《Keeping It Halal》It's A House Party


When our plane landed in Egypt, Baba's sister, Khalto Taysir met us there with her kids. She had two boys, Zayn and Ziad and a girl, Shaadia. Zayn was 13, Ziad 20 and Shaadia was my age so 16. And yes I am 16 now. FINALLY!!!!!! "Salam Ayman! And company...How are you Ayman Ya Habibi?!" She hugged my dad and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She gave the rest of us dirty looks. Her kids hated us though too. All of my cousins on Baba's side hate us. But Khalto Angie has no kids. She can't have any and her husband cheated on her and abused her a lot. He left her to be all alone. Ya Haraam I thought. Ya Haraam is an expression meaning, how sad, in Arabic.

Since Khalto Taysir's husband took their car for work, we took a Taxi. Taxi in Arabic is Moasalaat. I rode in the very back and looked out the window. "Salaam Ya Gamaa. Ana Magdi. Magdi Alsawaar." The driver told us, in Arabic. Here's a translation of what he said: "Hello people. I am Magdi. Magdi Alsawaar." I waved my hand and he waved back. Egypt was so pretty and had such pretty people; inside and out. I just hope that one day, Egypt and Sudan will unite in Harmony. Not all Sudanese people liked Egyptians and not all Egyptians liked Sudanese people. Not always personal just mostly government stuff. Really. Complicated. Government stuff.

When we got to Khalto Taysir's house (where we were staying for our visit) it was literally a House Party. I got all my aunts on one side and a few uncles here and there, some family friends and the annoying little cousins running around the house and playing. My thoughts were interrupted my a voice I knew very well. "Typical Arab Family, eh?" I turned around to see Khalto Angie dressed in a beautiful tea pink top, some jeans and a golden Hijab. "My God you scared me Angie! Anyway, wassup?!" I told her. (She let's me call her Angie btw, n she speaks fluent English bc she learned it in University). "Nothing much. I missed you too." She came in for a hug, which was interrupted by khalto Taysir's usual ranting. Yooo Angie! Oultilik meet mara! Al aada. Nathifi alada! S'il Vous Plait!" I'll translate this in English too: "Angie! I told you a hundred times. The dishes! Clean the dishes! S'il Vous Plait (Please in French)!" I mean, don't you think she's going over?! Well I mean, it is her house after all. "Kay Taysir. Ok sorry I have to go Mariam. But later Inshallah, we can talk about the things you texted me about a few days ago." Angie said. And with that, she got up and left. And now, I was alone. I looked around. Everyone was laughing. Except Mama and I. Everyone was talking. Except Mama and I. Everyone was not alone. And you guessed it, except Mama and I. So I walked over to her, decided to stir a conversation up. "Hello Mama. Kaifik?" Kayfik means how are you in Arabic, for a female. "Good. Good Alhamdullallah. How about you? Having fun?" She asked. She leaned in for a hug and I hugged her back.


Buzzzzzz buzzzzz buzzzzz!

My phone rang. It was Dalia! I excused myself and ran into my cousin Kholoud's room. I was sleeping in her room for our visit. I answered and Dalia's face filled the screen. "Heyyyy girlll! How is Egypt?!" She asked. "Oh my God I missed you! Awesome! How are Kareema and Raya?!" I asked. Dalia didn't answer me until a while. "Well.. Here's the thing," She started off. "Kareema and Raya kinda, sorta, mighta hate us. Ok fine they do. And Kareema forced Kareem to make her more popular than you and if he didn't than she said she'd spill that he likes you." I was stunned. He liked me. I sqwealed a bit which cause Dalia to smirk. "Yalla yalla I'm planning the wedding! Oh my God what would your ship name be?! How about Mareem? No Kariam! Yes Kariam! And you guys will have four kids: Sumaya, Alia, Hannah and Razan!" She exclaimed. "He what about boys?!" I smiled after saying that. Just then, Kareem popped in. "Mariam who are- Oh hi Dalia! Wassup?!" I punched him in the shoulder. "Omg you gotta stop doing that!" He whinnied and smiled, trying not to show his pain. "Nobody says OMG anymore! Only in text Mohamed!" I told him. "Yes they do! Anyway, Baba said to come to dinner." He answered and left the room. "Well? Do you like him?" I asked, smirking. She turned a little red against her dark completion. "Fine. Yes. Just don't speak a word about it!" She answered. I knew it! "Okay fine!" I told her. She had to go to her uncles wedding so we hung up. Just then, Angie came in. She knew about Kareem. She knew about Kareema. And Raya. And everything. She knew about everything. "Well? Any updates with Kareem or Kareema and Raya?" She asked me. "Well yes. Kareem...um..he kinda-" I started. "Breath in. And out. You know you can trust me. What's up honey?" She asked. She hugged me. "Dalia called me and told me that Kareema and Raya are against me. Also, Kareem likes me!" I quietly squwealed. Angie's face lit up with mine. She hugged me even tighter. "Oh my God! We better start planning the wedding! Can we have Dabke?!" She joked around. Dabke is a type of dancind. You might hear it in Arab weddings and parties a lot. I blushed a little against my dark completion. And yes, black people CAN blush a bit! I pulled my purple hijab over my face so that she couldn't see it. "Fine ok! Just not a peep comes out. Pwease?" I pouted. She threw a pillow on me. Next thing I know, we're having a pillow fight. Oh how I loved Angie. So much. She always cracked me up.


-Hiya! Anyways, I enjoyed writing/typing this chapter a lottttt! btw, nobody in Sudan, Egypt or the United Arab Emirits speaks English, unless I specify that they do. Any ideas for chapters u guys?! Plzzzz let me know n I will try my hardest! If u give an idea, you get a shout out! Speaking of shout outs, PLZ GO READ THIS AWESOME BOOK BY

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