamaki. I don't know but, it just seemed to remind me of Kareem. Weird, right? Speaking of him, I missed him. A lot. I don't just like him- I love him! I decided to clear my mind off things and went on Instagram to post something. Oh no! I completely forgot to check that Instagram DM! Darn it. I was looking forward to reading it but I don't have data. I'll just have to wait.

When we got there, music was blasting! It was crazy. I've never seen a party THIS big and loud. I was about to get out of the car, when a hand held my hand and kissed it. I kicked the person in the head (just a reflex)! Who would DARE kiss my hand, unless they're a mahram. They looked up and I saw that one face. That one face I despised, Marwan! Ugh why did he HAVE to be here?!?! I got out of the car and slapped his arm (you should notice, it's a habit of mine lol;). "My God what the-" "Don't you EVER touch me. EVER do I make myself clear? And also, um..sorry." I interrupted him. "How? Wha- YOU JUST KICKED MY NOSE BECAUSE I WAS HELPING YOU DOWN!" He screamed to me, as I was walking away. "Sorry! Reflex!" I yelled back. I went into the tent and lights were flashing all over. It was AWESOME! I knew this night would be AWESOME! I pulled Angie's arm and we asked the dude controlling the speaker if I could connect my phone. "Tafadali ya amoora." 'Go ahead Princess' is the translation. Wow that was nice. I realized I needed internet so I checked and I had it. YASSSSS! First I checked the Instagram DM, remembering it. IT WAS KAREEM! He texted me! Oh Kareema, Raya and I are SO not finished. How could they? And I expected Raya to be sweet and stand up to this childishness...and Kareema and I were so close! What happened?! "Yakhi 'Seriously' hurry up Mariam!" Angie urged. "Ok well Kareem likes me- I think. He texted me." I whispered. "Ok ok fine that is a good reason. NOW TURN THE MUSIC ON!" She urged again. I quickly texted a 'OMG TYSM FOR TELLING ME N I AM GLAD DAT WE R GOOD K!' Positif on. Although a lot of people didn't understand English and French (did I mention I speak French and Spanish as well), everyone was still boppin'. It was awesome! I opened Snap Chat up and took a video of EVERYONE when Dynamite by BTS came on. I loved my life. And with this mindset, good was surly to come- Inshallah!


-OMG TYSM FOR ALL Z SUPORT! IT'S CRAZY HOW THIS BOOK IS LUVED BY SO MANY! Omg tysm 4 all z ppl voting n reading n commenting! Ily all sooo much! I have a recommended book for y'all n Ik I already mentioned it, but I LUV IT TOO MUCH😍😍😍. Its called Harris J Love Story! It's by !

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